That's a good point. If East can argue that *management* is not following the TA somehow, that would be helpful to the East's cause. But without further study I am certainly not familiar enough with these details the way you and others here are to say whether East can plausibly argue that. However I would be surprised if management is not making sure to dot all of its I's and cross all of its T's right now with regard to the TA to avoid just such an argument. It wants to be ready to look like a little angel who is just an innocent victim of crossfire from union infighting in front of the NMB or a court to show how patient and reasonable it has been with East should it become necessary to start imposing some terms.I can't get the TA to open from the ALPA website, but I believe that both sides did agree to negotiate a joint contract. The thing is, Doug and the boys decided there was no need to hurry up and get a deal, and so THEY were dragging their feet, happy to leave the east making less than the west. He could have settled this thing before the award came out and it would of pretty much tied our hands. If we had a joint contract before May, I think you ALPA would have sent the list to the company. This list just made the price go way up and time line way out. We should negotiate in good faith, but the reality of the situation is that a TA anywhere near what the company's last offer would not pass a membership vote. I don't think anyone can force the membership to vote for something