Latest AMR offer could salvage 2,600 TWU jobs
Unions say best alternative is AMR-US Airways merger
In a letter to his constituents on Tuesday, the president of the pilot's union, APA, was circulating a petition of "no confidence" in that business plan.
MR and its three primary unions -- the TWU, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants and the APA -- are in the midst of a two-week hiatus in a court battle over the company's bid to abrogate its collective bargaining agreements and impose its own work rules. The sides are allowed to use the two-week window to negotiate consensual deals, but neither the APFA nor the APA were actively bargaining as of Tuesday afternoon, AMR spokesman Bruce Hicks said. "There are no negotiations scheduled at the present with the APA and APFA, although the company remains available to meet at any time and we are anxious to do so," Hicks said. A spokesman for the APFA confirmed that the union was not bargaining with AMR.
here to read the story.
APA President's Update (The Right Stuff): May 1, 2012
Fellow pilots,
In 1939, the pilots of American Airlines made history by signing the first-ever collective bargaining agreement between the newly formed Air Line Pilots Association and an air carrier. That agreement, modified multiple times over the years, has lived on continuously for more than seven decades—for almost as long as the history of air travel itself.
After spending much of last week in New York bankruptcy court observing AMR’s lawyers and expert witnesses testify against us, there is little doubt regarding what management intends to do. It is clear to me that AMR’s CEO intends to try to wipe out 70 years of good-faith bargaining with one bang of a gavel. Management’s attitude has been “take it or leave it”—we either give them everything they want, or they’re going to terminate our contract. APA estimates that AMR is demanding nearly a half billion dollars a year in additional concessions—on top of the $660 million a year we already gave nine years ago. It’s not enough that we now earn the same hourly salaries that we did in 1993. Management is now trying to set the clock all the way back to 1939 and force us to start bargaining without an existing contract. Given that the National Mediation Board will not allow us to legally exercise the right to withhold our services, we could be living without a contract for a very long time.
AMR is also seeking the wholesale elimination of a substantial percentage of AA pilot jobs. Management has said they (“only”) intend to lay off 400 pilots, but APA estimates that the actual number of American Airlines pilot jobs at risk of elimination could easily exceed 2,000. When you factor in the unrestricted large-scale productivity increases management demands, combined with the massive outsourcing of pilot jobs built into their business plan, American Airlines would have far more pilots than necessary. The “carrot” of new narrow-body airplanes (which could all be replacements) to be flown at commuter pay rates is a hollow promise.
Let’s put this all in historical perspective. Back in 2001, we had approximately 13,000 pilots. Today, we have around 8,300 active pilots on the property. Within a short period of time if management succeeds in having our contract terminated, our ranks could be less than 6,000.
Management’s goal seems very clear. They want to annihilate our contract, wipe out our unsecured claim and do everything in their power to preempt any attempts for a new management team to assume control. Except for the handful of entrenched managers at AMR, nearly everyone in the airline industry believes that consolidation now is the right way to go. Not since Frank Lorenzo’s actions in the early 1980s has a pilot union had their contract abrogated. After watching this once-proud airline continuously deteriorate for more than a decade because of poor decisions made by management—and knowing how disillusioned our pilots have become—if Mr. Horton succeeds in his goal of emulating Mr. Lorenzo, it would not be surprising if a great many of our pilots were to decide they’ve had enough.
We all know there is an alternative path that is far superior for us, all of American Airlines, the communities we serve and the industry overall. A merger now with US Airways will save jobs, pensions and salaries and provide a much brighter future for American Airlines, our customers and all the airline’s employees.
Everyone should be asking these questions: are the managers who drove American Airlines into bankruptcy the ones to lead us out? How well has the “Cornerstone” plan worked out so far? How well did “convergence” work out? Or the “kick the can” or “limp along” plans? What about “Pull Together-Win Together” or “Flight Plan 2020?” What did AMR management do with the many billions of dollars of concessions we have already provided? Oh, and let’s not forget Performance Unit Plan/Performance Share Plan bonuses and the bankruptcy-proof Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan. All of APA’s advisers are of the opinion that American Airlines’ “Cornerstone” plan will fail and that the current management team is not up to the task of successfully restructuring this company.
Given the backdrop of all that has happened, why are the managers at AMR so steadfast in refusing to do the right thing? It can be summed up in two words: control and money. As many have pointed out before, management stands to make large sums of money if they can remain in control until the company emerges from bankruptcy. It’s a classic case of management entrenchment. Should the personal agendas of a couple dozen people be permitted to jeopardize the futures of 70,000 employees? If you factor in the families and dependents of all those employees and the economic ramifications for all of the communities we serve, many hundreds of thousands of people could be adversely affected by the financial interests of a few.
As stated by writer Steven Pearlstein on April 28 in the Washington Post, “For years now, Corporate America has viewed the bankruptcy court as a blunt instrument by which failed executives and directors can shift the burden of their mistakes onto shareholders, employees and suppliers. The auto industry bailout orchestrated by the Obama administration posed the first challenge to that assumption. Now the unions at American Airlines have taken another step in curbing this flagrant corporate abuse and restoring the rule of law.”
As you may have seen, AMR announced today that Denise Lynn will be replacing Jeff Brundage as Senior Vice President-People. This executive shift had been expected for some time and we do not believe it signals any meaningful change in direction. If anything—since Mr. Brundage will be retained as a consultant to finish what he started—it strikes me as a classic case of rearranging the deck chairs while the deck tilts at an ever-more precipitous angle.
It takes the "right stuff" to run a world-class airline. Unfortunately, I know very few AA pilots who believe that AMR’s management has what it takes. For this reason, the APA leadership has decided to circulate a petition of “no confidence” in management’s business plan. I urge every pilot to add your name to this petition. Click
here now to let your voice be heard on the future direction of American Airlines. The time has come for real change.
Captain Dave Bates
APA President
APA Petition of “no confidence” in AMR Management’s Business Plan Website: May 1, 2012
here to view the website.
APA launches petition drive to express 'no-confidence' in American Airlines business plan
here to read the story.
APFA Non-members can receive APFA Hotline Messages: May 1, 2012
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