US Airways Responds to CWA Rep.''s Misinformation

On 1/5/2003 9:29:17 PM US Airways, Inc wrote:

One more thing to Andy S. With regard to my work at AA, are you referring to my trying to explain to thousands of stranded passengers why APA was engaging in an illegal job action? Or maybe you want to criticize my very frequent defense of employees when they were accused of causing accidents(i.e., Little Rock), not following DOT procedures (i.e., hazardous cargo),and racially harassing co-workers in the hangar, among other incidents.

Gimme a break. You don't know anything about me, let alone my character or integrity. I'm on here providiing the company's point of view and trying to answer questions and you resort to personal attacks. Seems to me someone else has the integrity problem.

For US employees, I came to this company in May because of the professional challenge and the strong desire to be a part of the team that turned this company around. We may not always agree, but I'm always ready for a healthy debate. Ultimately, I believe we all want to see the company succeed.

Chris Chiames

Well, let's see if it works this time. Last time my post didn't seem to go through....

Mr. Chiames,

During your employment at AA, I have personally witnessed on many occasions in which YOU gave blantly false and misleading information to the public as mouthpiece for American Airlines. Of course, I realize that is somewhat part of the job description for someone in public relations at AA.

Now that you are being called to account for past misstatements, you start playing the victim. You know, I don't think it really matter what you did at AA, because I get the sense from other postings that you've been doing the same thing at your new job.

Bottom line. The employees can eventually tell when they're dealing with a straight-shooter. When you develop a history of prevarication, you create a credibility problem.

The sad part is that everything you said in response to Mr. Root may be absolutely true. But like the boy who cries "wolf" once too often, don't be surprised if you are not believed.

Andy S.

p.s. Oh, BTW did you happen to mention to the public that immediate cause of the Reno sickout was because the American Airlines tried to commit one of the most flagrant Scope violations in their history with their purchase of Reno? Did you happen to mention that despite the messy aftermath, that American Airlines finally conceeded the Scope issue to APA? Did you mention that if AA had followed the contract FROM THE BEGINNING instead of stalling for several months, then the sickout would not have happened? Didn't think so....
I dont believe a word you say anymore my trust in this company is all gone!

What part of NO dont you understand!
[P][STRONG][EM]Chris Chiames (a.k.a. US Airways, Inc),[/EM][/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG][EM]I truly do appreciate your response to my questions. Thank you.[/EM][/STRONG][/P]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/5/2003 10:18:51 PM DELLDUDE wrote:
[P][STRONG]hey fall over backwards in your chair with your reply?should have asked for a raise,too.i'll bet dave will have a post next.[/STRONG][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Yes Delldude I fell over in the chair. Now I need to work on the raise. (((Hehe)))
[H4]chris chiames-i appreciate your taking the time to address the issues.i have a question and it is this:[BR]this second round of "contract modifications"-is this going to be enough to secure atsb approval? [BR]if so when do we get "approval"?[BR]is this going to be the last time we are requested to "modify" our existing contracts?[BR]thank you for your input. [/H4]
Mr. Chiames,
It appears to me that you are doing what you are paid to "corporate affairs," up the pole.
I don*t know how long you have been with USAIRWAYS. I know that you have a job to do in holding the position that you do. But....for those of us that have been with the company twenty-plus years, we are tired of hearing the company rhetoric.
Maybe our feelings come more from the previous management but, it now, is hard to trust and listen to anyone from the top.
In my opinion, your efforts to discredit Mr. Root is just another example of the company*s continued effort to totally manipulate everything from the money down to the rhetoric. The corporate hierarchy have not done such a good job with the management/money and now they want to manage the rhetoric.
A "no' vote is the only way I can go at my level of the totem pole. As sdavis29 pointed out, the job security guarantees are certainly lacking at the CWA represented level. We gave, unilaterally, throughout the 90*s, just voted by nearly 75% to give back to the company 450 million dollars, and now you threaten us with being responsible for possible liquidation! WE ARE NOT THE FOOLS THAT YOU THINK WE ARE!
I hope my fellow employees represented by the CWA don*t fall for your corporate rhetoric. I also hope that they don*t listen to others on this site who are trying to sway us into helping fund their six figure salaries and superior benefits.
Again. Mr. Chiames, I don*t mean to sound disrespectful to you. It*s just that I can no longer trust or believe the propoganda from the top. The company has been disrespectful in it*s approach in recent years to the employees at our level. A dog is often called man*s best friend. But, if you kick it enough, it will bite back. Please don*t be surprised that many of us in customer service feel like biting back.

[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/6/2003 8:54:17 AM BuccaneerBill wrote:
[P]Mr. Chiames,[BR] It appears to me that you are doing what you are paid to "corporate affairs," up the pole.[BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]I don't get this. Root gets to be quoted everywhere and anywhere, but the company cannot respond?[/P]
On 1/6/2003 5:39:33 AM Andy S. wrote:
p.s. Oh, BTW did you happen to mention to the public that immediate cause of the Reno sickout was because the American Airlines tried to commit one of the most flagrant Scope violations in their history with their purchase of Reno? Did you happen to mention that despite the messy aftermath, that American Airlines finally conceeded the Scope issue to APA? Did you mention that if AA had followed the contract FROM THE BEGINNING instead of stalling for several months, then the sickout would not have happened? Didn't think so....
Do you think the public really cares? The fact of the matter is that APA pilots called in sick over the course of several days, got dragged into court, obfuscated in front of a United States district judge, and then got to shell out $45 million dollars for their sick leave.

What's illegal is illegal - just like the mechanic who threw the chocks into the 737.[/P]
***moderators comment*** please try to quote only the text that directly related to your reponse. Thanks

On 1/6/2003 8:54:17 AM BuccaneerBill wrote:
Mr. Chiames,
It appears to me that you are doing what you are paid to "corporate affairs," up the pole.
It's very evident you are upset with management and rightfully so but I do believe you have to take a step back for a minute and listen to what Chris has to say. U has had a lot of mismanagement the past 20 or so years and now these people are here trying to save the place from the auction block. It's easy to shoot the messenger but I think these people truly want the best for each of you.
Mr. Root has put out a notice to employees stating why he was voting the way he was and Mr. Chaimes is responding to some misrepresentations that are being posted on this board and taken as gospel by some of its readers. It's simply supplying information, what you do with it is your choice but you can never have too much information. (Well you can but not regarding this thread. )
It's easy to let emotions take over as this is a mammoth emotional topic and time for all U employees. Bashing and name calling are not an answer. I've seen lots of pilots as you described but you know what? I've also seen a lot of gate agents, f/a's, fleet, mechanics and management act the exact same way. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I know I don't have to tell you who said that. Thanks for listening and best of luck to you all.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/6/2003 9:08:34 AM BuccaneerBill wrote:
[P]I have had enough of "SMUG" Chip.....[BR]He sounds like a guy who sits in his seat and has his coffee, paperwork, and flight plan brought to him while making six figures flying just two to three weeks a month. Oh, and, how much of the work does he really do in that computer-laden cockpit?[BR]We don*t hate the company! We hate the greedy and the manipulators![BR]I don*t direct this at all pilots. Many come to the gate and help us out. But, this guy Chip, has an ugly chip on his shoulder![BR][BR]BuccaneerBill[BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Well gee there Bill, I don't think pilots start out their careers in front of a computer-laden cockpit. They started out in piston run, stick driven props. The last landing I had through a thunderstorm made me consider that pilots are worth the money they're paid.[BR][BR]If you're so damned jealous and class warfare driven, why don't you get off your butt and go out and get a pilot's license.

During your employment at AA, I have personally witnessed on many occasions in which YOU gave blantly false and misleading information to the public as mouthpiece for American Airlines. ----------------

Andy, those are strong accusations without any proof or examples?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/6/2003 9:13:47 AM BuccaneerBill wrote:
[P]Sounds like somebody is trying to protect "HIS" investment![BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]What makes you think that?
I am a pilot. Just couldn*t fly commercially for health reasons.
Why am I not surprised at this down-your-Nose response. Not everybody is as fortunate as you. I have to try and survive where I*m at.
And... as I said...I did not mean to show disrespect to all the pilots out there. There are. however, a few that are very tough to deal with at the gate. I can tell that Chip must be one of them.
As for my remark about the computer-laden cockpit, I have heard MUCH WORSE from pilots, mind you, about the overpaid ticket agents.
Disrespect goes both ways!

[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/6/2003 9:24:24 AM BuccaneerBill wrote:
[P]Mr. ITRADE...[BR]I am a pilot. Just couldn*t fly commercially for health reasons. [BR]Why am I not surprised at this down-your-Nose response. Not everybody is as fortunate as you. I have to try and survive where I*m at.[BR]And... as I said...I did not mean to show disrespect to all the pilots out there. There are. however, a few that are very tough to deal with at the gate. I can tell that Chip must be one of them. [BR]As for my remark about the computer-laden cockpit, I have heard MUCH WORSE from pilots, mind you, about the overpaid ticket agents.[BR]Disrespect goes both ways! [BR][BR]BuccaneerBill[BR][BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Hey smart guy. Part of the reason pilots are compensated at the levels they are is that one of those "health reasons" can crop up at any time and end one's career. Also, they're forced by law to retire at age 60. By the way, computers don't make airplanes easier to fly. They just allow them to fly in different, often worse weather and with a smaller crew complement. That's why they are purchased (or leased) by the company. Do you think that if all computers did was make airplanes easier to fly that ANY company management would buy them? What a foolish concept.