Thanks for your commentary USstew! 🙂
The End. We never had the leverage at Hp. First of all we got our FIRST CONTRACT in 1999, before that we just had organized AFA and were in years of tireless negotiations. From 1990 to about 1996, this company didn't hire any employees because they were still recovering from BK no. 1. The pilots made history when they voted in there 2nd contract with the company, and got due raises and were brought up to industry averages, and got a pension for once. In 2004 our first contract expired. We were in talks until the merger was announced in 2005. Our council had made vast improvements in the next AWA contract, in which none were implemented. The company just froze the negotiations with the West fa's, and started to negotiate a joing MEC contract with the East. So you TELL ME THE END, where out of all this time, could we of stuck it to the company or demanded better work rules and wages!!! Before I forget, from the start of this company 1983 to 1999 we were at the companies mercy, and workrules! PLease Educate yourself before trying to punker punch anymore of us West employees. Thank You. 😀