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US Airways' Reserve System Sucks!

Some people believe anything. We got screwed and the union knew it.
I can think of a few thousand reserves that may question your assertion that CA is making positive changes for ALL. :mf_boff:

Uh, I didn't say anything about positive or negative. All I said was that the company was unwilling to spend the money to make preferential bidding work, so CA, along with other rational people, said no.

If you find you need a scapegoat, perhaps you need to revisit the basics of your argument.

A properly operating preferential bidding program will result in downsizing (furloughs) compared to what you have now. It will make the top 5% have really great blocks. Everybody else will have "not so great" blocks, compared to what you have now. It will allow the great trips to migrate up the seniority chain and also demand that the bad trips congregate at the bottom, moreso than what you have now.

Also, when a "believer" says that XYZ carrier has preferential bidding and "they love it", check out the specifics. For instance, FAs at NWA "rave" about preferential bidding, compared to their last system, which was basically the company called you anytime they wanted and assigned a trip. Speaking for myself, most any system, even yours, would be better than that.
Uh, I didn't say anything about positive or negative. All I said was that the company was unwilling to spend the money to make preferential bidding work, so CA, along with other rational people, said no.

If you find you need a scapegoat, perhaps you need to revisit the basics of your argument.
And my response to you said NOTHING about Pref Bidding. I was challenging your comment in Reply #27 where you say "...think of Carol as a gatekeeper, making certain that changes are for the better for all and not just a few."

That, my friend, has been proven time and time again to be untrue. Check the facts, ask around, do what you need to do, but she looks out for the top 1/5th of the seniority list, period. I'd love to see your facts to the contrary.
It seems like most people are on the same page... EXCEPT the union. Reserves need to get together, determine what they want, work with the westies and present it to the union. They are out for what affects them and thier blockholder friends and have no interest or knowlege of reserve issues.

Do you really think Carol Austin gives a good sh$! about what the reserves want? OH EMBFA...I expect more out of you than that...lol :down:

The union and the JNC could care less. It's all about suzie 40 year getting her vacation back.

Wait,reserves/juniors WILL BE sold up the river!!!!!!!
I don't know about reserves being sold up the river this time. There will be A LOT of junior folks with reserve in their future voting on the new contract when it is ready to vote on in 2020. I would like to keep the goodies that the blockholders have today but it IS MOST DEFINATELY keeping the lower half (reserves) in misery. There is no doubt about that. The AIL bidsheet MUST GO.
I tell you what. There is no way that I am going to let the people coming up behind me suffer, the way our union has let me. We are some of the strongest employees this company has. We should protect the folks behind us, lord knows our union won't. This suffering crap needs to stop here, with us. Some people say" Hey, you'll be a BH soon, and you won't care". That's BS. I know too many people, good people who I would never sell down the river, BH or not. If this RSV system isn't changed in the next agreement, even if I am a BH, I vote NO. I hope our next LECP in CLT is hearing this. Ann has never felt the pain we have. Sure, she hears our pain, ut you have to live it, like we have, for 3 1/2 years. Are you hearing that Ann? Take three years off from service, come out on line, bid RSV for 6-8 months, get a taste of what is going on down hear, bid secondary for awhile, check that out also. Then consider running again.