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Us Airways Pilots Call For Removal Of Siegel,cohen

I think they forgot one or two, but thats a good start.
I hope all other unions publically make the same statement, and send a message to David B.
Maybe we could find a CEO with the though of growing the mainline.
I'm so worn out working for a loosing company. 🙁
Kudo's to Captain Pollock and the ALPA membership....this drum can't be beaten loud or often enough.

I did see a major oversight in his statement however....Jerry Glass and BBB were not mentioned or implicated at all !!
In November Issue of Local Lodge 1725 of the IAM called for his resignation as did Robert Roach the GVP of Transportation a month or two back!
Its about time,these idiots do not know how to run an airline.All of the employees hate them!
I dont think first of all the comparison about cost were a true picture as in apples to apples. Flat rates as in pay maybe 737 to 737, howcver factor in their productivity rules etc theres still a huge difference... By Dave leaving , this will not solve anything. The first thing a new CEO will do is say he or she need to cut further when they walk in the door. What about buisness 101 dont you people get? Adaptation is one thing, the basics dont change. We have never gotton to the basics because we continue to have to adapt.... This is more CYA for alpa uppers than anything. They know the truth because if they didnt, do you think they would be backing out now. ? The plan was good enough to shove down alpa members throat wasnt it? It must be election time?
It truly amazes me . You guys dont see this as a cya thing for alpa uppers? ELection time? Please Dave leaves the cost will come faster if a ceo has half a brain......... idiots? Ive heard that word so many times about every ceo this airline has had! Now find a new name for the next oh no wait they will be idiots too.
zonecontroller said:
Maybe we could find a CEO with the though of growing the mainline.
I'm so worn out working for a loosing company. 🙁
The blunt truth is that during the 90's the US pay scales were so far above industry-average. I'm sorry for your troubles now but the shell game is over.

How big of the ALPA to call for Siegel's resignation! Another self-serving union statement.

Okay -- just suppose you got rid of Siegel: who would you get to be the new CEO and please tell how you would "grow the mainline"?
whatkindoffreshhell said:
zonecontroller said:
Maybe we could find a CEO with the though of growing the mainline.
I'm so worn out working for a loosing company. 🙁
The blunt truth is that during the 90's the US pay scales were so far above industry-average. I'm sorry for your troubles now but the shell game is over.

How big of the ALPA to call for Siegel's resignation! Another self-serving union statement.

Okay -- just suppose you got rid of Siegel: who would you get to be the new CEO and please tell how you would "grow the mainline"?
That is BS and you know it!
During the 90's USAir's pilot payscales were roughly in line with other major airlines. By 2000 when the Wolf/Ganwal "Pairty +1%" formula was applied we were 18% below the industry average.

Let me just make sure I understand you. Are you saying Seigel is a good CEO? A leader? A motivator? Is he capable of leading this company? Is he as good as Bethune? Neeleman? Kelleher? Has he used the tools we have given him to remake this company? Has his plan succeeded? Here is "business 101" sparky:

Leadership is essential for a CEO. He has none. Ability to motivate an employee group is essential for a CEO. He can't do it. And here's a big one: The CEO is responsible for the profitability of the corporation. We have given him everything he asked for. Then we gave him more when he asked for it again. And exactly what is it he has done to turn us around? You need to listen to Bethunes weekly message and compare it to Seigel's. The number is 1-877-324-6254. After you listen to Bethune speak to his employees then call and listen to Seigel once again. Then come back on this board and explain to me business 101 and what a CEO means to an airline. Or any company.

You are out to lunch fliboi. The employees have stood by and watched as Wolf and Ganwal nearly got us liquidated. We gave Seigel what he wanted and he is now steering us down the same path. And we aren't going to take it anymore. If you think this guy is capable of turning a profit at US Airways then you haven't been paying attention. The vast majority of legacy carriers turned a profit last quarter without nearly the concessions Seigel has. He is incompetent and void of the knowledge of how to run an airline. Or how important the employees are in that process. And ALPA is calling him on it. There are many people out there who know this business and can lead and motivate. The BOD needs to hire one and dump this weenie ASAP.

Bring this man in Greg Brennaman.

Funny how all the airline analysts have been saying it is not labor, it is managment.
700UW said:
Bring this man in Greg Brennaman.

Funny how all the airline analysts have been saying it is not labor, it is managment.
Brenneman would be a good choice.

Sure , We all know that some changes need to take place....but Seigel has mis-represented himself to us , ever since the first round of concessions were agreed to.

We were approached with lies about being labor friendly...yet the actions have been left-handed back door approaches to breach every contract in the post concession enviroment.

The urge to shrink the mainline has further destroyed the ability for longer range flying...yet the focus has rested entirely on labor cheap RJ flying , mainly to the benefit of "Our prefered Regional Partner" Mesa.

Mesa is a part of the fix...yet I fear too much has been handed to them ..all at the expense of the Mainline and WO's Employee's whom have given of themselves and their benefits and even employment to make a hapless plan work.

Dave has been here almost two years...but nothing they have done has made the impact that our concessions in rounds one and two were to bring....who dare trust these people when concession and furlough rounds 3,4,or 5 fails to yield the desired results?

Wolf and Gangwhal ran after not having a plan B...yet Seigels Plan A has yet to actually materialize after almost two years and 2 Billion Dollars has lapsed into oblivion.

The time for a change is now....The passengers are not impressed with the service...we fail to market ourselves...we are asked to give more and more...and the glass is still more than half empty per Seigels weekly distress signals.

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