On 1/3/2003 11

50 PM networking wrote:
[FONT size=3]Lets see....1. New service to Ireland
2. New agreements and deals with GE leasing where they will end up
with a 5% share of the company.
3. UA codeshare deal
The list goes on.......and the EMPLOYEES are told that if we dont give a little more the company will be liquidated. Just how ignorant to they think we are?
This is just the final push to get labor costs down as low as they can. It's funny how this "threat" of liquidation is being kept hush hush to the public.[/FONT]
Just how ignorant are you? The threats to liquidate the company were in the presses from Bronner himself. To continue to publicise that in the media serves no purpose but to continue the downward spiral and driving additonal revenue away from the airline. It was stupid of Bronner to make that public statement in the first place.
As for why do we continue to plan for things in the future? DUH! Don't you think that we learned anything from the big bad Wolfs cluster you-know-what with the UA merger deal. Regardless of the (VERY REAL) threat of liquidating, there is a company to run, in the event the employee groups rise to the occasion and do what is right by their company. To have sit idly by and wait to see what will happen is corporaate suicide.
And to all of those nay sayers that feel that this is a bluff, and that somewhere out there, there is another DIP financier out there just dying to pump money into this company I ask you this, where in the heck are they? First there was TPG and as soon as anyone showed interest in becoming the DIP, they were gone. There was no one else. Bronner and RSA are it. And let's just live in your fantasy world for just a minute and say there was another organization out there willing to invest in us. Ask yourself what are the sacrifices that you would have to make to appease them? Ask any TWA person around what it would be like to work for the likes of Uncle Carl. That is the level of investor that you would be attracting IF they were even interested.
Before you cast that all important vote, it is important to get all of the facts from all sides of the issue. Check out the websites like Monster.com, hotjobs, etc. Look at your life today. Look what is being asked of you. Look at what the future may hold. Together we can rebuild this company. Together we can become a once again strong and proud carrier. You have to give Dave the tools he needs to get us there. His hands are tied in this matter. He can't get us the money without the concession on the table. Without the ATSB loan, without the DIP money, there is only one direction we will be headed. Do not let emotions influence your vote. Get the facts.