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Us Airways Warns It Could Collapse By Feb.

US Airways is seeking to pay employees market rates above most of the LCC's. If an employee does not like the cuts for their job classification they have two options: Do what is necessary to obtain a higher pay job or leave the company.

The company's cost cuts will be imposed on October 7 accordig to ALPA's advisors and there is nobody to blame except the union leadership. Eech union was told the cuts would be deeper in bankruptcy and each union (except the Dispatchers) ignored the point.

If an employee is upset you should voice your concern to your union Rep. For the CWA represetned employees, today the Pittsburgh Post-GAzette reported Post-bankruptcy, the total savings needed by the airline are now "closer" to $2 billion, said union official Chris Fox, who learned of the increase in a Thursday meeting with Lakefield and other senior executives. "As time goes on, it goes up," said Fox, president of Communications Workers of America Local 13302, which represents gate workers and reservation agents.



How does ALPA advisor's know when and if the judge will implement any cost savings without a hearing or hearing any arguments from the union attorneys.

For example the A330 outsourcing would not save the company money, it will actually cost them more. An A319 cost over $500,000 per plane to outsource, a A330 will be at least double that. Funny it does increase the company's cost if the work remained in-house since we all ready have the mechanics on hand to do the work.

I hope those advisor's are different then the ones who said take concessions to keep your pension.

I would not count the chickens before the egg hatches, but we all know your M.O. anyhow.
So for a CWA member, at 20.30 an hour, to go down 23%, makes the hourly wage at 15.63. That is 625.24 a week. Livable? Pehaps, with some belt tightening. But the real bite is the tail is the 3% into the 401k. Of course, no more pension, and, soon, no more retiree medical. But that 3% amounts to 18.75 a week into the 401k. 975.00 a year. 9750.00 after 10 years. Will that be livable in 10 years? I think not. Is this the golden parachute for the CWA members?
USA320Pilot said:
US Airways is seeking to pay employees market rates above most of the LCC's.

Please prove this. We'll assume those "market rates" are only for the extreme few lucky enough to maintain a "mainline" classification in thier position (we all know you could be loading 757s or flying 100 seaters and not be mainline).
USA320Pilot said:
US Airways is seeking to pay employees market rates above most of the LCC's. If an employee does not like the cuts for their job classification they have two options: Do what is necessary to obtain a higher pay job or leave the company.

The company's cost cuts will be imposed on October 7 accordig to ALPA's advisors and there is nobody to blame except the union leadership. Eech union was told the cuts would be deeper in bankruptcy and each union (except the Dispatchers) ignored the point.

. Dude wake up. The Dispatchers and their contract are inconsequential. They we're also bate for the dim whited.

More importantly none of the LCC's I know of want to farm most of their main line flying out to RJ's.

Union leadership is doing what it is paid to do---FIGHT FOR US!

We are being $crewed by the goons in CCY again not our leadership.
PineyBob said:
They have to do things like not get caught in full view of the customers reading the USA Today while the pilot is telling us we'll be delayed while the last bags are loaded.

You keep yapping about this guy reading the USA Today. How many rampers were already loading the flight? Was it a one bin, two bin, or three bin onload?
Anyone who knows anything about ramp functions knows that simply throwing extra bodies at an onload doesn't get the a/c loaded any faster.

Cash in those FF miles Bobby, cause things are gonna get a lot worse.
Hey Bob,

Will you go represent that ramper if he left his gate and then the plane coming in takes a delay because there was no one there to park it?
DR.EVIL said:
Hey 320, Feb. is a great month for hiring Wal-Mart greeters and yes I would like a sticker. It will be a great job for a guy like you, also I will be busy in feb. can they please hurry it up. 😉

Hey......that's already MY job! Greeter.
T-bone said:
Dude wake up. The Dispatchers and their contract are inconsequential. They we're also bate for the dim whited.

More importantly none of the LCC's I know of want to farm most of their main line flying out to RJ's.

Union leadership is doing what it is paid to do---FIGHT FOR US!

We are being $crewed by the goons in CCY again not our leadership.


This is hilarious thinking - fighting for your paycheck until February at which point you will be suddenly unemployed along with tens of thousands of others. Granted some have prepared for this but it's human nature that it would only be a small amount. Many people, even those who make hundreds of thousands of dollars, live from paycheck to paycheck.

I think that it would best serve your interest to keep the company afloat - even at reduced pay - so that you could find another job on your own.

This is called the "ostrich approach to life"
Doc said:
ok ill say this all usairways employees go to 29,500 and im in
I mean all pilots all management all of corporate


So if someone is worth $50k to the airline they need to take the 29,500 and those that are worth only $20k get the additional cabbage just because that is what's fair?
You're seriously in denial. The market will determine what you're worth either at UAIR or when it goes belly up. Fact is management will be better off than all of the work groups as their numbers are fewer and their skills are transferrable from UAIR to another company. The same can't be said for the other workgroups. Pilots are about the only other group that might come close as most have a degree behind them and can take on a management type position anywhere. The same can't be said for the other workgroups.
PineyBob said:
I'll type slowly so you can comprehend, OK? I stated before (another post) that he was waiting for the next flight to arrive. For those minutes he was were he was supposed to be. You know that I know that.

The POINT remains that the casual flyer, (NOT A CP) looks out and sees that and says "No wonder they're going broke, another lazy union worker!"

You don't know half of what you think you know. How do you know he was waiting for the next flight to arrive? You don't, you assumed. There are a lot of reasons he could have been there. You just spout off at the mouth as usual about things you have no clue about.

The fact is that you complained about it, and continue to bring it up on this board, not a casual flyer. The casual flyer has no clue, like you, as to what that ramper is doing.

edit: And I don't want to hear about perception. Gets you no where when you're a captainless ship.

What I meant was, he was assigned to that gate to park the next flight coming in.

If he was not there the plane would sit causing a delay and increase in costs at the engines are burning fuel.

So when the plane takes a delay he gets called into his manager's office to get disciplined as he was not where he was assigned to do his job.

Does that make sense now?
You know your anti-union bias is showing.

The biggest thieves in this company ie, Siegel and Glass are non-union.
Doc said:
Friday's filing says that with the company's proposed interim cuts, the average pay per US Airways employee would fall to $45,822 -- less than the $59,509 today, which is the third-highest in the industry. The new amount would be less than the average pay at Delta, Northwest, American, Continental, United and Southwest, but above that of other low-cost airlines such as JetBlue and AirTran.
What CWA employee makes 59,509.00 this is a lie ........we don't even clear the 45,822.00

It gives the impression that all employees make 59,509.00 .....

DO THE MATH 20.30 PER HOUR IS ABOUT 38,500 yearly
-23% 15.60 PER 29,500 YEARLY

That doesn't include any deductions for medical dental 401k savings
I REPEAT ANY DEDUCTIONS.....................................
Liars figure and figures lie.
700UW said:
You know your anti-union bias is showing.

The biggest thieves in this company ie, Siegel and Glass are non-union.

er....isn't Siegel gone and at GateGourmet now?

btw, that Siegel character is a disaster. he's going to bring down Gate Gourmet. sorry y'all had to work for that tool.

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