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Usair Hanging On To Her Assets

USA320Pilot said:
You know I cannot hyperlink information from the "Pilots Only" forum so how can I respond to your challenge. In addition, you know there is a way to check logins. As ClueByBour indicated, you're busted.

Well, no. I was not referring to Jim.

See above on how you could very easily produce proof. You postulated that Jim seems to have been logged in somewhere. Burden is yours, not his to refute.

It strikes me that the the BOS rep is wasting time--all he will get is another rep who is, shall we say, representative of the voting majority in the PHL base (and maybe even one who disagrees with him and his bloc even more than the now-retired rep). Thus, outside of playing politics, you have to wonder what might happen. Crap like this is why the HP MEC is going to eat the AAA MEC alive when it's time to merge the lists....

I’m not going to back into the archives and cut and paste some of your comments disputing my points about multiple bidders to be US Airways’ exit financing or the facts about the POR. However, it appears your “ax to grindâ€￾ view of US Airways was wrong, again.

How could that be?

In regard to checking log-ins there is an option to check who is on-line.

By the way, why do you believe BoeingBoy refuses to answer my questions.


USA320Pilot said:
In regard to checking log-ins there is an option to check who is on-line.

Ah, the old ALPA software had that function but not the new - that's one of the bigger complaints about it.

Still trying to skate out of proving your assertion I see. That's ok - I've written all the web board folks....

You know, I predicted thet meltdown when Bronner won over TPG. It happened.

I further predicted that the majority of investment in US will come from those who either have massive exposure or who get terms that make a loan-shark jealous.

I predicted the PHL meltdown when it was turned into the sole northeast hub.

Three for three.

Care to speak about the UA UCT? The E-170s as a "competitive LCC response?" That a certain LCC would ever enter PIT (or even PHL, with that "competitive LCC response"? That the pilots never "shut 'er down" when the pension went kaput (the first time)?

Tell you what--when all those investors turn the reigns over to Doug Parker, and your "fairy god jumpseaters" are shown the door, and the HP MEC has you commuting to PHX as a reserve--you will see that your fellow employees and interested outsiders on this forum have/had it right. But hey--you can share the jumpseat with messers Jones and Pollack and figure out where it went wrong.

It's about hitting the strategic trends. Reposting the stuff heard thru the glass pressed to the doors in CCY does not make for an authoritative voice. And that particular brand of kool-aide might go down smooth for the desperate, but that aftertaste is gonna have hints of bovine excrement when it comes back up...


When would now be a good time to admit you were wrong.


Answer the questions – yes or no. What are you afraid of if you’re not lying? Tic-Toc-Tic-Toc.


In regard to ALPA, it’s not an opinion. But how would you know? Here are the facts:

-- The MEC chairman has written Paul Rice, ALPA International VP of Adminstration, asking him to launch an investigation into PHL Rep impropriety. That’s not me, it’s the Master Chairman.

-- The MEC chairman has ALPA Legal investigating the actions of the PIT F/O Rep.

By the way, US Airways has banned passengers before and I believe they might want to do it to you too.

BoeingBoy knew these points when he made his comment about a private email, which was information I obtained from the ALPA message board. He’s a lair who also misrepresents information period. Like you…I call them like I see them.

I will tell you why he will not answer my questions -- he is a liar, period. If there is anything that makes me mad it is dishonest people, like BoeingBoy.


The UCT has been publicly discussed in numerous articles and Bronner spoke about buying UAL assets four times. Did you miss that too? Moreover, Dave Siegel told our entire crew about the UCT after talks collapsed.

The reason MDA is not working is because of labor again. 25 aircraft does not create economies of scale because the fleet is too small, but how would you know about airline operations, airline marketing and planning, and specific economics as a passenger with “an ax to grind’? If labor had participated in the new business plan the EMB-170 financing would not have been cut off, as GE warned the ALAP MEC last summer could occur during the LOA 91 talks. In fact, I was at the MEC meeting when that was announced.

You’re right, “Reposting the stuff heard thru the glass pressed to the doors in CCY does not make for an authoritative voice.†But directly talking to the parties involved does.

Too bad you’re wrong about US Airways’ emergence, the amount of exit financing, and the amount of players involved, again.


You claim something as fact - prove it. What's the matter? Can't?

When would now be a good time to admit your mouth wrote a check your ### can't cover.


O.K. answer just one question or are you a coward?

Did you read Garland Jones’ post titled “ALPA National and the Question of MEC Representational Improprietyâ€￾ on the ALPA message board before making your comments on USAviation.com about a private email tonight?

Very respectfully,

USA320Pilot, have you ever heard of the term: "Less is more." Your rabid pursuit of trying to be right (whatever that is) will be your downfall - if it hasn't been already. Sometimes you just need to say WTF, why do you feel the need to be right? It's one thing if you have a proven track record of being right; it's a whole other ball of wax to keep being wrong and be in denial. C-ya on campus.

It has nothing to do with being right. I am wrong a lot -- just look at my eraser. What I do not like is purposeful misrepresentation/lying by those who are referred to as the "darksiders" or people who "shoot the messenger" when I know the information is fact.


USA320Pilot said:

O.K. answer just one question or are you a coward?

Did you read Garland Jones’ post titled “ALPA National and the Question of MEC Representational Improprietyâ€￾ on the ALPA message board before making your comments on USAviation.com about a private email tonight?

Very respectfully,


Why should I - you've already said that it's a fact that I did, and on April 28th.

If I said "yes", you'd just claim to have been right all along when both of us know you don't have a clue.

If I said "no" you'd just accuse me of lying again.

When would now be a good time to admit you were lying thru your teeth?



You said the information was from a private email trying to discredit me when the information came from the ALPA message board. If it's a private email how would you know? Are you a computer hacker?

You saw the information on the ALPA message Board and tried to tell part of the sotry to discredit me. That's the problem I have with you. If you're going to tell a story tell the whole story and do not misrepresent information, especially when it's about me.

You saw the post on the ALPA Message Board and you know it, therefore, tell the truth instead of fabricating information and amking a comment about a private email.


PineyBob said:
Jeez you just behaved worse than your children! Calling someone a "Coward" is name calling you Pompous Windbag.

My Money is with Boeing Boy in this pissing match. Film at 11, stay tuned!


I certainly don't have a dog in this fight (but placing my bet on Boeing Boy) ......

but all I keep seeing is 320 screaming "LIAR LIAR...Pants on fire!"

USA320Pilot said:

It has nothing to do with being right. I am wrong a lot -- just look at my eraser. What I do not like is purposeful misrepresentation/lying by those who are referred to as the "darksiders" or people who "shoot the messenger" when I know the information is fact.



"Darksiders" -- who are these people? Employees that are sick of being hosed over...IMHO they have a right to be "darksiders." Now, about this "shooting the messenger", USA320Pilot you've bypassed the "messenger" moniker. You are an unabashedly self-proclaimed CCY cheerleader. I mean, really now, what do you expect...? I know you're not stupid, but people think you're a management brown-noser. Sorry, but that's just asking for cyber-wedgie from the other worker bees.
PineyBob, BoeingBoy, and ClueByFour:

Just one more point...

What’s your opinion of the ALPA MEC chairman asking ALPA International to investigate the ALPA PHL MEC Reps for impropriety and asking the ALPA Legal Department to investigate illicit actions of the PIT F/O Rep?



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