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US Airways Responds to CWA Rep.''s Misinformation

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On 1/4/2003 11:32:28 AM US Airways, Inc wrote:

Diogenes raises a concern that we are holding something back that I want to address.

Under the CWA and Fleet Service agreements, there are no specific plans to furlough additional people as a result of the changes in their respective agreements. In fact, in the Fleet service agreement, the outsourcing of mail/cargo will be by attrition only, not through the furloughing of additional people. That is why there are no comparable numbers for CWA or IAM fleet -- because we don't anticipate furloughs as a result of our new deals.

Let's not kid ourselves though. Some smaller cities that have traditionally been mainline stations could still be converted to Express, based on market conditions. Our slowness in addressing our high cost structure in these kind of markets opened up opportunities for low-cost carriers and regional airlines to come in and clean our clocks.

Should a station be coverted, agents with seniority rights can move to another station or stay on at Express rates. Is that a perfect solution? No. But we are operating in a tough competitive business and there isn't much room for error, so we are responding by implementing a business plan that will allow us to survive and succeed.

So as it relates to a specific number, target or plan to furlough additional CWA members, there is none.

Chris Chiames

Dear Mr. Chiames,

Thank you for responding to my post. Your reply clears up some of the misunderstandings. Perhaps I am the only one too dense to have a clear understanding of these matters, so I ask your indulgence.

As I read the Fleet Service Agreement, and the concessionary documents amending it, I agree there is nothing in the new language explicitly compelling station conversions or furlough. There is also nothing in the new language prohibiting it, either. The right to convert a mainline station to express service has been retained by the Company prior to, as well as under, the Fleet Service Agreement. Many stations have been converted to express under the Agreement.

So, why have I deduced that a significant amount of furloughs and/or conversion from mainline to express service await fleet and customer services? Two reasons.

1. The MDA/express language has been added for a reason.

2. $14,000,000 and 11,000,000 dollars, annually.

Where is the $14 million annual contribution fleet service, and the $11 million customer service must make in this latest round of concessions coming from? There are no adjustments to wages, pensions, or language other than increased medical contributions. As the increase in medical contributions does not make a sizeable dent in the bogey numbers, I can only deduct the savings come from some combination of furloughs and downgrades from mainline to express.

If I have missed something or miscalculated, I humbly apologize to everyone on this board, and especially you, for wasting your time. I certainly would appreciate having what I am overlooking spelled out to where even I can understand it.

Again, thank you for your time and assistance.


The contracts in place are already "CONSESSIONARY" and extremely competitive by industry standards. Management just wants to rape the employees while they're too scared to yell STOP! They are taking pure advantage of the employees with cruel threats trying to SCREW every last possible penny out of them to line there own pockets as the RSA becomes the primary beneficiary.

Time to say ENOUGH.

AFTER the TA is ratified, I also expect them to come after ALL SEVERANCE benefits. WAIT AND SEE. They will not guarentee for them to remain in place. NO MERCY.
On 1/3/2003 6:38:34 PM chipmunn wrote:

Instead of voting no, which most observers believe will certainly cause a liquidation and hurting people who want to work here, why don't the naysayers just quit? Nobody is forcing the "no voters" from working here. If people hate the company then why not leave and not be unhappy?


Well, first, I'm an undecided voter. Undecided mostly because there are not yet enough facts in hand to make an informed judgement. Second, I don't hate the company, or I wouldn't have busted my a$$ all these years trying to make a go of it.

But more to the point, I am weary of your 'you must quit if you disagree with me' attitude. Therein lies the seed of authoritarianism, the total antithesis of what our republic was founded on. We live in a pluralistic society where competing groups seek to advance their interests. We do so through debate, dissent, and discussion.

Additionally, I see no harm, and great good coming from everyone being fully informed of all the ramifications of the proposals. You may think you have explained something in a lucid manner, but I still may not grasp your intent. Only through questioning can my misunderstanding be cleared up.

What would you have the folks that voted for Gore in 2000 do? Or the Bush voters in 92? Leave the country? How about your ALPA brothers and sisters that voted NO on the last contract? Should they resign their post?

Somewhere along the line, you came up on the short side of a debate or vote. How did you expect to be treated afterwards?

Think about it.
I applaud Chris Chiames, an officer with our company, for directly talking to US employees about some of the rank-and-file misconceptions. Dave Siegel pledged to have open and frank dialogue with employees and the discussion by Chris is unprecedented in our industry.

My hat is off to Chris and management for directly corresponding with our employee group in this forum.

On 1/3/2003 6:38:34 PM chipmunn wrote:

Nobody is forcing the "no voters" from working here. If people hate the company then why not leave and not be unhappy?


Maybe they love the company, and are willing to work for the "LOW WAGES" they already conceded to. They may not be willing to work for less with managment that can not be trusted. It may be that they want to protect what they got because anything less is not worth hanging around for.

They are being raped then gutted with the current proposal. Maybe the company should bargain in good faith instead of giving drastic ultimatums. They need to give the backbone of this company (the employee) some respect.
The rumor in PIT is that heavy maintenance is gone and to be outsourced and that is why the voluntary furlough excludes about 1000 mechanics. It appears they are going to be hitting the streets soon. So chipmunn hold onto your hat and we will see if the employees questions are answered or avoided (again).

Maybe this can be cleared up by Chris Chiames (a.k.a. US Airways, Inc)


Chris Chiames (a.k.a. US Airways, Inc),
Please answer the follow questions.

-Will the company try to get out of any severance pay plans?

-When reading the latest voluntary furlough for the mechanics it says you needed to have seniority in your basic position before 1-1-89. Is the company going to lay off more mechanics than what has been announced?

-Is the company going to attempt to vender heavy maintenance on the Boeing or Airbus equipment?

Please respond Chris Chiames (a.k.a. US Airways, Inc).
Is this the same Chris Chiames who was employed as a mouthpiece for AMR back in the mid- to late-90's timeframe? If so, I wouldn't trust anything he says farther than you can toss him (that would be an interesting experiment, though...). During the last pilot negotiations at AMR, a Mr. Chris Chiames was the primary source of company *disinformation* regarding our negotiations.

All of you have some difficult decisions to make, and I am not about to tell you what you should do. However, if this is the same guy, I wouldn't let his words weigh in on your choice.

Andy S.
Like I said before "Strong winds come from big caves".....I would nt trust anything out of any of "U"s stuffed shirts, their words can not be trusted.
On 1/5/2003 10:17:17 AM Slam&Click wrote:

On 1/5/2003 8:15:55 AM Andy S. wrote:

Is this the same Chris Chiames who was employed as a mouthpiece for AMR back in the mid- to late-90's timeframe? Andy S.
Hmm. See above for textbook examople of "bad career move"...
Andy S....you shouldn't insult the character of another person. I bet you wouldn't like if someone stated that you didn't have any integrity. What goes around...comes around....remember that.

It seems that the people who don't have much to say...only can insult another person. Chris Chiames didn't have to post on this message board...you probably won't find any other Sr.VP to step out and speak to the front line employees via thia route.
On 1/5/2003 3:05:43 PM Do_it_for_Dave wrote:

Andy S....you shouldn't insult the character of another person. I bet you wouldn't like if someone stated that you didn't have any integrity. What goes around...comes around....remember that.

It seems that the people who don't have much to say...only can insult another person. Chris Chiames didn't have to post on this message board...you probably won't find any other Sr.VP to step out and speak to the front line employees via thia route.

Well Dave,

If you knew someone had a history of disseminating false and/or misleading information, and you knew that other parties might be relying on what this person says for a very important decision, what would you do?

Oh, I guess I could have been more P.C. and said that in the past, during similar situations, Mr. Chiames has been known to color the truth, provide misleading statements, and generally say whatever his employer directed him to say regardless of its veracity.

Is that better?

Andy S.

p.s. I actually thought that Mr. Chiames performance during the last AA pilots negotiations was rather pathetic. But then again, I'm a bit biased..... against known prevaricators.
[P][FONT size=3]There is not one single individual who has or could post on these boards and proclaim they are and have always been a pillar of morality. A company official at any level let alone one at this level comes on here to clarify issues, then for that he is called everything but a man, insinuating he is pure evil through and through. Any man or women in high public positions, any person anywhere, has done things they wish could be reversed, it’s called being human, imperfect, man. But we have people on here belittling and judging company officials, as if they themselves were worthy of passing judgment. There is not one person on this planet that would please these individuals. No matter how things were handled they would be crying foul and woe is me. There is no reasoning with minds like these, the company knows this, anyone of sound mind knows this, therefore the company will simply do what it said it will do, which is either go forward or go away depending on what the majority decides. [/FONT][/P][FONT size=2][/FONT]

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