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Usair Hanging On To Her Assets

USA320Pilot said:
PineyBob, BoeingBoy, and ClueByFour:

Just one more point...

What’s your opinion of the ALPA MEC chairman asking ALPA International to investigate the ALPA PHL MEC Reps for impropriety and asking the ALPA Legal Department to investigate illicit actions of the PIT F/O Rep?



Oh, Captain Pollock has an agenda against the RC4 and anyone associated with them. His minion, Mr. Jones, is like a poodle humping a pantleg, when it comes to digging up ANYTHING to try and discredit them. They Give-Away-Gang will try anything to gain complete control of the MEC.

I can ask ALPA International to investigate YOU for impropriety. You've been airing a lot of dirty laundry on this website for many years. Was your use of posts from USAirways ALPA or Company materials ethical or proper? In many cases I'll bet not.
USA320Pilot said:

It’s not a management “brown-noserâ€￾ as you call it. I prefer to surround myself with experts and then make a decision.


So which one of your so called experts told you the company would win the airbus arbitration?

Amazing how someone can never admit they are wrong.

You and I both know that you read the information on the ALPA message board and have known about it for two weeks. Why did you not post this information when you supported the RC4 and then attacked others?

I find it interesting when you are called out on this and then you are the one trying to be weasel. Is that why you said you contacted ALPA on this issue? Are you trying to find another way out of your misrepresentation campaign?

That’s my point in all of this. You only tell part of the story, cut and paste previous posts, and then try to discredit the messenger. These are normal attributes of what people politically aligned with the RC4 do and you’re no different.

You do the same thing that others do in the so called “darksider†camp only you’re more “sneakyâ€.

Why will you not answer my question? It’s really quit simple.

If not, as I said before, "keep up the distractions...since you will not answer my last question,†because it helps you cover your lack of integrity.


USA320Pilot said:
Why will you not answer my question? It’s really quit simple.

Why ask the question when you claimed to know the answer - was that claim a lie.....

USA320Pilot said:
By the way, why do you believe BoeingBoy refuses to answer my questions.

Knock, knock? Anyone there? BoeingBoy is not refusing to answer your allegations (they're really not questions). He has explained to you (in more ways than it would take to get a three year old to comprehend) that you've made accusations, prove them. That is it in a nutshell. Do it or move on.

I would not expect you to understand since you are probably aligned with the "darksiders" too.

The issue is simple: BoeingBoy knew about the post on the ALPA Message Board two week's ago. He knows it and I know it and now he is trying to squirm out of it because he misrepresented information and was caught.

As ClueByFour would say, "BUSTED".

Again, my point in this debate is honesty, character, and integrity. All BoeingBoy has to say is that I did not review the ALPA Message Board or I did review the ALPA Message Board and I did or did not see Jones' post.

He will not do that. Why? Because he was caught misrepresenting information, again.

Separately, I do not have an issue with somebody disagreeing with my post, my position, or ALPA politics. That can be constructive debate. What I do have a problem with is misrepresentation; as well as cut and pasting archived information from a different topic to try and discredit or "shoot the messenger". That's a normal trait and tactic of the people called the "darksiders".

Finally, I believe BoeingBoy has a split message board personality between his posts on the ALPA forum and this forum.

By the way, if BoeingBoy does not read the ALPA forum or not know about Jones' post how did he know the format changed?

I'm done with this debate because I have asked a question over-and-over and BoeingBoy will not publicly answer the question because he knows I already know the answer. Meanwhile, I bet we get more smart-aleck comments and "twisting" instead of answering an incriminating question. What do you want to bet?


to everything, squirm,squirm,squirm...
there is a season,squirm,squirm,squirm...
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

you get what you pay for........... 😉 B) :lol:
Sorry USA320Pilot, but posting ALPA issues here shows lack of character and intergrity. It is YOU that is lacking 'decorum.'

What's wrong with telling the truth about the investigations being conducted into alleged impropriety and fraud by the PHL Reps and then discussing charges made against the PIT F/O Rep? BoeingBoy supports the people who are being investigated for their illicit actions and he has tried to hide his knowledge of that fact.

All I have done is report the truth and called a spad a spade.

Moreover, I did not call the actions fraud, the MEC Secretary/Treasurer did. I'm not the one seeking an ALPA International investigation conducted by the VP of Administration, the MEC Chairman did. I'm not the one supporting the PHL Reps after he knew about their impropriety, BoeingBoy did.

Is it a lack of "character and decorum" to report the truth or is it a lack of "character and decorum" by those who took the actions that lead to the ALPA Internatioanl investigation at US Airways ALPA, which could cause MEC Reps to face expulsion from the union?


USA320Pilot, this isn't the ALPA forum. I've never been one to question competence but your continued rambling vendetta against specific union officials is troubling.

USA320Pilot said:

What's wrong with telling the truth about the investigations being conducted into alleged impropriety and fraud by the PHL Reps and then discussing charges made against the PIT F/O Rep? BoeingBoy supports the people who are being investigated for their illicit actions and he has tried to hide his knowledge of that fact.

All I have done is report the truth and called a spad a spade.

Moreover, I did not call the actions fraud, the MEC Secretary/Treasurer did. I'm not the one seeking an ALPA International investigation conducted by the VP of Administration, the MEC Chairman did. I'm not the one supporting the PHL Reps after he knew about their impropriety, BoeingBoy did.

Is it a lack of "character and decorum" to report the truth or is it a lack of "character and decorum" by those who took the actions that lead to the ALPA Internatioanl investigation at US Airways ALPA, which could cause MEC Reps to face expulsion from the union?



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