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Us Airways Chief Says Emergence Likely By June

Your a smart boi, read the airtransport daileys? futures? Common sense?
Thanks for confirming my suspicions - long on talking about facts, short on providing any....

calibrator said:
SPIN DOC....You PMed me in a different dimension and you were just as crazy then if not more so now.

I have had an epiphany of sorts since I last
PM'd you. My logical sense has returned and
I see things I did not see before. It appears
as though US has turned the corner and is
poised to make a major comeback. I can't
let the negative people stop the momentum
because it just wouldn't be right.
Has anybody ever heard the term "polishing the turd"? I now truly believe more that ever that is what Bronner & Co are doing with USAir. They are polishing this "turd" of an airline for a sale!!! Shed as much as possible and then sell the bare bones to someone else!! I sort of remember how proud the company was last time they emerged from BK in such a short time and you see where that got them :down:
AP Tech, if you're right then the strategy hasn't changed since Wolf took over.
I agree, if I worked for a company that I thought was going "down the tubes" then I'd be polishing my resume, not spending my time on boards complaining... :blink:
I know this is the slow season but I flew U last friday. Over 80 seats open CLT to LGA. Looking around the terminal for the 8:00 AM bank I did not see many people getting on or off any airplanes. Flew back yesterday. Only around 40 or so people on a 321. No matter how low your costs are, if you cannot get people on the planes it really does not matter if we are polishing a "turd" or "diamond in the rough". What days did we sell the 5 million dollars worth of tickets for? Just wondering
SpinDoc said:
You know, it's about time you negative
SOB's gave up the goat. The contracts
have been ratified. Read my lips.....
r-a-t-i-f-i-e-d by the membership of each
union. As you have chosen to be a
member of a union, you now have to
abide by the terms and conditions.
If you are dissatisfied with the results
of your union bretheren votes, then
you'd best find something else to do
besides work for US Airways.

The contracts are settled and none
of your negative puke will change that.
Sorry if you're unhappy.

It's time to move forward, which in
reality means, make the best with
what you have. US Airways is poised
to take on the LCC's and the legacy
carriers in their own back yards,
and my money is on US Airways.

Stop whining and start contributing.

The thing is, it's not either/or, US Airways love-it-or-leave-it, or "you're for us or against us." The result of such dichotomous thinking is "my way or the highway", a mode of thought we fought a Revolution to overthrow.

Life is more complicated and nuanced.

I know a bunch of agents, pilots, f/a's and mechs that are PI$$ED about the goings-on at U. They have no faith that the Palace has, or will, act in good faith. They think that the Transformation Plan is Never-Never Land.

Moreover, many of them are dead men walking, career-wise. They are soon to be furloughed or outsourced.

Yet, for a myriad of reasons, they show up on time, treat the customers with courtesy, and perform their job well.

So what if they vent here?

I will not kick these folks while they are down.
I think you should change the topic from Emergence to Emergency!

US Airways Chief Says Emergency By June.
The question is when does the company expect CASM to be lower than SW? Bronner said costs would be lower, but he never said what costs...

US Airways CASM w/fuel is still in the 10-11 cent range. What was so big in the recent rounds of concessions that is going to take out 5-6 cents?
Baja4U said:
Robbedagain, Let's get REAL, give SWA a run for the money?????? HAHAHA Just what is it , that your smokin?????? :lol: :shock:

That is not even right that you would imply somebody is "smoking" something. Each of us professionals take our jobs very seriously and do not need some punk stating that we are smoking grass. That is just awful. Think about your frickin remarks a-hole.
Reality has not set in for you who think US is going to be a competitive LCC. US has not been able to sucessfully market any plan since the late eighties. Getting concessions from employees certainly is not going to turn things around. There are so many items of history that prove US management is not intelligent enough to be competitive. Having a love for the company as many of the employees do will not change the direction they are headed in. US may become a LCC but they will be a low class carrier. Premier employees have seen the light and have or are in the process of departing. Take a look at the PHL commuter concourse, MDA, these quality agents will become the US standard. Sorry, but you guys are in a world of hurt. :blink:

Winglet said:
They wouldn't lie to you, would they?
At least not yet. The gov't wants to make sure that they keep you afloat so that the company can sqeeeeeeze every last penny out of you. This in turn will force all the other airline to squeeeeeze there employees and will all be happy campers, :up: :up: at the Walmart pay scale. :up: :shock: :down: :down: