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Usair Hanging On To Her Assets

Now that I'm back from running errands and getting checked off by the Doc for another 6 months of flying, indulge me while I recap.....

USA320Pilot made a specific charge:

USA320Pilot said:

You logged onto the ALPA website on April 28 and saw those comments, but failed to report the whole story.



I, knowing that he should have no access to such data (if it exists at all), asked him to either prove his statement was true or admit it was made up - nothing more, nothing less.

Now, 5 pages of continuing rants, insults, defamatory remarks, innuendo, etc, later, he has still refused to substantiate his statement or admit he made it up.

So, I've asked the ALPA web board personnel these three simple questions:

1 - Is there any record kept of who logs on to the ALPA web board, when they logged on, and what they read while logged on?

2 - If #1 is "Yes", who has approved access to that information - any pilot, MEC/Committee members, ALPA National officials?

3 - If #1 is "Yes" and #2 does not include any pilot, what are the guidelines for releasing that information and to whom may it be released?

USA320Pilot can dance around all he wants. The answers to the above questions should be interesting.....

a320av8r said:
Could you guys "take it outside"?

Use private e-mail.


EXCELLENT!! that has been my point for along time about the U employees. they are the only group that posts incessantly on this board. they need to take it IN HOUSE .
Look at the AA board, largest airline in the world and not many posts.
Hey, U employees chill a bit ok??

320pilot, take a deep breath, turn the computer off, take your wife out to dinner...

You'd be amazed at how wonderful life is outside your present state of mind.
skyflyr69 said:
EXCELLENT!! that has been my point for along time about the U employees. they are the only group that posts incessantly on this board. they need to take it IN HOUSE .
Look at the AA board, largest airline in the world and not many posts.
Hey, U employees chill a bit ok??


Put all those dastardly alleged employees on ignore, that'll show 'em. 😉
USA320Pilot said:

I would not expect you to understand since you are probably aligned with the "darksiders" too.

The issue is simple:

Perhaps we'd better establish that your expectations are meaningless to me, so keep your expectations out of this equation. Namecalling, i.e., "darksiders" lacks decorum and puts into question ones integrity, it can also lead one to wonder about the poster's courage. I can sift rather rapidly through posted bullsh!t in order to arrive at the true meaning and purpose of a post, as has most everyone reading this topic ... we've noticed your repetitive dodge and squirm; you wouldn't be trying to "shoot the messenger", would you? :blink:

You're going to have an aneurysm over this, but why? Because you've made allegations against Jim (a very nice gentleman, btw) regarding something completely idiotic. When did he log on, what did he read, when did he read it, why did he post what he had and why not additional info? It is completely absurd for a grown man, that claims to be professional, (and calls everyone else out for poor forum behavior) whom has now created a whole new bottom in which to sink. Once again, prove it**, or move on; anything else is tantamount to pure character assassination and useless repetitive drivel.

**Innocent until proven guilty, you have the onus probandi (burden of proof), i.e., It is a general rule, that the party who alleges the affirmative of any proposition shall prove it. It is also a general rule that the onus probandi lies upon the party who seeks to support his case by a particular fact of which he is supposed to be cognizant.
TheLarkAscending said:
What a waste of your precious time and energy...


Au contrare, Lark - I've been enjoying every minute of it. And it ain't over yet.....

BoeingBoy said:
It sounds like a “bluffâ€￾ to me.

Wait. "Who was the first on this board to say......."


(Well, really second, because Jim certainly knew it all along--and I'm not referring to Jim as the "busted" party...)

You continue to twist information and you refuse to not answer my primary question.

Did you read Jones' post on the ALPA message board posted on April 28 regarding the charges of PHL Rep impropriety and the ALPA investigation into LEC Rep fraud before you made your recent post supporting the PHL Reps?

Yes or no?

That post was made over two week's ago and you're going to great lengths to try and distract others with fluff.

Again, you refuse to answer the key question and you try distractions. Moreover, you continue to cut and paste information from archives to try and discredit the messenger.

Plagiarism is the greatest form of flattery, this I will say it again, when would now be a good time for you to finally be honest?

You're right about this being fun because you refuse to answer the question. Why? Because you know you have been caught misrepresenting information.


USA320Pilot said:

You continue to twist information and you refuse to not answer my primary question.

Did you read Jones' post on the ALPA message board posted on April 28 regarding the charges of PHL Rep impropriety and the ALPA investigation into LEC Rep fraud before you made your recent post supporting the PHL Reps?

Yes or no?

That rope around your neck must be getting tight and cutting off the oxygen to your brain. Since I made no post in this thread (or any other in a long time) about the PHL reps, how could I have posted anything supported them? Another lie, perhaps?

USA320Pilot said:
That post was made over two week's ago and you're going to great lengths to try and distract others with fluff.

Fluff, huh. So that's your term for being caught in a lie....

USA320Pilot said:
Again, you refuse to answer the key question and you try distractions. Moreover, you continue to cut and paste information from archives to try and discredit the messenger.

Plagiarism is the greatest form of flattery, this I will say it again, when would now be a good time for you to finally be honest?

You're right about this being fun because you refuse to answer the question. Why? Because you know you have been caught misrepresenting information.



Oh goody - another conjured up "fact". Care to go double or nothing? You don't even have to go to a non-public board - just quote where in this thread I misrepresented anything.

Did I drag the union into this thread - no.

Did I drag investigations into this thread - no.

Did I drag the RC4 into this thread - no.

To quote Clint Eastwood, "Go ahead punk - make my day!"



I find it interesting that you still refuse to answer my question and continue to to put great effort into twisting information.

Did you read Jones' post or not?

Yes or No.

We do not need colors, we do not need a bold font, and we do not need smart-aleck comments from a 58-year old man. We need you to simply answer a question.

If you're not guilty than why so much effort?

Good night -- see you tomorrow.


I find it interesting that you accuse Jim of things and you have no proof, you been called out and yet still fail to provide any proof.

Better go check that blood pressure before you have a stroke or heart attack.
USA320Pilot said:
We do not need colors, we do not need a bold font, and we do not need smart-aleck comments from a 58-year old man. We need you to simply answer a question.
WE? Perhaps you might want to go back and edit those to read "I".
USA320Pilot said:

I find it interesting that you still refuse to answer my question and continue to to put great effort into twisting information.

Care to cite examples to prove this "fact"?

USA320Pilot said:
Did you read Jones' post or not?

Yes or No.

Presuming you mean the one you posted in this thread, a typically ridiculous question. Of course I read it since I read your post containing it.

USA320Pilot said:
We do not need colors, we do not need a bold font, and we do not need smart-aleck comments from a 58-year old man. We need you to simply answer a question.

Engaging in the "royal we", are we? I figured it's be easier to keep you focused on the point at hand if I emphasized it for you. Obviously your particular mental aberration keeps leading you astray. Still refusing to admit you invented "facts"? In the face of incontrovertible evidence? Poor, poor USA320 - you've fallen on the floor in a tantrum and can't get up. You've become entangled in your own web of deceit and are thrashing about in an attempt to escape. What's your next tactic - claiming the chairman of the MEC Electronic Information Systems Committee is a "darksider" out to twist the truth too?

Smart-aleck comments? I guess it probably does seem unfair to you - somebody actually stooping to your level and beating you with your favorite club.

USA320Pilot said:
If you're not guilty than why so much effort?

You know - I am guilty. Guilty of catching you in a lie. Guilty of calling you on it. Guilty of proving it. For someone like you, with such a fragile pyshe, there can certainly be no greater crime than revealing your feet of clay.

Why "so much effort"?

Because you used a lie to sully my good name. Because you have now spent numerous pages of this thread trying to escape blame with one pitiful excuse after another. Because you need to swing in the breeze a little longer to see the error of your ways. Finally, because it's so little effort since you keep compounding your problem, adding lie on top of lie.

USA320Pilot said:
Good night -- see you tomorrow.



Oh, never fear - I'll be here. Tomorrow, next week, next month. So tread carefully, my friend. Don't want your words coming back to haunt you? Choose them very carefully. Don't want your lies exposed? Resist the urge to use them. Don't want your hand slapped when you misbehave? Consider not misbehaving? As the saying goes, "If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen."



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