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Us Airways Merger Update District 142

Only time will tell dell...........but you should be reading your new contract at the local 104 web sight. You will be glad it's your contract considering what you have now.........LOL
too many loose ends there gonzo...i firmly believe your open items will stay that way because your AWA negotiators expect IAM to move in and will just mirror those sections in the IAM contract.
too many loose ends there gonzo...i firmly believe your open items will stay that way because your AWA negotiators expect IAM to move in and will just mirror those sections in the IAM contract.
explain these items:










8. HOURS OF SERVICE 10/13/2005 07/06/2005
13. OVERTIME 04/21/2005
20. WAGE RATES 04/21/2005(notice no action from AWA here in quite a while)
24. INSURANCE 04/21/2005
25. 401(K) 04/21/2005 02/09/2005
34. DURATION OF AGREEMENT 07/07/2005 (look at this wide open section dead in the water)
looks to me like we'll plug in the same IAM sections and go get a coffee.....
why no company movement in a long time on some of these serious matters that will affect IBTmembers??
OD can't get in to a debate with Andy Marshall - he has nothing to back up his claims with - I have been listening to how they negociated this contract where they gave away half of your scope, why don't they just tell the truth, this was rammed down thier thoats by the court and they had to beg to vote it, Twice. Your contract is not superior, the membership will not lose the current inhouse work by going Teamsters, in the same token they will not get rolled into our benefits. The Teamsters will negociate a new contract to cover both work groups - why isn't the IAM making this commitment? Only reasons that come to mind is that they are to cheap to invest the money or to lazy to put forth the effort. My vote (being a FORMER IAM member) is that they are both. They just want to collect the dues and are happy with the status quo because they do not care about the membership. If they did they would not have subtracted dues from members furloough pay. The membership to the IAM is a pain in the backside that they have to tolerate to get thier dues money, they have only seen thier leadership since the Teamsters came on the scene, they have only seen thier contract since the Teamsters put it on the Teamster website for them. It is just amazing that they now start getting copies of it out there. How did they vote for a contract without seeing is? It is because the IAM gave them summaries showing them what they want them to see not the whole picture.

The IAM learned this week in Phoenix that we will not buy into thier lies and half truths that is why they closed the meeting and made the mechanics leave. They could not answer to the truth so they ended the meeting - and you call that representation??

SIGN A TEAMSTER CARD - SECURE YOUR RIGHT OF CHOICE - Then vote which ever is best for you and your family after doing your own research - Make a informed decision about what is best for YOUR CAREER AND LIVELYHOOD - SIGN A CARD - THEN VOTE
will be no vote......
thanks for joining the men and women from U iam..... :up:
The IAM learned this week in Phoenix that we will not buy into thier lies and half truths that is why they closed the meeting and made the mechanics leave. They could not answer to the truth so they ended the meeting - and you call that representation??
if it was a district 141 meeting,it was for ramp and your mech's should have known it wasn't their meeting...
hell 700 has told and told and told you that many,many times before. B)
they have only seen thier contract since the Teamsters put it on the Teamster website for them
lies...lies.....every member has had a contract in hard copy for years and a modification sheet too... at U can they can read.... :shock:
First of all why do you send a UPS employee and not an HP Mechanic?

Second the IAM did not beg the company to vote on a final offer, I should know I was there.

Third it is apparent you have no clue nor idea of what it means to your CBA when a company files Chapter 11 and seeks to abrogate your CBA.

Fourth the IAM scope language is still superior to the ibt/HP CBA after three rounds of concessions over 50% of the US/East fleet is overhauled in-house, you say the same about the HP Fleet?

How many ibt/HP mechanics are there are Timco in Macon, Ga or at Aeroman at San Salvador, El Salvador overhauling the HP Fleet?

Fifth, if I was you I would resign from the ibt Negotiating Committee as you don't even know the Railway Labor Act and the process of Negotiations under it, you post false information about how the IAM can renegotiate or how the ibt will if ever elected.

It is apparent you are scared as each post your fear grows and you spew misinformation and keep begging for cards, the ibt knows their days are numbered at the new US Airways.

Good luck and hope you will get educated when the IAM takes over, maybe you can go to Placid Harbor and learn about the RLA and how it works.
Why does the IBT want to send a UPS employee do debate a IAM rep?

NO HP Mechs who is a IBT Rep not smart enough?

LOL......Mr. 70........ you know that's all it takes.....LOL. Mr. Andy Marshall would be proud to be called a UPS employee.

If you read the legal document carefully you will see that the Teamsters are calling the IAM's bluff. It's just another way for the IAM to try to get something past it's membership. The rule of "first blow" doesnt apply here. The NMB has more going for it than the IAM seems to think. I consider the IAM's "single status carrier" request an insult to the NMB. Is the IAM trying to sneak something by the NMB?

The NMB has specific questions that still need to be answered. They have not been answered at this point and it will take some time for them to be answered. This objection to the IAM action seems to be more of an education process for the IAM. The NMB knows whats going on with the IAM and IBT situation.
How many mergers have you been involved with at the ibt or even HP?

The IAM has been involved with three mergers alone at US Airways and many more throughout the industry over the years. The IAM and the legal deptartment know exactly what they are doing and are following the NMB's rules and regualtions.

Seems to me the ibt is scared and know their days are numbered.

And since your ibt mr marshall does not work under the CBA nor ever has I even doubt is has ever represented anyone under in the grievance procedure or enforced it, I would suggest somone who works under it and actually enforces it.

No one at HP can step up to the plate?
If you read the legal document carefully you will see that the Teamsters are calling the IAM's bluff.
usually in legal circles the one who feels they're getting screwed or don't have any other recourse seek injunctive relief.
1. Andy Marshall speaks for us as he has negociated some of the best contract out there - and what does his being a mechanic have to do with any debate. Tell OD to borrow some balls from someone and debate him.

2. We are not the ones spreading misinformation - if you were there then tell them the truth instead of what you are told to say.

3. Can you say "conflict of interest" we have nothing to gain if the work goes outsourced - the IAM still get dues from outsourcing.

4. I am not a lawyer - I am a mechanic - I am on the committee because the membership I represent knows that I will say it the way it is and will tell them what happens reguardless of who it benefits. I trust the sources of the information that stated the IAM can renegociate the contract and they have the legal basis for the statement that the IAM could renegociate your gifted contract. Maybe that is why OD won't debate Marshall - he can not defend his position.

5. This was a meeting put on for mechanic they told us to be there the week before -
usually in legal circles the one who feels they're getting screwed or don't have any other recourse seek injunctive relief.

When it take an "injunction" to stop a crime then so be it.
1. Andy Marshall speaks for us as he has negociated some of the best contract out there - and what does his being a mechanic have to do with any debate. Tell OD to borrow some balls from someone and debate him.

2. We are not the ones spreading misinformation - if you were there then tell them the truth instead of what you are told to say.

3. Can you say "conflict of interest" we have nothing to gain if the work goes outsourced - the IAM still get dues from outsourcing.

4. I am not a lawyer - I am a mechanic - I am on the committee because the membership I represent knows that I will say it the way it is and will tell them what happens reguardless of who it benefits. I trust the sources of the information that stated and they have the legal basis for the statement that the IAM could renegociate your gifted contract. Maybe that is why OD won't debate Marshall - he can not defend his position.

5. This was a meeting put on for mechanic they told us to be there the week before -
and herein you spread vicious lies and slander regarding the IAM contract that your famous andy got from U labor only for thier purpose of subjugation.....you act as fools.
you have my support........
hey AWA,

How come you are not answering all the questions?

I believe you are not because you know I am right.

No defense from the ibt who's days are numbered.

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