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US Airways CEO sees airline industry heading down

A pay cut or concession out West is definetly the demise of this company. No one will stand for there bullsh!t anymore. You have already gotten away with paying us poverty wages and the worst pay scales in the industry for 25 years!! Give us a raise, and ride out the tough times, or you don't have an airline Mr. Parker, period!! :angry: :angry:
That's not a very positive attitude, NOT untrue just not positive..

Be in the C Concourse in PHL of Friday Evening arounf 7:30 and we can have a US Airways campfire and sing kumbaya and old negro spirituals :up:
:lol: HELL YA! Pencil me in to sing with the Sistas! I may even want to give a Marilyn Monroe rendition of "Glory, Glory Hallelujah" and singing gospel with the local Phillie townsfolk. We would probably need to get Corporate approval with The DIVERSITY Department (S_Hughes @Bozos.com)......can't believe they even need a Department like such when they can't run a damn airline to FLY Airplanes. These people are PATHETIC and prove it on a DAILY BASIS. Sing on though....... :up:
Mr. Parker is running these contracts out, that is clear. I will say it again. I believe that as long as these abysmal bankruptcy contracts translate to profit he won't change them. He'll run them out. It could be that he has no intention of being here when they run out, therefore he feels it's not his problem, just his benefit. That would fit the USairways mold. For the West, that means that we have a long tradition of being run, raped and abandoned.

The thing is, if one accepts that this is the status quo until the contracts do run out, the only thing you are left with is how to best prepare.

At the point of run out, all bets are off. I would say go for the jugular.

This bunch is an amoral, ruthless breed. The only thing they understand is leverage.

But. If they have any intention of coming to us with anything less than what I gave up. Sorry. Shut it down. I am done tolerating the misery index.
Poor Dungie, he must have been getting into the spiked Kool-Aid while the airline was 'swooshing' down the toilet.
A pay cut or concession out West is definetly the demise of this company. No one will stand for there bullsh!t anymore. You have already gotten away with paying us poverty wages and the worst pay scales in the industry for 25 years!! Give us a raise, and ride out the tough times, or you don't have an airline Mr. Parker, period!! :angry: :angry:
If you have been putting up with it for 25 years already and have done nothing, why do you think Parker will do anything for you now??? Obviously your threats mean nothing. You guys are the fools here!!! The End
If you have been putting up with it for 25 years already and have done nothing, why do you think Parker will do anything for you now??? Obviously your threats mean nothing. You guys are the fools here!!! The End
I think the West employees have more leverage now than ever because their size has more than doubled and with a group that has had some of the best contracts in the industry and who is non tolerant of this kind of treatment. They should and are starting to use it to their advantage (rightfully so). This place has a hell of a lot of potential and the former AWA employees along with the East employees are sick of seeing it being wasted away by a bunch of arrogant b@stards who are too busy reacting to everything instead of doing the right thing and being proactive.

note: management and the kool-aid crowd would like everyone to think that being cheap (the price of everything and value of nothing approach) and embarrassing is proactive when in reality it's nothing more than trying to reinvent the wheel. There is a stark contrast between being creative and trying to reinvent the wheel which is what most of the sane employees from AWA will tell that they (management) did prior to this merger. It may have gotten by for a regional carrier that was not so "in the spotlight" and not really noticed but not for this titanic of an airline.
I think the West employees have more leverage now than ever because their size has more than doubled and with a group that has had some of the best contracts in the industry and who is non tolerant of this kind of treatment. They should and are starting to use it to their advantage (rightfully so). This place has a hell of a lot of potential and the former AWA employees along with the East employees are sick of seeing it being wasted away by a bunch of arrogant b@stards who are too busy reacting to everything instead of doing the right thing and being proactive.

note: management and the kool-aid crowd would like everyone to think that being cheap (the price of everything and value of nothing approach) and embarrassing is proactive when in reality it's nothing more than trying to reinvent the wheel. There is a stark contrast between being creative and trying to reinvent the wheel which is what most of the sane employees from AWA will tell that they (management) did prior to this merger. It may have gotten by for a regional carrier that was not so "in the spotlight" and not really noticed but not for this titanic of an airline.
Thanks for your commentary USstew! 🙂
The End. We never had the leverage at Hp. First of all we got our FIRST CONTRACT in 1999, before that we just had organized AFA and were in years of tireless negotiations. From 1990 to about 1996, this company didn't hire any employees because they were still recovering from BK no. 1. The pilots made history when they voted in there 2nd contract with the company, and got due raises and were brought up to industry averages, and got a pension for once. In 2004 our first contract expired. We were in talks until the merger was announced in 2005. Our council had made vast improvements in the next AWA contract, in which none were implemented. The company just froze the negotiations with the West fa's, and started to negotiate a joing MEC contract with the East. So you TELL ME THE END, where out of all this time, could we of stuck it to the company or demanded better work rules and wages!!! Before I forget, from the start of this company 1983 to 1999 we were at the companies mercy, and workrules! PLease Educate yourself before trying to punker punch anymore of us West employees. Thank You. 😀
The End. We never had the leverage at Hp. First of all we got our FIRST CONTRACT in 1999, before that we just had organized AFA and were in years of tireless negotiations. From 1990 to about 1996, this company didn't hire any employees because they were still recovering from BK no. 1. The pilots made history when they voted in there 2nd contract with the company, and got due raises and were brought up to industry averages, and got a pension for once. In 2004 our first contract expired. We were in talks until the merger was announced in 2005. Our council had made vast improvements in the next AWA contract, in which none were implemented. The company just froze the negotiations with the West fa's, and started to negotiate a joing MEC contract with the East. So you TELL ME THE END, where out of all this time, could we of stuck it to the company or demanded better work rules and wages!!! Before I forget, from the start of this company 1983 to 1999 we were at the companies mercy, and workrules! PLease Educate yourself before trying to punker punch anymore of us West employees. Thank You. 😀
The proper and really only reasonable response is: no excuse. AWA happened to have hired most of the abused spouses in the SW which is the only reason they could get away with dirt-cheap labor for a generation (25 years).

The relatively short pain of a strike hardly compares to the mind-numbing humiliating servitude of 25 years. Talk about career expectations.
Thanks for your commentary USstew! 🙂
The End. We never had the leverage at Hp. First of all we got our FIRST CONTRACT in 1999, before that we just had organized AFA and were in years of tireless negotiations. From 1990 to about 1996, this company didn't hire any employees because they were still recovering from BK no. 1. The pilots made history when they voted in there 2nd contract with the company, and got due raises and were brought up to industry averages, and got a pension for once. In 2004 our first contract expired. We were in talks until the merger was announced in 2005. Our council had made vast improvements in the next AWA contract, in which none were implemented. The company just froze the negotiations with the West fa's, and started to negotiate a joing MEC contract with the East. So you TELL ME THE END, where out of all this time, could we of stuck it to the company or demanded better work rules and wages!!! Before I forget, from the start of this company 1983 to 1999 we were at the companies mercy, and workrules! PLease Educate yourself before trying to punker punch anymore of us West employees. Thank You. 😀
What do you mean you didn't have the leverage? So many think the unions are going help you. Well their NOT! I know I've been in one for 20 years. The unions are just puppets of the company sucking in dues money. You had the power and still do. If all you guys got together and decided one day not to show up what would the company do? Fire everyone. Not!!! Now you have the power because of the chance that you would do it again. I am not "pucker punching" the West. East is no different. No one has the guts, save a few. You know first hand what negotiating has done for you. The unions are bogged down in the RLA. There is no surprise element to a work action. You have to do it on your own. It would only take one day!! The End
I'm back! Did you miss me? :angry: ...with every bullet so far, huh? :lol:

It's amazing how someone generalizes a thought and some take it personal. I guess when Doogie says the industry, he means only US. Not true, he means the USA, or worldwide, industry. His plan: to make his PERSONAL airline more efficient...with or without mergers. Read his words carefully, because if US does consolidate it will mean cuts!

He outlines why DAL-NWA won't really work...because they keep most of their routes and EMPLOYEES!...yeah that is a loss when you are thinking profit. Without cuts, even painful ones, there can be no profits.

Next come Kirby's comments which probably mean nothing...but might mean something. Ten exucitives from Tempe are coming to Philly because they want to make it a regional headquarters. Goes without saying that when top brass comes from HQ in ANY corporation, the outcome won't be a happy one 🙁

Axe-men, streamliners, efficiency experts, spies, etc., whatever you want to call them, come with the package.

That's just my opinion.
Next come Kirby's comments which probably mean nothing...but might mean something. Ten exucitives from Tempe are coming to Philly because they want to make it a regional headquarters. Goes without saying that when top brass comes from HQ in ANY corporation, the outcome won't be a happy one 🙁

Axe-men, streamliners, efficiency experts, spies, etc., whatever you want to call them, come with the package.

That's just my opinion.

Everyone one on this board is quick to criticize MGT for not making the airline better ..... "Axe-men, stream-liners, efficiency experts, spies, etc." in PHL sounds like a good start! 😀

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