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Us Airways Warns It Could Collapse By Feb.

NeedForSpeedNFS said:
OK, 700, and at this point in the game, your consant diatribes of " unionism" is going to "save" us????? Give me a break!!!!!! Your mentality just kills me!!!!! GOOD DAY!!!!

Can you ever add something of value and stick to the topic at hand instead of stalking me online?
USA320Pilot said:
US Airways internal website called theHub.com lists the following employee headcout:

Pilots - 3,228
Flight Attendants - 5,561
Mechanics & Related - 4,741
Fleet Service - 4,549
Airport Ticket/Gate Agents - 4,075
Reservation Sales Agents - 1,758
Other - 3,936
TOTAL - 27,848

The major difference between JetBlue and US Airways for Mechanics & Related is that JetBlue performs no heavy maintenance, only has line maintenance mechanics, and has no utility (cleaner) personnel. Cleaners at US Airways earn about $20 per hour, can earn overtime, and in some cases double time.

In the case of JetBlue crewmembers clean the aircraft and in some instances it's contractors who clean that make minimum wage.



Once again you post inaccurate information.

A topped out Utility person at US Airways makes $17.47 an hour, not $20. That is $36,000 a year. And once again let me inform you, US flies into 89 mainline stations, there is only utility at BOS, CLT, DCA, LGA, PIT, PHL, LAX and SFO on all three shifts. So that leaves 81 stations where the ramp, F/A or a vendor cleans the airplane, the ramp makes more then Utility and the F/As basically clean for free. There are 10 stations that have only third shift utility for the RON cleaning.

Stick to the facts and not false information.

Glad to see that you want to throw the lowest paid of the unionized employees under the bus to save your own job.

And Jetblue does some C-check work in MCO at the hangar they have and they are building a state of the art maintenance center in MCO and have a hangar at JFK also.
USA320Pilot said:

PitBull asked: "Why did the company state 34,000 employees in their filing?"

USA320Pilot comments: The bankruptcy filing was for US Airways Group, which includes Material Services, MDA, PSA, and Allegheny/Piedmont, which provides more employees than approximately 28,000 at the mainline.



What the hell is Material Services anyway? Who wants to bet its a tiki hut in the Virgin Islands where they hide all the money.
It is co-located with the shared services organization in tropical Harrisburg, PA 😉

Handles bulk purchases of Fuel, and other "Materials" used by the two wholly owned subsidiaries, and so,me of the affiliate express airlines and possibly MDA.
The bankuptcy laws combined with government financial intervention has totaly usurped the concept of survival of the fittest and has totally distorted the true free market. Darwinism has to be allowed to take place in order to have a more healthy industry in the long run, but due to the generous bankruptcy laws and various forms of government intervention, it can't evolve as it should.

What cracks me up is when someone says "The governement has to do something!" or "Our senators have to do something!" The only thing the governement needs to do is reduce the taxes on tickets.
AP Tech said:
We have approximately, what, 4200 mechs??
I think at last count we had about 3300 mechanics actually working out of about 6000 or so on the senority list. The others have either quit the company or are furloughed. LCC JetBlue currently starts the mechanics out at about $25/hr plus a little shift differential. U mechanics topped out will make about $23.40/hr if the company gets there wish.....
Stand corrected on the mechanic count!!!!! Thanks AP Tech. My point still stands , though GOOD DAY!!!!
WestCoastGuy said:
I suspect this current regime will continue to return to the labor groups for more until finally the entire operation shuts down. If the dispatchers are under the illusion that this pay cut is the final, they will surely be in for a rude awakening very soon. Lakefield/Glass/Bonner have NO PLAN, except to keep picking the pockets of labor until the company turns a profit. You're employees should always come first in a business to be successful, but unfortunantly, we call come in someplace along the bottom. The BK judge should seriously consider putting a Trustee in charge of this company because no one here has any faith or trust in the current group.

You are exactly right. My wife used to work for twa and she told me after our first round that there would be at least 3 rounds. I didn't believe her. Well, here we are. She said that until we tell them "no" they'll keep coming back for more because they perceive us as weak. Where do you draw the line? I drew mine after round 2. No more.
cavalier said:
To the few malcontents that want to PM me and scream at me. Go ahead, I don’t give a whit what you do because I will consider it therapy for individuals who surely need it because they were too stupid to give up while they still possessed their sanity.

To the remaining calm and rational employees, “mostâ€￾. consider this a journey that was a rough ride but one you grew stronger on, and now you will be able to move forward to calmer, securer, and most of all a more peaceful existence. U is not worth your health and mental well being and most folks know this while others are filled with extreme hostility costing them their very health.

¡Bueno adiós y la buena suerte mis empleados U prójimos, lo que un paseo lo ha sido!

Cav, I condensed your quote to these last two paragraphs. Once again, you have hit the nail on the head. Again, thanks for your level-head, RATIONAL responses. They make SOME posters to these boards look like the "stooges" they really are!!! :up: GOOD DAY!!!!
700UW said:
Can you ever add something of value and stick to the topic at hand instead of stalking me online?
Post what I was responding to!!!!!!!! That way, 7 0 0, people would see why I said what I did!!!! Like you always say.... Post ALL the facts!! Don't pick and choose to suit your purposes of trying to make others look bad!!! 😛 GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!
USA320Pilot said:
USA320Pilot comments: In a report to the pilot's, ALPA's investment banker Michale Glanzer siad, "based upon the financial analysis and our extensive experience in restructuring, the pilots' basic choices are as follows:

Whose services were paid for by management, and whose fee, in the past, has increased if employee groups who he is "representing" accept concessions.

Let's call a spade a spade, shall we?
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Cav, I condensed your quote to these last two paragraphs. Once again, you have hit the nail on the head. Again, thanks for your level-head, RATIONAL responses. They make SOME posters to these boards look like the "stooges" they really are!!! :up: GOOD DAY!!!!

Thanks for the comments NFS

It seems I pissed some people off stating TRUTH about "some" of the IAM shenanigans. These are TRUE very TRUE facts and there is way more that I will not go into because I just wanted to show the world that unions are NOT blameless like some union reps try to claim on theses boards. Everyone can take some blame, not one man or one thing and saying otherwise is simply foolish.

I just heard our man Frankie the IAM leader, "as I write this" saying on the radio they will fight the pay cuts, sure they will. They can't even fight for individual members who have trouble and yet say in the media they will save everyone’s a-z-z-, what a joke.

These leaders are human, fallible humans and until they become eternal entities then and only then will I give them or management serious consideration as to what they say is truthful.

Good luck all, the most help you will receive is some free training and possibly a small amount of money for education for a transition from our government. The unions will not save you from the big bad wolf anymore than you can yourself.
700UW said:
Once again you post inaccurate information.

Stick to the facts and not false information.

Glad to see that you want to throw the lowest paid of the unionized employees under the bus to save your own job.
This is NOT throwing the lowest paid unionized employees "under the bus"!! This is REALITY!! The old days of this industry are OVER 700!! NEVER to return!! In all honesty, would you pay a cleaner upwards of $18/hour if YOU owned a business??? If you can answer yes with a straight face, your fooling yourself. Everyone who is a regular poster to these boards knows this to be true, including YOU!!Please spare us of your past diatribes of needles, throw-up,Blah, BLAH, BLAH!!! My daughter works in a hospital, is exposed to more bodily fluids, blood, airborne pathogens, etc, than you have probably ever even seen in 17 some years!!! She gets paid $20/hour, had to go through 2 years of schooling and become LICSENSED!!!!! How much schooling do cleaners and stock clerks have to endure,and/ or PAY for???? HHMMMMMM???? POINT MADE!!!!!! :angry: GOOD DAY!!!!!!

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