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US Airways and American Airlines to merge?

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As far as I know, the law doesn't require any sort of dovetail. It only requires arbitration, IF, the parties can't come to some sort of mutual agreement. Hence, why SWAPA wanted to staple the Frontier pilots.
As far as I know, the law doesn't require any sort of dovetail. It only requires arbitration, IF, the parties can't come to some sort of mutual agreement. Hence, why SWAPA wanted to staple the Frontier pilots.
I would think the Kasher decision would stand as far as TWU integration however I agree it is unlikely any US/AA merger would happen.
US Air has been the zombie of the industry for a long time. Not dead, but not alive either. And now its ruined AWA. If by some unimaginable horror, AA was to buy US Air, it'd follow the same sad pattern as Air Cal, Reno, and TWA -- buy it, shut it down, and stick it to AA employees with diluted, overstuffed, seniority lists.
How did US ruin HP if HP's management is the one running the combined company?
How did US ruin HP if HP's management is the one running the combined company?

Thats the best question yet and the funny thing is, Winglet, never met Pot and Kettle, they should be introduced. If it's any airline that is beyond bloated and overstuffed... well if the shoes fits....
You're right, the USAir management team had deftly steered what was a fine airline into the ground ,then with their work completed they donned their golden parachutes and exited stage left.

Don't make it sound like USAir started circling the drain only when the Disaster in the Desert took place, you were orbiting the drain long before Parker and his team of idiots showed up.
US and AA have very different models of doing things, and while their route networks might be a decent fit, aircraft types and cultures would not be. AA just retired the last of its Airbus products, partly in the name of fleet simplification. Adding several models would go against that trend and add cost.
<_< ------ winglet, the only exTWAer who thought the merger/acquisition was a good idea, was Bill Compton who walked away with a fat bonus for delivering TWA to AA!
Winglet you say that the US culture is destroying the now defunct HP, how is that so? Is it not the US franchise that is making the money and keeping the airline in business? And you never answered a question posed to you by another poster: How is it that the US east side, while being run by the management team of the now defunct HP, is running the company into the ground? If the company is being run into the ground how can you not hold the managers of the now defunct HP responsible? You need to move on.

If there is an LCC/AA merger one thing I know for sure is that none of the movers and shakers of the deal will poll the labor groups, or float the idea on US Aviation. If it does or doesn't happen, none of us will have any say so on the deal, so as long as I get a paycheck I'm cool. I know that I can roll with the punches as they come. You all just make sure you can do the same.
<_< ------ Your right on one count. If a deal does come to fruition, the man on the floor will not have anything to say about it. And you won't see it coming either. The AA/TWA deal was one of the best kept secrets in the industry. But what you shouldn't take for granted is that paycheck. In a case of a "merger/acquisition", everything in an uncertainty. Including that paycheck!
If AA is going to merge with someone, I'd prefer an airline with a larger unrestricted cash balance than US has. Either CO or UA fit that bill. Both CO and UA have more Asian route authorities, more NRT and LHR slots, and more Boeing widebodies than does US.

In short, other than the powerhouse money-printing-machine CLT hub, what does US bring to the table?
The topic is the possibility of an LCC/AA merger, not US vs. AWA. Stick to the topic or the thread will be closed. The topic is also NOT the DL/NW merger. Posts on these subjects have been deleted. Further off topic posts may result in suspension.
The topic is the possibility of an LCC/AA merger, not US vs. AWA. Stick to the topic or the thread will be closed. The topic is also NOT the DL/NW merger. Posts on these subjects have been deleted. Further off topic posts may result in suspension.

Lot's of chatter on this and Dougie visits to DFW on www.airlinepilotcentral.com
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