(Black Swan @ Dec 15 2009, 11:20 AM)
Keep laughing Metroyet. It is ALL OF US ON THE LINE. Everytime you see an East jet, picture that guy doing just fine and ready to keep you out of the action.There is no way any of us will vote you a new contract. Learn to live with what you have. It is all you are going to ever get.
"any of us" might be kind of strong, but your right, after 8 years of downgrades, pay reductions, furloughs, we've learned to adjust. There's no chomping at the bit for the Kirby, especially with the NIC being our current, court enforced status quo. I make no concession on that. Neither does the BPR. Right now the NIC is our Section 22 position. When it comes up again at the table, unless overturned, the NAC will have to go with NIC. The 9th, declaring NIC not ripe? What a potential mess that "half-win" is. $3M down the tubes. Most likely still in Wake's court for the future. You got to pay your current attorneys out of your own pockets before they or anyone would take your case again. All in all, a ripenss "half-win" hurts you a lot more than it hurts us, but it does clog the works.
PS, BS is right. Rational reason still out there is LOA84/93 arbitration. It would take a combo of arbitration loss and at the 9th to change rank and file. Nic is/was/will be the law only if Addington not overruled. We'll know soon enough. Defining all your opponents as bitter, uninformed, etc, turns debate into name-calling, attacks personalities, not issues. Why do you continue that way? If we'd take out all these snorky stabs at each other, maybe we could have good debate. These are interesting times, worth debate, labor V management, not labor V labor.
Flying with Eric, he made it clear, his "right amount" was closer to LOA84, not Kirby. NIC with LOA84 rates might pass. But we could get those rates without needing a contract. One thing is sure, we're years away from even getting Kirby rates doing Section 6 NMB. Despite our BPR attempts, letters to the NMB, the company isn't budging off there 1-2 meetings/month. As the NAC/BPR looks closer into Kirby, it becomes closer to revenue neutral for Parker. The LOA 84 arbitration may be over by the time the 9th rules, but I doubt if we'll hear the results for 6-8 months after. That's been Bloch's pattern. Quickly wont start until the earliest after both are resolved. Maybe not even then.
Great points, Barrister. I see that attitude more every time I fly. When you fly with the same guys for 25 years, same routes, same layovers, you see the bond that will not let the senior pilots throw those junior under the bus. The West doesn't understand that or the value of getting an additional 5 years to work.