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US Airways raises $189 mln, warns of costs


Gee folks another POR plan not going as expected, wait and see when they come looking for more.
wasn't this reality show just on about one year ago??
and it may come out with a sequel?? :lol:
we have all been here before...we have all been here before...csny.. :blink:
this how it went the last time...yaa yaa!
US Airways was acquired by America West Holdings in September
politically correct version:
AWA bought a 500 pound canary and didn't read the fine print.
I disagree...I think AWA read the fine print, and knew exactly what they were buying/aquiring.What most people didnt see was the carving instructions for the Canary. Nature is about to take its course, so stand by...there's nothing you can do to stop it..Hell the ride may just put a little reality in you way of thinking. BOHICA...ya gotta love this nation. :up:

politically correct version:
AWA bought a 500 pound canary and didn't read the fine print.
Huh? Bad news to drive the stock price down, right before the pilots get their shares and AFTER the insiders (Management) have been selling in droves? This is ALL I need to see, to know that Parker is JUST another empty scumbag suit. "It looks like the new boss, is same as the old boss"...
Huh? Bad news to drive the stock price down, right before the pilots get their shares and AFTER the insiders (Management) have been selling in droves? This is ALL I need to see, to know that Parker is JUST another empty scumbag suit. "It looks like the new boss, is same as the old boss"...

Here we freakin go again. Got any proof they have been selling in droves? Blah, Blah, name calling...Blah. Not necessarily "bad" news, just the reality of merging two airlines. Reporters report what they want and sometimes spin the way they want it spun. Same with executives. Who freakin knows what the truth is. At this point I got a paycheck coming this week...one that I earned...it's a good feeling. Some of you just have everything figured out already and I wonder if your actively looking for another job? If you are...more power to ya...maybe what your saying has some truth in it. If your not stop your freakin whining. It's not manly to whine... At least Pitbull usually has a point and something to back it up with. It seems men make the best whiners now that I think about it. How can you think that a rationale person will take your post seriously if you resort to whining in the form of #1 name calling. #2 accusations with nothing to back you up. And yes, AWA management is leaving in droves. My former manager resigned and my current one is being stripped of many of his people for a potential..who knows. So you see...it's not all ABOUT YOU or THEM, it's all about US!
Hell...their all the same..they just change their hair-do to protect the quilty. anybody saying different either has their head in the sand or Dougs gra*k in their mouth. Now who will be the first to own up?

Huh? Bad news to drive the stock price down, right before the pilots get their shares and AFTER the insiders (Management) have been selling in droves? This is ALL I need to see, to know that Parker is JUST another empty scumbag suit. "It looks like the new boss, is same as the old boss"...
Huh? Bad news to drive the stock price down, right before the pilots get their shares and AFTER the insiders (Management) have been selling in droves? This is ALL I need to see, to know that Parker is JUST another empty scumbag suit. "It looks like the new boss, is same as the old boss"...

LCC closed at $33.04 today. Up 1.66%.

Look for standard incoming from Jerrold Glass. This includes threats, deadlines and finding a scapegoat. (Usually the pilots)

Nothing will change until the airline reports consistent profits.

However, I can't believe DP and the team that put this transaction together could have underestimated the cost, financial and otherwise, of merging the airlines.

US/West should adopt the mantra of US/East:

Hell...their all the same..they just change their hair-do to protect the quilty. anybody saying different either has their head in the sand or Dougs gra*k in their mouth. Now who will be the first to own up?

Dude, you just showed the caliber of person you are. Your comments dont warrant a response. I hope you get the help you need.

Happy Thanksgiving
sorry on the misspelling...just improvise..the taste will come to you. :up: :up:

Hell...their all the same..they just change their hair-do to protect the quilty. anybody saying different either has their head in the sand or Dougs gra*k in their mouth. Now who will be the first to own up?
take some advice from one who's been there.....this is how it usualy starts... :lol:
wait about some 18 months...if things aren't better it will get interesting. :lol:

this was what was wrong at old U in the first place....uppers never got nothing but glowing reports from the front lines and never knew the exact state of affairs most of the time.CYA :down:

Dell Dude,

From what I gather from reading your hundreds of posts...there has never been any good "state of affairs" no matter where you are. I have yet to read a forward looking, positive statement about this company from your posts.

Gee folks another POR plan not going as expected, wait and see when they come looking for more.
Thats twice you've mentioned concessions.Knowing your a iam/company lap dog. Are you trying to tell us you already know? Certainly the iam won't open the contract again would they? Answer: Of course they would! BTW you still haven't answered my questions regarding the secret transition agreement. Why is that? The End
Dell Dude,

From what I gather from reading your hundreds of posts...there has never been any good "state of affairs" no matter where you are. I have yet to read a forward looking, positive statement about this company from your posts.

You noticed the pattern too. Dell has experienced much of the old US Airways as many of the completely negative posters have. I think some are hesitant to say anything good for fear it might lead to more concessions or weaken their position. They surely do a good job of portraying disgruntled employees. Seems there is bliss and a certain amount of freedom in being a non-contract, non-management employee. They are not making a good case to convince anyone to join their group(s) with the amount of venom being spewed. Reasonable people usually have a balance of good and bad. It seems a good number of posters use this board to only vent their frustrations and is probably good therapy for them, but they shouldn't expect to be taken seriously. I originally came to this board to embrace the merger, meet some of my new co-workers, and learn more about US Airways. Pitbull, BoeingBoy, and others have brought alot of information into mix. Lately it seems this board has been dominated by whiners and venom spewing snakes. But hey, it's a free country and I'm done venting. 😉

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