Answer the questions – yes or no. What are you afraid of if you’re not lying? Tic-Toc-Tic-Toc.
In regard to ALPA, it’s not an opinion. But how would you know? Here are the facts:
-- The MEC chairman has written Paul Rice, ALPA International VP of Adminstration, asking him to launch an investigation into PHL Rep impropriety. That’s not me, it’s the Master Chairman.
-- The MEC chairman has ALPA Legal investigating the actions of the PIT F/O Rep.
By the way, US Airways has banned passengers before and I believe they might want to do it to you too.
BoeingBoy knew these points when he made his comment about a private email, which was information I obtained from the ALPA message board. He’s a lair who also misrepresents information period. Like you…I call them like I see them.
I will tell you why he will not answer my questions -- he is a liar, period. If there is anything that makes me mad it is dishonest people, like BoeingBoy.
The UCT has been publicly discussed in numerous articles and Bronner spoke about buying UAL assets four times. Did you miss that too? Moreover, Dave Siegel told our entire crew about the UCT after talks collapsed.
The reason MDA is not working is because of labor again. 25 aircraft does not create economies of scale because the fleet is too small, but how would you know about airline operations, airline marketing and planning, and specific economics as a passenger with “an ax to grind’? If labor had participated in the new business plan the EMB-170 financing would not have been cut off, as GE warned the ALAP MEC last summer could occur during the LOA 91 talks. In fact, I was at the MEC meeting when that was announced.
You’re right, “Reposting the stuff heard thru the glass pressed to the doors in CCY does not make for an authoritative voice.†But directly talking to the parties involved does.
Too bad you’re wrong about US Airways’ emergence, the amount of exit financing, and the amount of players involved, again.