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Alpa Deal Near?

Sure. OKay. Whatever.

700UW said:
Once again you speak of things that you have no idea about.

The employees of this company have lost 20,000 jobs, agreed to two rounds of concessions of $1.2 billion per year for almost two years now.

The company have violated the very same concessionary contracts and have lied to and stolen from its employees. There is no trust between labor and managment. Management has declared war upon its employees and will never learn that you cant make a profit by devastating the employees financially. You have to generate revenue to be a succesful company not pillage the employees.


Unions don't put companies into bankruptcy, poor leadership of corporate raiders do.
FM2436 said:
Sure. OKay. Whatever.

If you say sure, okay and whatever, please post something that disputes what I have posted. But I know you can't because I posted the reality of what has happened and what is going on.

I am glad to see that you are keeping up the less then mature responses and can't debate.
700UW said:
Unions don't put companies into bankruptcy, poor leadership of corporate raiders do.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Just as guns often help to kill people, unions often help to kill companies.
700UW said:
Once again you speak of things that you have no idea about.

The employees of this company have lost 20,000 jobs, agreed to two rounds of concessions of $1.2 billion per year for almost two years now.

The company have violated the very same concessionary contracts and have lied to and stolen from its employees. There is no trust between labor and managment. Management has declared war upon its employees and will never learn that you cant make a profit by devastating the employees financially. You have to generate revenue to be a succesful company not pillage the employees.


Unions don't put companies into bankruptcy, poor leadership of corporate raiders do.

i think you missed the point... usair will go back into a second bankruptcy if the contracts arent opened.....
mweiss said:
Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Just as guns often help to kill people, unions often help to kill companies.

I can't even believe you posted that above. :angry:

Show me were OFTEN employees killed a company....
mweiss said:
Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Just as guns often help to kill people, unions often help to kill companies.

If the unions were named Siegel then this would make sense, otherwise Mr. Perpetual student and free wisdom given to anyone who will read your ranting, you're losing it.

Look to who has all the money, look again, yes look real hard.
PITbull said:
Show me were OFTEN employees killed a company....
It's a partnership. Hence my choice of analogy. Remember the "We Won" sign?
RowUnderDCA said:
I believe it was for the 12 months ending March 04, so it would include 1Q04.

Of course today, a daily aviation information source crew costs per block hour for the 12 months ending March 04 for A320 and 321 aircraft (separately). U fares much better here, than with the earlier reported A319 stats. In fact it would appear that U's utilization of these types might be better than the 319 and/or U may have the same or more similar rates of pay for these three types. I speculate on that because:

the A320 crew cost is less than the average of NW, UA, HP and B6 and U. It is less than UA and NW (which is way up) However, daily block hours are still below average and lower than all but NW.

the A321 crew cost figure is even lower than the U's A320 figure and therefore lower than the average of the 320 operators. And the 321 bh's are higher than the average a320 (U is the only operator in this category)

So, it would appear that BoeingBoy's contention as to the dramatic effect of moderate increases in utilization is superficially supported by these numbers.

Without seeing the data, I'll just speculate that the crew costs for the various models varies directly with daily utilization, which itself probably tracks average segment length. When you get to the "per seat mile" costs, the seating capacity comes into play, lowering crew cost (and probably other costs) in direct relation to capacity.

The pay rate for all three versions is the same and since it's a common type rating, the crews are the same - they may fly the 319 one leg and the 321 the next. I believe Eclat still does the number crunching for AvDaily, and of course they use BTS data, which is submitted by the company. I have no idea how the company apportions crew cost among the little Bus fleet. A guess would be that total 319/320/321 crew costs are apportioned in the same percentage as the portion of the fleet made up of each subtype or by the same percentage as the portion of total block hours flown by each subtype.

RowUnderDCA said:
Today's AvDaily reports operating costs for the 319.

U's crew costs per block hour are listed. They are like 38% higher than average and 30% higher than the next most expensive operator; NW.

Sounds like the company is floating a tur d so they can ask for 40% paycuts.
mweiss said:
Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Just as guns often help to kill people, unions often help to kill companies.

Guns "help"?

Did you read that in a fortune cookie or did you call 1-800-Miss Cleo for that line of logic?
Phoenix said:
Guns "help"?
Yes, guns help, in the sense that they assist the person whose finger is on the trigger in killing whomever is in front of the barrel.
mweiss said:
Yes, guns help, in the sense that they assist the person whose finger is on the trigger in killing whomever is in front of the barrel.

As you say, people kill people. They sometimes use a tool to commit the crime. (a knife, a gun, clothes line, an ice pick, a rock, or even a cave man’s club)

All of these objects do not “helpâ€. They are tools employed because of their unique characteristics. They are hard objects that do not change shape, but rather change the construction of the objects they are employed against.

To compare this group of employee unions to a tool that does not change its shape, but remains steadfast and hard, is laughable.

This employee group is the most malleable, limp-wristed, wet noodle crowd that you could find in the industry. They are weak as water. They could not fight their way out of a wet paper bag even if you printed the directions on the inside. (Maybe OJ should consider that the real killer had the “help†of the unions!)

You think that the unions will be “used†(like a gun) to destroy something?! Ha!

But I am curious… who is planning on the crime and looking for something to “help�

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