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Us Airways Union Struggle Nears

In many respects the company's new ALPA proposal is less painful than what ALPA offered last week. It has a lower pay cut, for some pilot's the retirement is the same, and the agreement is more balanced.

In fact, today Bruce Lakefield said on his weekly recorded message that employees who have contacted him this week expressed support for cuts that strike a balance between wage, benefit and work-rule concessions.

It sounds like the DC plan that was so near and dear to the RC4 and Mwereplanes, at the expense of others, is about to go up in smoke.


USA320Pilot said:
I'm going to bed now. There is really no need to debate any more.

Thought you were going to bed?
USA320Pilot posts:

"In many respects the company's new ALPA proposal is less painful than what ALPA offered last week. It has a lower pay cut, for some pilot's the retirement is the same, and the agreement is more balanced."

The only thing I can see that is less painful is the amount of the paycut - it's back to the 16.5% that was in the first company proposal.

I guess "more balanced" is in the eye of the beholder.

With nearly as many pilots over 55 (another large cut in retirement) as there are under 50 (little or no additional cut in retirement), I'm sure this seems "balanced" to USA320Pilot.

With a $35 million dollar lump sum payment to pilots in 2010 and again in 2011, I'm sure this seems "balanced" to USA320Pilot (will any of the 1000 or so older pilots who "share the pain" but retire before then get any of that money like USA320Pilot will???)

USA320Pilot said:
I care about US Airways and I want to see the company prosper. Today I am more encouraged the company will survive and prosper than any time during the past two months. Why? It's unfortunate, but I believe the labor cuts will be even deeper, which is necessary due to the rising fuel prices and management has a plan to make the company work.


So if fuel prices keep going up, they cut our pay again? If fuel goes up enough, do we have to work for free? Sorry, but I won't take a cut because of fuel prices any more than I would because the cost of new aircraft is higher.

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