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US Airways ALPA MEC Chairman's Message

Your analysis is "weak" to say the least.


Analyze this:

What is the probability that ALPA will (regardless of what rules exist) use the rules to benefit Prater and his pretend-pilot plutocracy?
Yesterday AWA MEC Chairman John McIlvenna held a conference call and it appears every time he speaks he pours salt into the wounds of the US Airways pilots and increases their resolve to never let the Nicolau Award be implemented.

Only those with unathorized access

In his call McIlvenna made three important points:

1. The AWA MEC will not support any economic improvement to the East pilot’s contract if they do not agree to the Nicolau Award.

Parity (economic improvements) are available thru the JNC process.

2. The AWA MEC is looking at filing a lawsuit against the East pilots for lost wages and he said “that we deserve while they drag out contract talks.â€

The JNC process has been agreed to by the east; are they now refusing?

3. The AWA MEC will never agree to any amendments to the Nicolau Award.

Every avenue will be explored during JNC and AFTER the list has been presented.

I believe the toxic relationship between the two pilot groups is getting so bad that there will never be harmony or a settlement. This point and McIlvenna’s rhetoric is increasing the odds that the parties will have to have a separate contract of equivalent value and separate operations or it will take at least a decade to resolve the Nicolau Award problem, when the vast majority of US Airways pilots will be retired.

You'll get over it! Read the post addressed to you!

The US Airways pilots have supported the AWA pilot’s desire for Section 6 negotiations or a joint contract with separate operations and both of these options would provide a pay raise. It’s the AWA pilots who are not agreeing to options that would provide them a pay raise. Therefore, if the AWA MEC wants to file a lawsuit and then assess their membership to pay for the MEC’s legal fees the majority of US Airways pilots could care less if a frivolous lawsuit is filed.

Oh come on! You only support us in going section 6 so that you will have a chance to stab us in the back! Wasn't it you that was extolling the benefit of your pay scale so that Parker would send the flying east? Or were you just hoping to scab if we ever got to a strike?

Finally, I believe the Rice Committee will not view kindly the AWA MEC’s decision to never agree to any amendments to the Nicolau Award, which will likely increase the odds that one of the three Rice Committee options of a separate contract of equivalent value and separate operations (the others are a joint contract of equivalent value and separate operations or AWA Section 6 negotiations) will occur.

No the three options frm Prater's 7/20/07 letter and the EC resolution are: Merged agreement, Umbrella agreement or Multiple agreements. Our MEC fully supports a merged agreement as previously agreed to by ALL parties in the Transition Agreement.

Why? The AWA MEC is not providing any practical alternatives called for by the Rice Committee, the AWA MEC continues to violate both of the EC’s resolutions, and the AWA MEC is giving the Company no other alternative, while McIlvenna continues to increase the US Airways rank-and-file anger.

As stated before we fully support the concept of a merged agreement as previously agreed to by ALL parties in the Transition Agreement. We just don't need to pass a resolution at the MEC level to impress our membership with chest-pounding!


As you know the only option available to the US Airways MEC is separate contracts of equivalent value with separate operations", thus, the US Airways pilots are seeking ways to improve the pay and benefits of the AWA pilots and to preserve their pre-merger career expectation, which as we know is fair.

I found it interesting that Prater sent out a very detailed report on the EC and Rice Committee's action to all ALPA pilots indicating the "result may lead to a merged agreement, umbrella agreements, or MULTIPLE agreements."

You realize, of course, that's it is intellectually (and literally) dishonest to accuse the AWA MEC of "not living up to the EC resolutions" when the AAA MEC has already narrowed it's options to 1.

Or does that "not count" because it torpedoes the premise of your post?

Separate contracts are "the only option" only because the East MEC says so. The West MEC is apparently open to anything, provided that ALPA Merger Policy is followed and the properly arbitrated (according to the same EC resolution) list is presented to management. Both sides have predetermined their restrictions on the process. Your pathetic attempts to spin the East condition as righteous is as transparent as it is amusing to watch.

You have also spoken of the AWA MEC filing "frivolous lawsuits" against the East? Is that not like the pot calling the kettle black?

Logical fallacies of debate--it's what's for dinner.
The AWA MEC is not providing any practical alternatives called for by the Rice Committee

Untrue. The West has proposed the alternative of keeping the legal and BINDING arbitrated list, and negotiating significant economic gains for the East pilots through the JNC process.

Just because it is not an option you personally find palatable, doesn't mean the West has not provided any practical alternatives. Nor does it mean they are violating any resolutions of the EC. Your denial will not change the facts or the outcome.

The decertification drive is just one option open to the US Airways pilots. Decertification may be the best way to go, but with the ALPA EC and Rice Committee supporting solutions to the Nicolau Award that would work for the US Airways pilots, maybe the decertification effort is not in the East pilots' best interests.

It never was in your best interest and would most certainly burn you for good, why do you think we are pushing you to hurry up??

Today in an ALPA Fast Read sent to about 60,000 airline pilots John Prater said, “To summarize, given all of this, the Executive Council decided that our union’s resources should be devoted to bringing about practical results through the efforts of the Executive Council, the Rice Committee, the MECs, and the Joint Negotiating Committee" to the Nicolau Award. “The result may lead to a merged agreement, umbrella agreements, or multiple agreements," Prater noted.

Well bro let me put it to you like this, Prater is an idiot if he thinks we will do anything to alter this award! The AWA pilots will watch the lions share of any new contract go east and we feel that it's payment enough. Now you guys moan and groan all you wish about a possible AWA BK but you and I both know that AAA was headed to liquidation. We have given all we are going to give so I guess we best get on with it my friend.

AWA320, Prater just sent an email to add ALPA International Pilots on file discussing the EC's two resolutions, the work of the EC, and the work of the Rice Committee. As you know the only option available to the US Airways MEC is separate contracts of equivalent value with separate operations", thus, the US Airways pilots are seeking ways to improve the pay and benefits of the AWA pilots and to preserve their pre-merger career expectation, which as we know is fair.

As you were told before, if the company wanted to run things seperate they never would have gone thru all this training and other crap to get a single cert. We will not control that plain and simple. Hey if it makes you and your fellow east pilots feel good then by all means preach it.

I found it interesting that Prater sent out a very detailed report on the EC and Rice Committee's action to all ALPA pilots indicating the "result may lead to a merged agreement, umbrella agreements, or MULTIPLE agreements."

Why do you think Prater did that?

Well because Prater never ever should have stuck his nose in the middle of this adn is now praying that the AWA MEC bails alpa out. Well let me be the first to tell you, it aain't gonna happen. ALPA thru John Prater dug this hole and ALPA is going to have to figure out how to get it'self out. The noose on this end is getting ready to get really tight around ALPA's neck!!!


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