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US Airways CEO: We don’t have to merge, but maybe it makes senseRead more here: http://www.charlotte

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Why does above BK topic deserve so much of your attention?

Is it not obvious that going thru BK has become standard business practice in certain industries in last 15 years.
IMO, total BS to entertain the notion that most all major airline employees should just accept " starting over as a new hire " in seniority issues throughout adulthood over this relatively new competitive business model.

Folks, we are the grunts and losing badly to Mgt today. Our country has a long history of union battles that used to pay us dividends.
We have collectively become quite lazy in maintaining status quo let alone progress in this new economy.
Meanwhile white collar has gained much larger piece of pie while setting up such seniority issues and bemoaning all with a strait face.
White collar sets up these labour " no win scenarios " and we are suckers for engaging .
Seen the movies......read the books ( ie hungar games ) .
Could we stop fighting each other and focus on the ENEMY?


Your problem is that you see management as the ENEMY. You live in a black and white world, you are so wound up in union entitlement and anger that you can't think straight. You could have had a nice contract by now, but the pilots out east decided to foolishly ignore the binding arbitration that they agreed to, and set out to screw the west.

You will always be suckers if you see management as your enemy. Compromise, works for all sides (unless one side tries to form a sham union to get out of their agreements)
You must be the one drinking because that was not the case and that was never said. US was nigh onto liquidation and AWA might have had to file bankruptcy according to Parker and others.
I am sorry but liquidation was never mentioned at US, if it was then why did it survive 2 reorganizations? AWA yea right! MM!
Your problem is that you see management as the ENEMY. You live in a black and white world, you are so wound up in union entitlement and anger that you can't think straight. You could have had a nice contract by now, but the pilots out east decided to foolishly ignore the binding arbitration that they agreed to, and set out to screw the west.

You will always be suckers if you see management as your enemy. Compromise, works for all sides (unless one side tries to form a sham union to get out of their agreements)

Are you a mgt type or just ignorant of our nations history concerning labour?
Are you the gladiator willing to die for the kings amusement ?
That's the jist of my post.......NOT one word at end of post. How bout instead of ENEMY I use a nice pc term like say adversary.

Your problem is that you see management as the ENEMY. You live in a black and white world, you are so wound up in union entitlement and anger that you can't think straight. You could have had a nice contract by now, but the pilots out east decided to foolishly ignore the binding arbitration that they agreed to, and set out to screw the west.

You will always be suckers if you see management as your enemy. Compromise, works for all sides (unless one side tries to form a sham union to get out of their agreements)
You know your correct, you are MNGMNT, you are entitled, and to think I went to a foreign country for the likes of your attitude makes me vomit! You live your life flying around in a tanker hating on me, makes me sick, http://thewall-usa.com/ HYPOCRITE! No your a "SUCKER" and maybe some straight thinking will come your way real soon! You got "SHAM" right but it is not the union!
Let us get it straight, 2bill in NOL(NET OPERATING LOSS) and 4billion in debt,yea right and your either ex- enron or AWA one or the other
You really should quit digging...that hole is already too deep for you to get out of... :lol:

I'd try to explain it to you but it'd probably be a waste of my time....here's a hint though - take a look at DL's debt...

Are you a mgt type or just ignorant of our nations history concerning labour?
Are you the gladiator willing to die for the kings amusement ?
That's the jist of my post.......NOT one word at end of post. How bout instead of ENEMY I use a nice pc term like say adversary.

Do you second all MM's comments, FA? Or to put it another way, now that he's dug his hole too deep to climb out of are you gonna jump in with him?

Do you second all MM's comments, FA? Or to put it another way, now that he's dug his hole too deep to climb out of are you gonna jump in with him?



As you recently corrected me, " what part of ALL don't you get " ?
That's who I addressed it to........ALL.
Clearly I am trying to say all this union infighting over managerial $ decisions should never involve rank and file.
We're being played like stupid pawns .

You really should quit digging...that hole is already too deep for you to get out of... :lol:

I'd try to explain it to you but it'd probably be a waste of my time....here's a hint though - take a look at DL's debt...

WASTE OF TIME? DL's market share? Dl's debt opposed to EQUITY? RESTRICTED CASH?, DIG, ?!

As you recently corrected me, " what part of ALL don't you get " ?
That's who I addressed it to........ALL.
Yes you did, and I assume that that includes MM. There's one little problem with your theory, however. As long as there are those like MM that ignore facts and are slaves to emotion management will always get their way - the verbal "let my daddy vote" crowd will always drown out the reasonable voices. So you get a choice - sit silently by while MM and those like him spout their nonsense (and thus nothing changes) or point out the errors of those like MM (and give the more reasonable a chance).

The choice is yours....so again, do you agree with MM's nonsense?

Yes you did, and I assume that that includes MM. There's one little problem with your theory, however. As long as there are those like MM that ignore facts and are slaves to emotion management will always get their way - the verbal "let my daddy vote" crowd will always drown out the reasonable voices. So you get a choice - sit silently by while MM and those like him spout their nonsense (and thus nothing changes) or point out the errors of those like MM (and give the more reasonable a chance).

The choice is yours....so again, do you agree with MM's nonsense?

IGNORE THE FACTS, 1 JIMBO, not an active employee, 2 SLAVES to emotion mngmnt? JIM the reasonable voice (hello!) 3 JIM you are , RETIRED, reasonable, get some help pleez, CHARTER is a good CHOICE! MM! PS Get a fish tank!
Yes you did, and I assume that that includes MM. There's one little problem with your theory, however. As long as there are those like MM that ignore facts and are slaves to emotion management will always get their way - the verbal "let my daddy vote" crowd will always drown out the reasonable voices. So you get a choice - sit silently by while MM and those like him spout their nonsense (and thus nothing changes) or point out the errors of those like MM (and give the more reasonable a chance).

The choice is yours....so again, do you agree with MM's nonsense?



Yes, ALL includes MM.......duh.
Your last 2 sentences again attempts to engage me in your ongoing debate about BK/reverse buys/etc and that's exactly what I am asking us all not to do. I am not mgt and neither were you.
Pilots are vendors and sell a service........ period.
Plz show me another vendor example that engages like this with their buyers.

You know your correct, you are MNGMNT, you are entitled, and to think I went to a foreign country for the likes of your attitude makes me vomit! You live your life flying around in a tanker hating on me, makes me sick, http://thewall-usa.com/ HYPOCRITE! No your a "SUCKER" and maybe some straight thinking will come your way real soon! You got "SHAM" right but it is not the union!

As long as you continue to communicate like a Tourettes syndrome sufferer, dripping with hatred and typing in CAPS!, no one will take you seriously, and you will constantly be treated like a doormat by management.

May as well just put a "kick me" sign on your back. Enjoy being the crazy screamer on the bus that no one listens to...

BTW, I've thanked you numerous times for your service, and I respect that. But, you bring it up so often, you are starting to sound like Walter Sobchak in The Big Lebowski.
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