Am I as Objective??? I invented the word. The employees ARE the company. So, there is the extent of my objectiveness. WE provide the service to the cusotmer to ensure repeat business. "Cause and effect".
I take great exception to managers who believe every thing is black and white or it must be this way or that, or your either this kind of employee or that.
Again, your thinking is skewed, folks who write on these boards have a lot to say and its mostly feelings of fruatrations with his management. If folks on here complain, you just "dismiss" them and call them lazy good for nothing employees, and scratch them off. For you to say you have no alligence to union or company...well, I don't think like you. So kill me.
I have a strong alligence to this company. Why? Because the employees make up the company. We are service driven and that is what employees provide. I will not join your elite group and foster ineptness of this current mangement and make excuses for them or insulate them....and say...yes everything is just fine, I'm ok, this just didn't happen, don't complain, don't ask, just do..."CAUSE THE FOLKS UP STAIRS JUST HAVE TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING CAUSE IT IS THEIR PLAN"! Abusing employees does not foster productivity increases. You still just don't get that yet, and I am not just talking about decreasing staffing and adding more responsibilities to the employees which directly effect customer service. NO, not just that. NO ONE HAS AN AVERSION TO WORK, MY FRIEND. Not here at U. We work and take pride in what we do. To imply something different is again your ingnorance and your own pinned up frustrations.
Sorry Charlie, you will be wasting your air, with me.
In your attempt to discredit me on these boards, you imply I'm all about dues dollars when it comes to increasing numbers is again just plain ignorance. Thought you knew me better than that from all the posts on here. Obviously, I just wasted space with you and am offended. "I'm about employment" and keep livable wage jobs alive. Period. NUCOR Steel Company hasn't laid off folks in 30 years, there average steel worker makes between $70,000 and $100,000...yes I too was shocked when I read this, and they ahave had NO layoffs. Why? Because when the economy downturns in this type of cyclical industry, their managment doesn't believe in unemployeeing people. They bring down the work week to 4 days and on rare occasions 3 day work weeks. Everyone keeps a job. Could that management do things differently and yield cost savings...absolutely. Are they more morale? In most instances. Their CEO explains his rationale for providing this. Pick up some material on this NON union company that has an excellent management team. I have already given these articles to our execs on numerous occasions. hoping to give them an epiphany.
You have decided that if you can't brainwash me to believe that after all that has occurred here at U and still doesn't matter in your world cause "life is grand", then your world has been insulated by all that has ensued. Maybe you were a better planner in your life, well let me just applaud you then. I won't banter with you about how the employees here suffer specifically our junior work force; been there done that. Everyone is trying to go on with their lives, but the "####" keeps hitting the fan, and there is no end.
You say better reserves system? For who? Mangement? absolutely! Flight attendants... they will only on rare occasions be able to time out or not at all. On duty all month whether they fly or not. AND DON'T TELL ME THEY SIGNED ON TO THIS...UNDER THREAT OF LIQUIDATION WITH UNDEFINED LANGUAGE AS THE CAVIATE.
Sorry, I can't deal with "shallowness", just because its easy for you to say "suck it up" already. If you think that using a "heavy hammer" will bring all to make for perfect working environment to yield your desired end results, then fine...hammer away, man.
You lost me with "good grief PIT"...
I don't know what you are trying to convey. You make it like f/as are basically lazy. Knitting and reading is not permitted on the jumpseats. No Bob, I don't want or expect you to send positive comment cards on employees that don't provide you the best service out there. If they don't deserve your comment, then you should be genuine, and not promote what you deem as substandard service. If reading or knitting is going on while sitting on the jumpseat then remind those f/as you say you see doing this. If you want to write them up....join the club. Being part of the corporate "witch hunt" is the "IN" thing to do with management.
Just ask Mark.