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Us Airways Holding Flight Attendants Prisoners


Go do your homework and pull the post, since you obviously have much time on your hands and love focusing on my personal life.

I'll be waiting for what you can find. I like to see where I said I am pursuing post graduate studies.

My gripe is with mangement, your gripe is with the employees specifically with me. I might have to take your last comments personally.

I won't speak for Dea, but read her posts again, I think you missed something she was trying to convey.

I believe her and I share the same sentiments when it comes to our passengers and this management.

You keep infering that you respect the employees and the f/as for all they do, and then you start posts that shine a negative light on the f/a group. I now ask why do you do that? To bring me out? I now question your true intentions here. If your intent is to start to divide the group here, or to shine your bad light on me, then, your right, I won't respond to you.
See that is just it....I really don't have a gripe with MOST of the employees. This board is full of people that come to work when they are supposed to, do their jobs 110%, appreciate that what they have is better then what the could lose. I respect and admire each employee that comes to work with their head held high, smiles on their faces, customers care in their hearts, determination to see this company succeed.

What I have a problem with are the people that don't want to work, or if they do come to work, want to get by doing the bare minimum. To say that you aren't going to do something because you don't get paid to do it is a cop out. If we were making money hand over fist, then I would say grieve away. Simple tasks like surveys, meal and supply inventories are not difficult, time consuming tasks. Obviuosly there is time to do them, because they are getting done. I have yet to see a delay charged to counting supplies/meals or collecting surveys. To say that we need more people, to do less work then we used to is just AFA talking about bumping up their membership numbers. If we have people sitting reserve and collectign guarantee, then we are not short staffed. If we have inflight services that are being accomplished with the number of people we have staffed on each airplane, then we are not short staffed. I am not saying that the crews that are working these airplanes aren't working a heck of a lot harder, because I know they are. That is called productivity. Doing the same job with less people.

Why did I start the discussion thread about sick calls and no-contacts......out of frustration. Sometimes people do not realize the consequences of their actions. To impress upon fellow employees the importance of each individual to tow the line, or step away and let someone else in that will. My heart goes out to the 28,000 employees that are no longer here working along side each of us. To know that there are people that are here, but don't care or want to do their job, ticks me off. I don't want to hear that you are not getting paid to do something like a survey or inventory list. If I knew that there was a reason for doing it i would accept the responsibility and do my best to see that the task was accomplished. Why? Because I take pride in my company and my job. If I can save jobs by eliminating fraud, working a little harder and doing a little more then what is expected, then that is what I will do.

No ones jobs is easy anymore. We are all doing more with less and it is frustrating as he**. I don't begurdge anyone feeling insecure, tired, stressed, worried, etc. but now is not the time to be shrugging off additional work.

getting back on topic.........what I know of the new reserve system will be good for everyone - time and pay wise. If I am correct, the new system will more evenly distribute the time throughout the reserve book. Senior reserves will still get their time in, but it won't be in just the first 15 - 18 days of the month. Reserves will be expected to be in base when they are on call, that has been how it was supposed to be from day one. Those that chose to commute knew that it was their choice. The new reserves system may have less flexibility, but it will help to ensure that we have more even coverage throught the month and that everyone gets to work, versus just the most senior, while the most junior sit. The previous system was flawed and outdated.

My goal is not to divide any employee group. I do not have an agenda here. I am not touting the gosspel of AFA and pushing their agenda. I am not standing at the side of management and saying that are always right. I stand as an independant person, making my opinions based on what I see and hear daily. You have a job to do, and believe it or not, I know that you do it with all your heart and sole because you are passionate about what you do. I feel I am just as passionate but with no allegency to a union or to the company. Are you as objective?
MarkMyWords said:
It is all about furstration.......see I am human! 😀
no one said you weren't....life at the big U can do that...take it light! 😀

Am I as Objective??? I invented the word. The employees ARE the company. So, there is the extent of my objectiveness. WE provide the service to the cusotmer to ensure repeat business. "Cause and effect".

I take great exception to managers who believe every thing is black and white or it must be this way or that, or your either this kind of employee or that.

Again, your thinking is skewed, folks who write on these boards have a lot to say and its mostly feelings of fruatrations with his management. If folks on here complain, you just "dismiss" them and call them lazy good for nothing employees, and scratch them off. For you to say you have no alligence to union or company...well, I don't think like you. So kill me.

I have a strong alligence to this company. Why? Because the employees make up the company. We are service driven and that is what employees provide. I will not join your elite group and foster ineptness of this current mangement and make excuses for them or insulate them....and say...yes everything is just fine, I'm ok, this just didn't happen, don't complain, don't ask, just do..."CAUSE THE FOLKS UP STAIRS JUST HAVE TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING CAUSE IT IS THEIR PLAN"! Abusing employees does not foster productivity increases. You still just don't get that yet, and I am not just talking about decreasing staffing and adding more responsibilities to the employees which directly effect customer service. NO, not just that. NO ONE HAS AN AVERSION TO WORK, MY FRIEND. Not here at U. We work and take pride in what we do. To imply something different is again your ingnorance and your own pinned up frustrations.

Sorry Charlie, you will be wasting your air, with me.

In your attempt to discredit me on these boards, you imply I'm all about dues dollars when it comes to increasing numbers is again just plain ignorance. Thought you knew me better than that from all the posts on here. Obviously, I just wasted space with you and am offended. "I'm about employment" and keep livable wage jobs alive. Period. NUCOR Steel Company hasn't laid off folks in 30 years, there average steel worker makes between $70,000 and $100,000...yes I too was shocked when I read this, and they ahave had NO layoffs. Why? Because when the economy downturns in this type of cyclical industry, their managment doesn't believe in unemployeeing people. They bring down the work week to 4 days and on rare occasions 3 day work weeks. Everyone keeps a job. Could that management do things differently and yield cost savings...absolutely. Are they more morale? In most instances. Their CEO explains his rationale for providing this. Pick up some material on this NON union company that has an excellent management team. I have already given these articles to our execs on numerous occasions. hoping to give them an epiphany.

You have decided that if you can't brainwash me to believe that after all that has occurred here at U and still doesn't matter in your world cause "life is grand", then your world has been insulated by all that has ensued. Maybe you were a better planner in your life, well let me just applaud you then. I won't banter with you about how the employees here suffer specifically our junior work force; been there done that. Everyone is trying to go on with their lives, but the "####" keeps hitting the fan, and there is no end.

You say better reserves system? For who? Mangement? absolutely! Flight attendants... they will only on rare occasions be able to time out or not at all. On duty all month whether they fly or not. AND DON'T TELL ME THEY SIGNED ON TO THIS...UNDER THREAT OF LIQUIDATION WITH UNDEFINED LANGUAGE AS THE CAVIATE.
Sorry, I can't deal with "shallowness", just because its easy for you to say "suck it up" already. If you think that using a "heavy hammer" will bring all to make for perfect working environment to yield your desired end results, then fine...hammer away, man.


You lost me with "good grief PIT"...

I don't know what you are trying to convey. You make it like f/as are basically lazy. Knitting and reading is not permitted on the jumpseats. No Bob, I don't want or expect you to send positive comment cards on employees that don't provide you the best service out there. If they don't deserve your comment, then you should be genuine, and not promote what you deem as substandard service. If reading or knitting is going on while sitting on the jumpseat then remind those f/as you say you see doing this. If you want to write them up....join the club. Being part of the corporate "witch hunt" is the "IN" thing to do with management.

Just ask Mark.

I don't come on here "chanting" AFA is good and great...I AM EMPLOYEE ORIENTED, UNION AND NONUNION, "rank and file" simple joe.

You just think it is natural to equate me with AFA. I come on these boards on MY time MY computer and comment about employee strife in this insane environment, where management ignorance and heavy handed antics "plays KING".

I hope your experience is always positive when you fly. If folks are providing "substandard" service, by all means action should be taken. WE are here to do our jobs. Period. I am not and have not asked anyone to pretend to like a service for the pity of employees.

If you don't believe the things that are going on with the employees at U, and if you don't believe that this management has declared "war" on their employees as I have spent over a thousand posts conveying ....THEN CALL ME A LIAR BOB, and I will cease to respond to you. I don't believe I am stupid enough to sit on here and waste space. I am one hell of a busy person....that is a fact. My energy is never ending and never wasted and I never stop...just ask this mangement. And I take a computer with me every place I go, even vacation, even to the toilet where I do my best thinking.


I get PMs from them all day long, nights and weekends too.

First plane is to go to Alabama on Monday for the S check according to IAM

Who knows.

Give us all here a little credit.

The bigger issue is the airbus work. To rally employees to this particular big cause is to make it all our fight. By reminding individual groups that this management continues to steal from them more cost savings then what was agreed to, makes the argument even stronger to support one another. Management alone has made this very easy for us to rally for a great cause to save jobs.
Here are my two cents.
I just finished my three day trip having spent 5 days in a hotel in Philadelphia. Five days at a cost of over $200 not to mention breakfasts, lunches and dinners. I was on quick call sitting at the airport EVERY day trying to work for my company. I am on reserve on international and was on duty with no hope of getting a call. I can hear the responses now saying' " You should live in base" well let me just say that I would move to Philadelphia, however, history has shown that you can move to L.A. and the base closes down. You can move to Miami and the base closes down. Move to Baltimore and again the base closes down.
On international starting in January you are on reserve with a seniority hire date that goes back to 1978. When you are on reserve on duty you ARE on duty 24 hours a day. We do not go to the office at 8am and leave at 4:30.
We are professionals and for the most part we have positive attitudes when in our passengers view which is not always easy when your scheduled departure is pushed back three hours and you are sititng at the gate answering questions from anxious passengers concerned about connections. All the time you are not being paid a dime.
The liquor sales on international was bad enough but now the selling of headsets is being met with looks of disappointment and anger from our passengers and who gets to take it from them at 39,000 feet.
To the flight attendant bashers on here who think we sit around reading and knitting, lets get you on one of our international flights one evening and see if you can hack it.
Now that we have 9 flight attendants instead of 13 your head is spinning at times trying to keep the peace on our flights. The inflight entertainment system needs some serious maintenance as it breaks down more than it did when we first installed the system. Yesterday we had a passenger who flew to Rome two weeks ago and his system was broken. He was in the same seat flying back from Manchester and the same seat was broken. He asked if it was the same aircraft and if it was why was the system not repaired in two weeks.
I could go on and on but I do try to be positive.
The reserve system is horrible and the new system doesn't look any better. Has anyone heard that it will not be implemented until next June at the earliest?
Lastly, I am surprised no one is talking about our flight from Frankfurt last week when the crew mysteriously became ill and the flight diverted to Shannon and they were taken off and shipped to the hospital. What caused it!!
AMEN!!!! I may be furloughed but I hear you !! I feel sorry for the working Flight Attendants. I thought I would be depressed when I got Furloughed..BUT That has yet to happen. As a matter of fact I am getting ready to spend a couple of days with a friend of mine in N.C that I haven't seen in a couple of years. I am then going to Houston to visit another friend ....Then, Go home for a while to visit my family. I will be able to be with my family over the Holidays this year...First time in 3 years. Once again.... hey, Sorry to hear all you reserve F/A's have it so rough BUT... I went through it last year. And I am making up for it with the Free time I have now...... GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU !!!!!!
I know times are hard and the economy is bad, but in the airline business nothing has really changed. I have been here close to 25 years and I have seen all this before. I was on reserve for 12 of those years and I am going back to domestic to not be on reserve again in the ITD.

When I first started flying we had a 55 hour guarantee and I rarely came in with more than 55 hours. Starting pay was $9 an hour. I sat on reserve 24 hours a day, 20 days a month. No beepers, I had to sit at home by the phone and even call scheduling if I wanted to take a shower or go to the bathroom.

Living out of your base is a life style choice. you choose to and you pay the price. The 71 hour guarantee is just that, a guarantee to be paid 71 hours. If you get more, lucky you. We all need to sit back and evaluate what is best for us. Yes it is hard to live off of 71 hours. But, when we signed the application to become flight attendants, we checked yes, we would relocate, yes, we would live off of 71 hours, and yes, we are willing to be away from our families.

Having a retired pilot as a Dad, I even knew I would work all the holidays, and I have for 24 years. Finally this year, I am not going to.

Piney Bob is right, I looked at the service guidelines for domestic, we hardly serve a thing anymore. 2 beverages and a coffee service to the west coast. We used to have an extra f/a for the hot meal service. Now we have no hot meal service, so therefore no extra. Contrary to what some nay sayers are saying, we have for years gone out with the FAA minimum. We did it before, we can do it again. At least this time, we don'[t have to serve a hot breakfast from PIT-PHL.
MarkMyWords said:
"I for one have not had ONE trip since the beginning of Sept. and that was only a one day."

If this is the case, then how is it the some will claim that we are critically short of F/A's?

Doesn't the new reserve system guarantee more even reserve coverage? Where all of the senior reserves will not time out by the 15th or 20th while the junior reserves only work weekends and end of the month?

Sounds like commuting for reserves will be less of a luxury and more of a hassle 🙁
I think many of you are not really getting the whole picture. Maybe I left out too much information. Unless, you are a flight attendant you cannot understand how the entire system works. For those that aren't even employees have even a lesser understanding of the whole thing. WE ARE NOT OVER STAFFED. The fact is merely that our reserve system is terribly wounded. I know many of the union people may not agree, but realistically...it is.

When you have a staff available to work on certain days and those that are "off" decide that they will work too....the more "junior" then in turn don't work. As a result, those that already worked on off days...now they are "on" duty, but illegal to take any trips. NOW, you have those more junior with ALL THE SAME schedule (the crap that is left over)...they either are off or get assigned trips into those days off. Now, coverage is "critical" as scheduling puts it.

You see, if everyone would work when they were supposed to these "shortages" wouldn't happen and reserves wouldn't sit for weeks on end.

I know you have "higher" options to contend with but....
An easy fix would be to only allow those with higher options to work "through" days off, but not make them selves available "on" days off.

Bottom line.........this reserve system just doesn't work anymore.
Again, the new one isn't what the AFA wanted, but at least it will be fair now to ALL not just the "SENIOR" work force.

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