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CWA leaders letter could cause the doors to close forever

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you better wake up...our health benefit is still below industry average,[STRONG]duh.[BR][/STRONG]name of the game now is [STRONG]you pay your fair share now.[BR][/STRONG]vote us out of a job and you think 19% bennie cost here is bad?[STRONG]duh.[BR][/STRONG]how we going to compete with the jet blues and swa's in this new world if we don't get our expenses into line with theirs?[STRONG]duh.[BR][/STRONG]look around you,everywhere- the 'old boyz club' in aviation is being rocked to their core,to survive and compete against the 'new kids on the block' ie:swa,jet blue,drastic measures are going to be needed to survive.[STRONG][EM]job cuts,benefits....painful decisions to keep working in these less than opportune times![BR][/EM][/STRONG]bronner wouldn't be thinking about an investment if he didn't think there wasn't a very good chance at making a big return on his investment,[STRONG][EM]and that return in the long run will be good for all involved.he stated in his interview that the company would have 6 years of union 'tranquility'....6 years to focus on getting back to profitability without any distractions.[BR][/EM][/STRONG]if we can't compete on an even palying field with the other carriers,then like 'ol t-rex....wa ain't going to survive.[STRONG]duh.[BR][/STRONG]get your heads out of the sand......[STRONG]double duh.[/STRONG]
First, to all my friends at U, I wish you a Happy, Healthy and SECURE New Year, and wish you all the best whichever way this situation shakes out.

That said, I have to say that as a loyal customer, it bothers me most that management has ignored the main problem--revenue. I wrote a letter to Dr. Bronner objecting to his strongarm tactics with labor, but also admonished him for not addressing the issue of revenue, specifically the rationalization of business fares. For my effort I received no reply.

While I respect everyone's right to work and earn a decent wage, the fact of the matter is that current revenue cannot support current labor expenses. Management has seen fit to put the burden once again on you the workers, but has ignored the main problem---IT'S THE FARES, STUPID!!!

You folks at US are by far the most professional and as I have said many times before, the best that the airline industry has to offer (with the exception of a handful at PHL Terminal F). For the most part, you haven't let your frustrations and anger at management show on the line. I haven't flown since late December (even FF's get a break), but I fear that the cracks will show now.

This time, however, I can't be so sure that it will be enough--the acrimony and finger pointing between work groups could actually mean the end of this great company. The lack of a cohesive work force, and the inability of employees to stand as one could have a devistating effect on the final outcome.

United made news this morning by closing all its CTO's and by laying off 1700 non union management staff. Perhaps US should look there as well. And while they're at it, perhaps the door could be shown to Mr. Baldanza, who let it be known exactly how he feels about us Preferred Members...that move alone did more to damage revenue than anyone could imagine--some of us don't forget.

Whichever way this shakes out, I would like to thank my friends at US for all they have done in the past, and wish you all well in the future--I hope I have the opportunity to fly with you for a long time to come, but its out of our hands for now.
I guarantee that you will see a decline in the months to come. Of course this does not effect the pilots or even the FA's for that matter. It effects the res, ticketing agents, gate agents, rampers, and mechanics the most. Pilots basically do not deal with passengers, and FA's deal with only those on a particular flight. But all of the others who do are absolutely swamped. Severely understaffed and overwhelmed! Please tell me how have your working conditions deteriorated since all of furloughs began? By the way, if you really want to solve US Airways liquidity problems, why don't you personally begin a campaign to eliminate defined pensions for the few groups that still have that benefit. Over THREE billion dollars underfunded, and your worried about the CWA? The under funded pension fund is the real Achilles heel and everyone knows it.


I'm not here to defend the pilots and I am CWA and have gotten my butt kicked like you....but you are in denial if you think that our vote doesn't matter. You say that all who vote no understand what is at stake and in the next breath talk about a continued decline in staffing/service levels of the next months. The decline will be "all the way to zero" and our vote does matter! We aren't giving as much as the other groups but we still have to give in order to stay around.

Regarding the pension, my understanding is that the pilots are working through their own pension issues. Our part of this puzzle is solving the $200 million dollar revenue issue that the ATSB requires....not the pension issue.

You need to change your vote to YES for those of us who still want to remain. Force the CWA to allow you to change your vote. If you are that unhappy, it will be easier to find another job while you still have a job. Help all of us to keep our jobs.
Chip, Are you related to Alabama Dave? Most of us know of his threats and are sick of them.What happens next time around?He will threaten to sell the airline if he doesn't get his way.We are sick of MANAGEMENT LIES and SICK of BONEHEAD THREATS. Go ahead and shut it down. lIFE GOES ON.
Chip, I recall seeing your brother & sister alpo pilots on the eastern picket line 03/89.

Biff asked: Chip are you gonna respond to my post last night or not?

Chip asks: Biff, maybe I do not understand english or I am missing something, but I did not see a question from you.

insp89 wrote said: "Will be voting NO to round 2 !! I am willing to FURTHER help the company out by work rule changes ONLY....R&D....LEAVE MY INSURANCE AND PAY ALONE !!!! Will the agreement pass without my vote ?? Time will tell...Liquidation is just a threat...One has to be pretty GULLIBLE to think they will shut this airline down with ALL the previous concessions they ALREADY HAVE !!!"

Cav said: "Well then I plead to being a gullible fool. Please explain to me why the ATSB and David Bronner would say one thing then do the complete opposite? Why would they play games with union members that refuse to believe that the conditions set are absolute, not requests, but demands that must be met? This is like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, even when they dropped pamphlets telling everyone the bomb was going to drop, they didn’t believe it."

Chip comments: Cav, I do not like this situation any more than anybody else. Who desires a reduction in pay, benefits, productivity, and retirement? But, your point is valid and the financiers and creditors care about only one thing. To protect their investment and in the eyes of the bankruptcy court, unfortunately for labor they’re number one. Either labor plays by their rules or the "doors will close" for good. It sucks, but it's a fact of life.

The simple reality is the economy is in the dumps, oil just jumped to over $33 per barrel, war is on the horizon, low cost competitors are growing at an enormous rate, RJs are cutting into our markets, security costs are soaring, and war risk insurance is off the charts.

In fact, these fundamental factors are why US Airways just went into further debt with the $120 million GECAS DIP financing accord? Does anybody truly believe management wanted to increase expenses with deteriorating fundamentals?

Cav, I think we both agree US Airways must cut its costs further or die. This is not rocket science, but cold hard facts.

I believe if an employee doesn't like the new agreements they can/should quit and let those who want to work at US Airways remain and help rebuild the company.

insp89 wrote:[BR][BR]
[P][SPAN class=BodyFont]Will be voting NO to round 2 !! I am willing to FURTHER help the company out by work rule changes ONLY....R&D....LEAVE MY INSURANCE AND PAY ALONE !!!! Will the agreement pass without my vote ?? Time will tell...Liquidation is just a threat...One has to be pretty GULLIBLE to think they will shut this airline down with ALL the previous concessions they ALREADY HAVE !!![BR]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[BR][BR]Well then I plead to being a gullible fool. [BR][BR]Please explain to me why the ATSB and David Bronner would say one thing then do the complete opposite? Why would they play games with union members that refuse to believe that the conditions set are absolute, not requests, but demands that must be met? This is like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, even when they dropped pamphlets telling everyone the bomb was going to drop, they didn’t believe it. [BR][/P][FONT size=2][/FONT][/SPAN]

I am ashamed and embarrassed that Dr. Bronner or at least some one from US Airways management would not take the time to respond to your letter. To me, it's just another sign that our management does not seem to understand who pays the bills around here: Our passengers. I'm still ashamed of the the letter Baldanza sent to our most frequent flyers. I agree that Baldanza should be fired or at least taken to the wood shed for a good beating. If it's true that Ben B. is strutting around the Palace proud of his status as the biggest a@@hole in the airline industry, can not Dave at least take him aside for a private word on professional standards of behavior? Is this the standard of behavior now being set by our upper management? Are they so completely clueless?

We need every passenger we can get these days. That's where the revenue comes from, or does that not figure into our recovery plan? I guess they must think they can treat our passengers as poorly as they treat their employees. Nickel and dime both sides to near-death and sit back and wonder why our stats and revenue drops?

I think the entire airline industry should really think about why passengers need a website like FlyerTalk. That the rules and fare structures are so insane pax need a support group is troubling to me. Shouldn't it be to them, the management? Don't get me wrong, I like FlyTalk but it's a sorry state to put ones business in such a place the customers must turn to one another for help, support and advice.

Art, please accept my apologies and know your business is important to those of us who have the pleasure serving you.

Sorry for the ramble, it just really steams me that at a time when most airlines are struggling to stay alive management can't grasp the simple concept of what a service industry needs to do: meet the needs of the people whose money they want and need. SWA and JetBlue seemed to have cottoned on, why can't we?

On 1/4/2003 9:20:08 PM chipmunn wrote:

Cav, I think we both agree US Airways must cut its costs further or die. This is not rocket science, but cold hard facts.

I believe if an employee doesn't like the new agreements they can/should quit and let those who want to work at US Airways remain and help rebuild the company.



Why don't "yall" just give up your $$$$ pension plan and opt for a 401k. If I as a lowly agent can be expected to finance my own retirement on my salary...surely one that makes as much as pilots make can finance their own too! If you would do that it would probably solve ALL of US money problems.

If after posting 1,150 + times on this site, telling the rest of us what we should do or should not do, hasn't convinced folks that you are right, and if we don't agree with you we should "just quit", I don't think you are going to get thru to us. Man WE (non pilots) must be dumb. Why don't you "just quit" trying?
c into it won't you
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/5/2003 7:59:55 PM cat 111 wrote: [BR][BR]Chip, Say what you want it will not change my mind or many others.You didn't hear the cwa or iam advising alpo of how to vote.This is AMERICA we have the FREEDOM to VOTE NO.If you don't like it take a hike.----------------[BR][BR][FONT size=3]No doubt about it. This is America and you and everyone else are free to be as stupid as you like. Since you must also be independently wealthy and not need this job, I guess you don't need the furlough or severance pay either. I also guess that unemployment insurance will be enough ( or maybe you don't need that either). How about your friends and coworkers? By the way, I'll save the moderators a post by saying that everyone, including Chip, is entitled to an opinion. If you don't want to read it, then don't.[/FONT][/BLOCKQUOTE]
Chip, Say what you want it will not change my mind or many others.You didn't hear the cwa or iam advising alpo of how to vote.This is AMERICA we have the FREEDOM to VOTE NO.If you don't like it take a hike.
On 1/5/2003 8:21:14 PM oldiebutgoody wrote:

On 1/5/2003 7:59:55 PM cat 111 wrote:

Chip, Say what you want it will not change my mind or many others.You didn't hear the cwa or iam advising alpo of how to vote.This is AMERICA we have the FREEDOM to VOTE NO.If you don't like it take a hike.----------------

[FONT size=3]No doubt about it. This is America and you and everyone else are free to be as stupid as you like. Since you must also be independently wealthy and not need this job, I guess you don't need the furlough or severance pay either. I also guess that unemployment insurance will be enough ( or maybe you don't need that either). How about your friends and coworkers? By the way, I'll save the moderators a post by saying that everyone, including Chip, is entitled to an opinion. If you don't want to read it, then don't.[/FONT][/BLOCKQUOTE]

And everyone has a right to that opinion without being called stupid , ignorant, and other various condescending names. People invalidate their opinions moreso with bashes and ludicrous pontificating than those who have strong YES OR NO convictions, and a backbone, whether they're misguided or accurate, and who have every right to vote how it affects them personally. It is nobody's business who earns what or can afford what and who can't. That is personal info. IMO The people who agreed to the contract last time put me out of a job after almost 18 years. Were they concerned for me,a stranger, friend and co worker? I don't think so.But I didn't begrudge their opinion, on a one by one basis anyway, perhaps collectively I did. On the basis of self preservation, it is foolish and unfair to ask for people to concern themselves over 30,000 total strangers. At least not a priori.
For people I have witnessed who are friends and co workers who disagree with one another on contract issues, I have seen not ONE SOUL bash one another live in person face to face, they've respected others opinions and what the circumstances might be because of those opinions, unlike here on this BULL board behind the anonymity of a computer screen. Like CHIP says, "if you can't stand the heat(the bullboard in this case), get outta the kitchen." That little cliche applies on all sides of the current situation.

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