few thoughts for the usual suspects I see litigating their case on this forum:
1) "we were unable to become members'...we had no reps...and USAPA didn't care..." blah, blah, blah...(ad nauseum).
This is the language that was in the original C&BL’s. As you can see. Since there was no PHX or LAS domicile rep. There could not be a domicile meeting. No meeting, no vote to bring in member. No vote, no membership. No membership, no way to change anything. No way to vote or voice a dissenting opinion.
The C&BL was changed in November but takes 30 days to become effective. So from April to December there was no way for a west pilot to become a member.
* Then perhaps you can explain exactly how Susie and her 3 friends found themselves members in bad standing, and staring at AH in their section 29 termination hearing. It is because of the West lack of participation/lack of local rep that USAPA's BPR voted to make them members...and Susie opted to seek out the "domicile rep loophole" AKA "Susie loophole" in order to NOT be a member, and thereby dodge the termination bullet AH was aiming at her.
That is a FAR cry from "having no "legal" mechanism to become a member...first you don't want it, then you get it, then you don't want it...(ie Susie....) and now you intend to put forward that the West had no way to become a member, and USAPA was just fine with that.....well, the facts don't support that cheesy, wishy-washy story.
Further, when the Susie loophole was exploited, AND WITHOUT any West desires to become involved, the CBL was ammended to close the loophole, and allow for the language supporting the very thing the BPR did in the first place, vote in members'....and the West objects to that as well.
A word of advice: you can't have it seven different ways, and can't argue in circles about being "shut out"...the facts will be devastating to you in this regard.
Even typing it again illustrates just how absurd that argument is....but you guys just carry on.
Maybe you'd like to revisit your position.