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Us Airways Holding Flight Attendants Prisoners

Good God,

All I'm saying is that the only questions I asked, I recieved the same response from Bruce Ashby that everyone had recieved from their Supervisors or Union Reps.

Maybe go back through this forum and re read what the majority of you are saying about RJs taking over all the Mainline Flights....Makes a Hell of a lot more sense for me to wait for Mid Atlantic than Mainline US... I have applied to almost all our express companies but seems they don't really want mainline F/A's .... Could it be because they're afraid we will leave soon...OR is is that we are experienced!!! As for other Airlines...Sure, I've applied to them also, but I'm am not giving up 3years very easily.

As for the Mechanics....Hey I know a lot of those that got furloughed....Some of them have already moved on to other airlines!! As far as them outsourcing heavy maintenance....Seems to me that the Fight is underway and I wish all of you the best !!!!
The bid trip system and reserve system of mainline IS NOT the same for MAA. The system for MAA is the Bordom system (sp?) which I can not elaborate on as I know nothing about this system. It is different than CatCrew.
Please dear, Check your temp. Areyou are running a fever. Dilerious maybe.
I am not pee-ed off by any sense of the word. I am no longer blind to the way my beloved company is being run and run into the ground mind you.
From the day Dave and crew have come aboard I tried to trust and believe them.
But history keeps repeating itself and the lies keep biting them in the butt.
screw me once shame on me. But twice shame on DAVE and crew. A third time and a fourth and fifth is just getting to be abusive and I can no longer turn my head and cough. Wake up girl, Read the print before they set fire to the bottom of it. If you think this is all a bunch of peed off employees maybe you should buy a vowel so you can get a clue to the puzzle.
This is a group of people who will tell you the TRUTH.
you need to decide what side of the fence to sit. And if you think for one minute Management is telling you the truth. Then you get what you deserve. Screwed to the wall.
Fast, Ever hear of Weighing both sides of the Fence?? That would be what I'm doing. I'm taking bits of what people here say...Mixed with responses that I get from Management... Which As I believe I've said a Few times already... All the F/A's that have checked with their Supervisors AND THE UNION have been given the SAME answer I recieved from Management!! The only reason I even bothered posting anything about the email I recieved was to pass on information.... I've been around for a while and I have heard just as much BS from Flight Attendants as I would dare to say over the years you've heard from Management !!

So for everyone reading this right now....CHILL OUT !!!

I refuse to take either side in this right now... I have been in Management and even was a Union Steward at one time...I know Both Sides of the FENCE !!!!
Colby if you choose to think for yourself. YEAH!!!!!
But come on hard are do you have to take it before you realize that Dave is gonna
steal from you everything he can and smile while he does it.
But you say you are listen to everyone so You can make your own choices and for that I am happy. But beware of the dogs that have bitten you before.
PineyBob said:
First off before you call Chris Chiames a liar I'd like you to consider the words he wrote and the fact that he is the only one who has the testosterone to get on here and actually use his name.

So let's parse the document posted shall we:

"We are not going to outsource heavy maintenance in PIT or elsewhere. We never even proposed it. (Unlike UA which has proposed the outsourcing of heavy maintenance.)"

And to date they have never proposed it! they just went ahead and implemented it. Went to court and now we'll see won't we.
Except that he lied about the "outsourcing" (first) sentence.

They did (or are trying) to outsource.

I still want to know how these operational experts are going to handle it when and if the IAM gets the TRO.
Dea Certe said:

Reserve back in the old days was pretty rotten. When I started at PSA (the old one) we had a one-hour report time. We weren't allowed beepers and cell phones hadn't been invented! Most people had two phones; one for scheduling, the other for real life. Call-waiting hadn't been invented yet either. Our duty days started at 05:00 and you sat reserve until assigned a trip or were released. You rarely got released and then only after considerable begging. There wasn't an OPR or secondary blocks.

Many of us lived in apartments near the airport with roommates. We would drag our phones down the pool area with these extra-long cords. There was always a panic when a phone would ring as we all made a dive on our phone! Nothing worse than getting a call while you were all slathered up in cocoa butter (can't believe we did that) with greasy, wet hair and told to report in one hour. Thank God we had to wear those silly hats back then. And thank God we parked on the tarmac right next to the crew room.

Trips were assigned by who had the lowest time. Seniority had nothing to do with it. Our guarantee was 65 hours, on a 28 day bid period. I don't think I ever got over 50 hours, unless I picked up a trip on my days off. I got hopelessly addicted to soap operas during that time.

With this new system, are you called in order of the lowest time? Does the OPR get the quick calls? Does everyone get about the same amount of time? Have you heard about the Pref Bidding system and how it will affect the reserves?


While I understand what you're saying (I was on the PI reserve system which sucked), most of our reserves have been around a long time. In CLT, reserve is currently 1989 seniority. Most of these folks have come to depend on working a full month of time (85 hours). With the new system of seniority meaning nothing, even more US Airways employees will face financial hardship. The company's plan is for every reserve to work 71 hours, the minumum guarantee. For someone like me who was on reserve until 1999 (I started in 1987) and worked 85 or more hours a month, a 15 hour paycut would prove to be catastrophic. Coupled with the reductions in pay from last year, I would have to go into foreclosure if faced with this new reserve. And yes, perhaps with the new pref bidding, things might not be as bad. Only one problem, the company hasn't even gone in search of a software vendor to work out the logistics of our contract. We may not see pref bidding until the 4th quarter of 2004. The two were negotiated to WORK TOGETHER, not for whenever the company gets around to it.
a 15 hour paycut would prove to be catastrophic. Coupled with the reductions in pay from last year, I would have to go into foreclosure if faced with this new reserve
With all due respect, that is where many of us are nowand have been for some time.
I find it really hard to feel sorry for anyone that is ONLY NOW realizing that they are not safe. Since this crap has started senior reserves and block holders hogged every single trip that they could. Now it is their time to feel the pain that the more junior are feeling.

Today is the 13th and I have NO HOURS. I don't feel sorry for you!!!
We have faced about a $1,000 dollar a month cut for almost a year now.
The hogging days are over I am happy to say.
i remember labor freindly dave standing in the PIT hangar meeting when we had our first look.he stood in front of all and boldly stated to all his wish was to keep heavy maintenance....i remember this quite well....i gave this man the benefit of the doubt.....shame on me....now i know!
delldude said:
i remember labor freindly dave standing in the PIT hangar meeting when we had our first look.he stood in front of all and boldly stated to all his wish was to keep heavy maintenance....i remember this quite well....i gave this man the benefit of the doubt.....shame on me....now i know!
Don’t feel bad I too was snookered big time by this band of professional deceivers at that same time in that hanger. Now we know better than putting trust in this management team.
He "Wished" he could keep heavy mtc. Well I wish for many things and get very few of them. Forget what THEY say, Watch what they DO!

As my departed grandmother used to say, "If wishes were fishes, this place would stink!"

Hey, wait a minute, it does stink. Phew! Oh well....

Piney is correct.

If you want to know what management is up to:

NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER believe what they say.

ALWAYS watch what they DO and what they DO AND DON'T spend their money on.

Or put another way, FOLLOW THE MONEY!
In solidarity,

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