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Usair Hanging On To Her Assets

***A two part post due to the limits on quotes for a single post***

USA320Pilot said:
I find it interesting that your post regarding an email from the EIS Committee was pulled down from the message board by USaviation.com. It’s my understanding you violated ALPA Communications Committee protocol and when you posted information on a public Website without their consent, once again showing your lack of character. Moreover, I understand ALPA requested USaviation.com remove your post because you violated their trust, which has bee done.

Almost as interesting as your post of private material being pulled down. If the moderators choose to do that, it is their right, but at least the "private" message I posted was addressed to me, unlike those you posted. If my action shows a "lack" of character, what does yours show - a total absence of character?

USA320Pilot said:
Let’s be honest here and look at a few facts:

Here we go with those "facts" again....

USA320Pilot said:
You publicly support the ALPA RC4, primarily on the ALPA message board, and continue to do so today. In fact, on May 3, 2005 10:42 PM (five days after reports became public of PHL Rep impropriety) in a ALPA forum topic titled, “Article VIII Charges and the Issue of Trust†regarding official penalties and potential Department of Labor investigation into the ethics of the PHL and PIT Reps, you posted, “All this "darksider" asks is that someone, anyone, actually hold someone responsible for running this airline and stop just talking about doing it.â€

I've never tried to hide my support of the RC4, but yup, that's mine - or a snippet of it (for someone who hates partial quotes you seem to like to use them). And just how does that justify your lie?

USA320Pilot said:
I could have been clearer regarding my comment about the date you visited the ALPA message board, but the point is that you regularly visit the ALPA message board. As indicated above you posted a message and participated in this forum enabling you to Jones’ post after April 28 and before this week’s debate.

Oh, you were very clear about the date. That was your lie

USA320Pilot said:
Meanwhile, I could not agree more about running the company, but let’s be honest here you are politically aligned with the RC4 and are a self acclaimed “darksiderâ€.

I'd say "self proclaimed" instead of "self acclaimed", but correct, just as you are a "GAG'er". This justifies your lie exactly how?

USA320Pilot said:
You use the ALPA Message Board virtually every day and knew on or about April 28 that the members of the RC4 were being investigated for illicit activity. In particular, you knew of the alleged PHL Rep alleged fraud and their impropriety, as well as comments made by the ALPA Secretary/Treasurer regarding these charges, and that the ALPA MEC Chairman has formally requested the ALPA vice president of administration conduct a formal investigation into these charges. Could I have been a little more explicit about the date? Sure, but that‘s not the issue and you know it.

As I said, you were very explicit about the date. That was your lie, wasn't it? As for the rest? That may be your issue but it's not the issue. The only issue I raised was your lie - everything else is obfuscation and opinion.

USA320Pilot said:
The issue here is simple: you support the PHL Reps who have a formal investigation being conducted regarding their ethics. In addition, you knew that the MEC chairman has requested the ALPA Legal Department investigate more “wrong doing†by Pittsburgh First Officer Rep. And continue to support this individual.

Starting to repeat yourself? As I said, that may be your issue but it's not theissue here. The issue here is that you lied and then used that lie to justify your continued slanders.

***Continued in next post***
USA320Pilot said:
My second complaint in addition to the misrepresentation above is your continued effort to “twist†my comments or comments made by made by others in a deceitful and dishonest manner.

Oh, I'm loving this logic - consider the following....

USA320Pilot said:
For example, on May 15, 2005 at 10:45 PM you cut and pasted comments on this forum that I made on May 15 2005, at 9:23 AM and then cut and pasted another comment I made from a post July 1, 2004, at 10:45 PM, about one-year later. The second cut and paste post was to try and draw a link from comment made one-year ago to try to discredit me and place words into my mouth as if they were made this week in sequential order, which they were not. You purposely misrepresented the information in an attempt to manipulate your argument by “twisting†my comments. You sir are pathetic and subtly antagonistic.

As you should know - if pesky things like facts meant anything to you - this is the chronological order. I've used color to make a distinction between posts by different individuals and bolded the parts I quoted in my post you reference above.

You posted this, which is the source of the 1st of your posts mentioned above - note the date & time:
USA320Pilot said:

Is that why the interim PHL F/O Rep is being investigated for impropriety by ALPA National? Would you care to describe the alleged dishonesty and why the MEC chairman and Paul Rice from ALPA National have launched an investigation into his affairs?

At least his term ends I believe on June 10.



In turn, this was posted (sorry for dragging you into this Mtnman928) - again note the date & time. This is the source of the next quote in my post you referenced:

Mtnman928 said:
This is the same rhetoric that came out after the failed recall attempt in PHL last year. While I can’t put my hands on in I remember the same individual making a claim that there would be “investigations†around improprieties regarding that vote. I have not yet received a phone call or letter asking for my statement regarding that action or did I file a complaint about the outcome.

Yes, the F/O rep’s term expires in June but I will lay you odds his name will be on the ballot for a full term at the next election. That’s if a certain person from the New England area doesn’t try to torpedo him and influence the election himself.


Responding to Mtnman, I quoted the bolded portion of your post, then quoted the bolded portion of Mtnman's post, said "I think you're talking about this:", then quoted this post of yours - still again, notice the date & time:

USA320Pilot said:
In regard to the PHL Reps, I would not be surprised if the Department of Labor and NLRB become involved by conducting a formal investigation into alleged election irregularities and fraud. Stay tuned.

Now, what was your complaint: "The second cut and paste post was to try and draw a link from comment made one-year ago to try to discredit me and place words into my mouth as if they were made this week in sequential order, which they were not. You purposely misrepresented the information in an attempt to manipulate your argument by “twisting†my comments."

Actually, no. If I'd wanted to do that I could have done a heck of a better job of it - like putting your comments one after the other or changing the dates & times. I posted it the way I did to make it clear that I was responding to Mtnman928. If putting Mtnman's post (with the reference to "last year") in between your posts and then saying "I think you're talking about this:" didn't make it clear to anyone with half a brain, the dates and times of your posts were there for anyone to see. Any one who didn't want to twist facts to fit an argument, that is. Seems you failed both tests...

As for me "twisting facts to fit an argument", just what would that argument be? I hadn't said one word about the RC4, the supposed investigation into any of their actions, or anything about any other charges you've made in this thread. Would this "argument" that I'm supposedly "twisting facts to fit" be another figment of your imagination?

USA320Pilot said:
BoeingBoy, even though you knew of the alleged charges against 75% of the RC4, you continue to support people who appear to lack character, have charges made against them for fraud, and are dishonest. Do you always support dishonest people who lack honor and integrity?

Since your question presumes that your view of the RC4 is fact - you have a habit of doing that with pretty much any issue - it doesn't deserve an answer.

USA320Pilot said:
It is abundantly clear that you have a message board split personality between the two boards, you misrepresent information, and you cut and paste previous posts from different conversations with different sentiment to discredit people. In my opinion, you’re a 58.5 year-old pilot who is angry and bitter because you lost your DB and then more lucrative DC retirement plan, and you continue to manipulate postings to try to discredit others. Man, isn’t it about time you get over this and on with your life?

I'm sure life would be a lot more pleasant for you if everyone just "oh'ed and ahh'ed" over the pearls of wisdom you dispense, viewed every issue as you do, and generally thought you walked on water. Well, guess what? They don't. That's life - get over it.

USA320Pilot said:
To this day you support MEC Reps who an MEC officer said committed fraud, and you support people who have been turned over to the ALPA Legal Department for action due to impropriety. BoeingBoy, do you always support dishonest people?

Getting repetitive again, are we? Same question, same flawed assumptions (mistaking opinions for facts), same answer.

USA320Pilot said:
I take great exception with people who lack character and are deceitful. Moreover, as W.C. Fields said, “You can never smarten up a chump.†I’m not sure I agree with Mr. Fields, thus, I will ask you again, when would now be a good time for you and your unscrupulous RC4 “buddies†to develop some character and integrity?

Apparently, anyone who disagrees with you and your views is someone you take exception to. I won't bother to go into what that says about your character and integrity - the effort would be wasted on you and the answer is obvious to most.

To recap, when you posted this:

USA320Pilot said:

You logged onto the ALPA website on April 28 and saw those comments, but failed to report the whole story.


As soon as I read that, I knew it to be untrue. Further, I didn't discuss the RC4 so how could I have "failed to report the whole story?"

So the issue is exceedingly simple. You lied. You used that lie to attack me for something I had not even said or done. As I said earlier, everything else is obfuscation. Obfuscation intended to escape responsibility for your lie. And you question others integrity....


Geeeez! I came to this thread hoping to get some information about US Airways hanging on to her assets. But instead it's all this crap. Why the moderator hasn't shut this one down is beyond me.
StewGuy86 said:
Geeeez! I came to this thread hoping to get some information about US Airways hanging on to her assets. But instead it's all this crap. Why the moderator hasn't shut this one down is beyond me.

From the US Airways' web page FAQ it reads like the wholly owned subs of US Airways and some of the code-sharing RJ operators are to remain?

"What will the combined airline fleet look like?"

"The combined airline will operate a mainline fleet of 361 planes (supported by a regional jet fleet of 239 planes and 57 turboprops as feed into the mainline system), down from a total of 419 aircraft operated by both airlines at the beginning of 2005. US Airways projects returning 25 additional aircraft by the end of 2006, in addition to the 46 aircraft that US Airways already has announced it plans to return. The combined airline also will take delivery of 13 Airbus A320s family aircraft previously ordered by America West Airlines."

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