You know, it's about time you negative
SOB's gave up the goat. The contracts
have been ratified. Read my lips.....
r-a-t-i-f-i-e-d by the membership of each
union. As you have chosen to be a
member of a union, you now have to
abide by the terms and conditions.
If you are dissatisfied with the results
of your union bretheren votes, then
you'd best find something else to do
besides work for US Airways.
The contracts are settled and none
of your negative puke will change that.
Sorry if you're unhappy.
It's time to move forward, which in
reality means, make the best with
what you have. US Airways is poised
to take on the LCC's and the legacy
carriers in their own back yards,
and my money is on US Airways.
Stop whining and start contributing.