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Yikes! Step 9 In Order Of Open Time.

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Scuse my "iggerance", but how the heck do you put two pursers on one line? And, how do you show it on a bid sheet?

You said that a number of senior people were on AVBL because they couldn't hold a line with their quals. Sounds to me that they are starting again what I heard they did with the MIA-MAD line last year--i.e., stick a 737 turn on the line so that most of the usual bidders didn't qualify. Do you think they are trying to make life as difficult as possible for the senior people in the hope that they will retire?

Of course, the company couldn't do this if we followed the former TWA standard that ALL flight attendants must be qualified on ALL a/c that the company flies. Sometimes the company creates it own problems. While I was based at DFW, there was a proffer for flight attendants to drop their S80 quals. What didn't make sense to me was the fact that at the time over 60% of the domestic flying out of DFW was on the S80. We didn't have the 737 at DFW then.

But then, the up side was I maxed out on reserve before the end of the month because regardless of my hours, there would be days when I was one of the few who was S80 qualified; so, they had to use me.
whats happening now is that the comany and the flight attendants will go toe to toe in a pissing match-
we will see who flintches first-its all so silly

the problems are age old-same #### different stink-until we can have an interest based approach to this issue it will continue.I feel it is the companys responsibility to take the first steps here-starting at the problem and working backwards to a soloution...do I dare hold my breath?

It may feel good to say that "the company builds crappy lines" "the l/o are to short" "sick time is ours to use, we earned it.." or "f/as are abusing the sick policy" "they only hurt their co workers / RA and short call outs-thats what they get"-but it wont solve the problem-it never has. cant they see that and why, why dont they get their head out of the sand and look for real soloutions to real problems?
...further more...
their is something empowering to a work group who has been put in the position of mis trust and deception to know that their actions have put 25% of the work force out(SFO). its all we have to make a statement today-flight attendants are desperate to hear their voices heard-its like a "strike " in a way...its not right...I know..but I can say that you reap what you sew in this case and the company should have seen this comming. Heck I did and I am a college drop out f/a...with no retention bounos to keep me on this cracker jack management team...
FA Mikey said:
Then they wonder why Miami is always short pursers.


I fly with so many junior f/a's in BOS that proffer for purser all the time. The company refuses to give proffers to a f/a who can't "hold a purser line of time" and that needs to change. A f/a on reserve who is not purser qualified can be assigned to fly purser. Then when a junior f/a want's to really be a purser and proffers the company refuses to give them. How much sense does that make?

I had a reserve junior f/a a couple of weeks back assigned to fly purser. She had never flown it before and didn't know what she had to do. We all helped her out on the trip and she did a great job. She didn't have the DVD cart key and we told the MOD that we needed it opened prior to departure. Did they ever bring a key to open it? No! We flew a 2 day BOS-SFO and no DVD's for first class out or back because nobody wanted to open the cart for her.

If the retirements they expect to happen this October do in fact happen, AA is going to loose a lot of purser f/a's. It's time for AA to listen to us and open a proffer for purser so f/a's who want to do it can.
BOS-SFO First Class does not offer DVD service. The DVD Service, other than the integrated DVD players on the 777, is only offered on the Premium Transcon LAX-JFK market in the 767 First Class cabin...Hmmmm... 🙄

LiveInAHotel said:

I fly with so many junior f/a's in BOS that proffer for purser all the time. The company refuses to give proffers to a f/a who can't "hold a purser line of time" and that needs to change. A f/a on reserve who is not purser qualified can be assigned to fly purser. Then when a junior f/a want's to really be a purser and proffers the company refuses to give them. How much sense does that make?

I had a reserve junior f/a a couple of weeks back assigned to fly purser. She had never flown it before and didn't know what she had to do. We all helped her out on the trip and she did a great job. She didn't have the DVD cart key and we told the MOD that we needed it opened prior to departure. Did they ever bring a key to open it? No! We flew a 2 day BOS-SFO and no DVD's for first class out or back because nobody wanted to open the cart for her.

If the retirements they expect to happen this October do in fact happen, AA is going to loose a lot of purser f/a's. It's time for AA to listen to us and open a proffer for purser so f/a's who want to do it can.
LiveInAHotel said:

I had a reserve junior f/a a couple of weeks back assigned to fly purser. She had never flown it before and didn't know what she had to do. We all helped her out on the trip and she did a great job. She didn't have the DVD cart key and we told the MOD that we needed it opened prior to departure. Did they ever bring a key to open it? No! We flew a 2 day BOS-SFO and no DVD's for first class out or back because nobody wanted to open the cart for her.


What day was that? I can only find 757's flying back and forth. I bet that must have been the 1 flight that we had to sub a A/C and we just happen to have 767 that we could reroute or was it a 777? OH yea, almost forgot, we could not find a 757 anywhere in the system to replace it for the entire 2 day sequence. What crappy luck.

This is almost as good as the one about the NRT short layover that does not exist.
jimntx said:
Scuse my "iggerance", but how the heck do you put two pursers on one line? And, how do you show it on a bid sheet?


On a Europe line they will add a 757 Caribbean turn. So selection 5000 will be London Tuesday thru Thursday bid position 1-4. Selection 5001 will be London again Tuesday-Thursday position 5-7. Then selection 5002 will be London Tuesday-Thursday with a turn somewhere in it, bid positions 8-11. Now number 8 must also be purser qualified, because on the turn they will be number 1. So 8 becomes 1, 9 becomes 2, 10 becomes 3 and 11 becomes 4.
Thanks Mike for the explanation. Us "lowly" domestic flight attendants don't have those kinds of problems. Hope everything is ok in Miami tonight.
Since we know that LiveinaHotel has been checking this board, and just posted in another thread, I am still waiting for a response to the BOS-SFO DVD riddle.


🙄 🙄 🙄
Give him some time. It might take him a while to figure out a plausible explanation.

Oh wait... I know what happened. No one in the system knew that they reassigned a 767 or 777 (will have to wait till Hotel tells us which one it was) when they asked for the key Flt svcs thought they were nuts cause any idiot knows there are no DVD's on a 757 (unless it's that new Block Buster / AA service where if you have a DVD player we will loan you a movie) so they just ignored the request.

Yea yea, that's what happened. Come on Hotel, tell me I'm right.
Come on Hotel. No answer? Were you lying about this as well? Just a story you made up? Come on. Tell us how a 767 or a 777 flew BOS-SFO or is it that you are to embarrassed because we have exposed you yet again.

I find it interesting that the wide bodies stopped flying a lot of the TC routs after the furloughs took place. Seems to me anyone who is currently working would know that. Could it be that you are the furloughed FA that several here have told me about? Hmmmmm. Very interesting.
3 days and no reply. Guess the mighty Hotel has been busted and laid bare. He is a liar and a fraud.

Garfield does the victorious kitty dance ... OH YEA!!!!!
Garfield1966 said:
3 days and no reply. Guess the mighty Hotel has been busted and laid bare. He is a liar and a fraud.

Garfield does the victorious kitty dance ... OH YEA!!!!!

Yes, you do the dance in the unemployment line. This just goes to show you have been fired from AA! If you really worked for AA you could pull up the trip I was referring too.
Garfield, as you well know, he has a very active imagination. This is obvious since his current FA status is furloughed vs. active, his seniority is low vs.) claimed high with 777 eligibility; and his former flying was domestic vs. claimed international.

He always changes the subject and ignores challenges as he did with the “Narita Layoverâ€￾. His non-flying status can easily be deterrmined by checking the dates and times of his posts (since he joined the board). He obviously dislikes any and all who hold your position. Because he thinks you challenged him earlier, he IDs you as one he imagines was terminated by AA.

In one of my posts I happened to mention the only FA with whom I had ever a problem. He claimed to know me from “thatâ€￾ flight as the Purser. But he had the flight going in the wrong direction from and to the wrong city.

The poster’s vocabulary and posting style are as good as DNA in making an ID on him and his previous incarnations under other handles on this and other boards. His multiple personae are well known to other posters in this thread and on the AA and other forums of this board.

Some of us have good and long memories!
LiveInAHotel said:
Yes, you do the dance in the unemployment line. This just goes to show you have been fired from AA! If you really worked for AA you could pull up the trip I was referring too.

I guess this is the best he could come up with. Still no answer with a date, flight number, etc. and still lacking an answer as to why he claimed that the BOS-SFO flight offered DVD service in the First Class cabin.

BUSTED. 🙄 🙄 🙄
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