On 1/3/2003 11

17 PM flyonthewall wrote:
For those people who think that David Bronner or the company is bluffing, look at how RSA filed a suit against Worldcom for misrepresentation. If he thinks that his investment won't benefit his group, don't think twice that he won't "pull" the DIP loan backing and then the company will have no choice but to liquidate. Read it for yourselves at the below link. There is only one choice and that is to vote yes. David Bronner is the "Bank" and without him, everyone loses. Where are all of the investors who are lining up to provide this company with financing? I would like to know where are Siegel's "finance backups" that some people have claimed on this board. The employees should be happy that David Bronner believes in this airline and its employees to provide this essential financing. I enjoy my job and don't want to see some employees screw it up for all of us. We are all in the same boat together. Some people like to paddle harder than others. For the no voters, it is time to "jump ship" and allow the ones who want this company to succeed to take over the ship.
To the furloughed CWA members, without a ratification, you will lose any recall rights and your 3 years of flight benefits. You might want to use those perks in the future. Also, your parents will be allowed on your term pass if this is ratified.
If you voted NO and you want to change you vote. Contact your local cwa president. The contact information is located at cwa.net. Everyone has the right to recast their vote until the deadline ends. The AFA/ALPA allows this option when they vote on their contacts.
Trish comments:
Truer words were never spoken regarding Dr Bronner and about ratificaton. He is not teasing. RSA is the bank. There is not another waiting in the wings for U's DIP
financing. Who would want to go through all of this again and then have employees not even appreciate that someone is trying to save their job, if at all possible. He has visions for U but cannot do it alone. He said all unions approve or Chapter 7. He has other places to invest his money from the 24 story RSA tower. He is an astute businessman and is well respected. I read the RSA World Com article and he does not like to lose money as he is in charge of the teachers and state employees's retirement so must make sound decisons and recoup any losses RSA might suffer at the same time.. So, you are right on, Fly.
Trish comments:
You wanted the interview on APTV with Dr Bronner regarding why he would invest in usairways. Well, I looked it up and it is an excellent interview that really should have a seperate thread for all to listen too. It will answer a lot of questions.
It was:
December 16 Alabama Public Television interview with RSA's David Bronner on why he invested in US Airways
Paste this and it should start right up,audio and video.
After listening to this again, I see no way out but the demise of this airline if all do not ratify. Possibly, that is why Mr. Chiames was so concerned about the comment by CWA's Mr. Root that was far from accurate it appears.
I just hope everyone is voting for the benefit of themselves and their families, and can live with the decison that they make when the results are announced Let us hope everyone will have a smile on their face because they saved this company.