Very shortly after the ninth rules would be my guess. Judge Wake stayed the damages and the legal fees until the ninth ruled.
The only damages you will ever see is lawyer fees. Period. I know you think it's a slam dunk that you're going to get something more, but I would point to the TA 10 arbitration ruling. How much are you going to get for that? And guess what else....ALL USAPA members will pay for any damages that Judge Wake deems AOL should get. It won't be just east pilots paying the bill. On another note, Judge Wake can't force a vote on a contract. I wouldn't plan on having a contract for a minimum of another 2 years.....more than likely 4 or 5 if Nicolau is in it. Once the East retirements kick in you'll have a shot at passing a contract. Ask your buddy CJ.....he understands.