United-US Airways marriage faces better chance this time

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Understood, and welcome aboard..these are trying times for all. This is the most utterly unstable, and even insane sort of industry work to ever be found outside of Hollywood and actual politics..and yet, we're all still here ;) Go figure ;)

PS: "Annoyed" is a common state of mind as a result....regardless...and again = my bad for following up postings, and distracting the thread earlier.

Tell me about trying times! The road ahead is scary as hell but hopefully we'll all make it through and remember we're all on the same side.
Tell me about trying times! The road ahead is scary as hell but hopefully we'll all make it through and remember we're all on the same side.

Amen Sis/Bro...ummm..on second thought though = "How DARE you take issue with an All Mighty Pilot!!?" ;)...sheesh..we could almost, for a moment, even think that we're all just people trying to make this mess work, and have decent lives in the process :up:

I really have some serious concerns about this potential "merger" though...It might "look good" on paper..but I'm just worried that many may well be put out of jobs becasue of it. I'd love nothing more than to be completely wrong on that. Whatever the case? = Good luck to us all in the future.
Why does everyone think a merger will cause fares to go up? AA and TW merged and created the world's largest airline. Did fares all go up across the board?
Why is it oil companies gouge the hell out of everyone with HUGE record profits and everyone just clicks their tongue in government? God forbid a money loosing industry raise fares though to cover the cost of providing the product. THAT has to be STOPPED! Why arent other industries as regulated as the "deregulated" airline industry? I know these are rhetorical questions but it just torgues me off how hypocritcal government is.
Why do you think that the oil companies are gouging? Their profit is less than the govern :ph34r: ments. Stop the Obama train and smell the coffee. Check out the truth Bud. Why does Doug and friends take the huge gains. Check out the 8K to the USAirways board
Folks, as grunt-line employees, we have no say. At all. If it happens, it happens. However, we must unite and make sure that we have a contract that allows us to live well. Get ready for a healthy fight.

A letter from the UAL pilot's MEC Chairman:

May 5, 2008
Dear fellow pilots,

Continental Airlines’ announcement on April 27 that it would abandon merger talks with other airlines has rekindled frantic media speculation regarding industry consolidation. Analysts’ communications hinting at advanced talks between United and US Airways have helped fuel this conjecture.

Aviation industry pundits make claims that the only way the legacy airlines will succeed is through consolidation. Our CEO has been obsessed with finding a merger partner for our airline since United exited bankruptcy more than two years ago. In fact, it has been his sole pre-occupation to the detriment of the daily operation of our airline. Last week, your MEC issued a press release citing the many problems associated with a US Airways and United Airlines marriage -- that it is a toxic stew of problems in which we will play no part. The company continues to issue statements pointing towards an inevitable merger. I do not believe a merger with US Airways is in the best interest of United Airlines, its pilots, employees, customers or shareholders. Nor do I believe that it is inevitable.

The company has initiated a campaign of fear directed towards its employees insisting that consolidation is United's only salvation for survival. Nothing can be further from the truth. An airline that is properly managed and operated can still stand alone and prosper. One needs look no further than Continental Airlines. If United Airlines management had been concentrating on truly running a world-class airline, including focusing on the future, reducing costs and investing in its pilots and employees, we would not have to go looking for a merger partner; those potential partners would, instead, be courting us.

Do not drink from the fear spigot. We must not allow this fear campaign to affect our long-term objective -- being a company that can effectively compete on a stand-alone basis within this industry. We must never negotiate out of fear. We understand and share the concern you have of a US Airways merger. Make no mistake. We will do everything in our power to prevent United from going down that path.

We all know our airline’s inherent strengths. United has a strong route structure, a large international reach, a superior mileage plus program, pilots recognized throughout the world’s airline industry for their safety and skill, and a dedicated employee group. The only ingredient missing is a management team that recognizes those assets and utilizes them in a way that would return our airline to the status of the world’s preeminent carrier.

Your union leadership will bring all resources to bear and leave no stone unturned in our effort to ensure the long term viability of United Airlines. We understand the responsibility we have to the pilots’ careers we represent, the thousands of dedicated employees, our customers and ultimately our shareholders. We will not let the Company’s fear campaign deter us from finding solutions to the problems that have been created by management’s myopic merger focus over the past 27 months.

The road ahead for this entire industry and our airline will be filled with many challenges. Your MEC is focused on internal and external solutions to making our airline right. Not surprisingly, the best solutions to our long-term employees are not those coming from the short-timers on Wacker Drive. Undoubtedly, the better we are at blocking management’s folly, the more shrill both internal and external communications will become. Do not play into this fear campaign. Don’t buy into the speculation in the press. Instead, be courageous and trust that we, as a unified group, can chart the course that is right for us. Remain calm, focused, and professional, and continue to stay informed.

Investing in Pilots and Employees!! YIKES

This plan would work a few years ago but now we are so far in debt and the price of Fuel at $120 barrel soon $130 and $150. Do you really think we have time to do catch up? The company won't survive as long as those heads in Wacker Drive Village are still on board. I haven't seen any indication of them leaving so a merge is going to happen even if the pilots say NO.. Otherwise.. what's next at $130 barrel.. Sell off in pieces
and hope you end up with a strong carrier in the sell off. Nobody wants this merge but what do we have left now? Even if this merge happens either parties will be around within 2 years.

Remember today on CNN Goldman Sachs stated $200 barrel within 6months so what's next. save the energy Thank your president of the USA..
Here's a number I found fascinating. On the Colbert Report last night (the ONLY political talk show a would even consider believing), Senator Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, said the US s spending $5000/second in Iraq. Wow. Sure could fix a lot of problems in the US wth that!

Now, back to te subject at hand. Why is it ALPA signs all of their letters "Fraternally"? I think i should be "Fratricidally" (as in, "to kill your brother").
You guys have a thread to have your p*ssing contest. Is it possible to have a post where we can discuss other things besides the pilot group and their constant bickering? If the merger does happen then you guys can sort out your seniority til then could you spare the rest of us from your constant back and forth about who will be more senior than whom??

A letter from the UAL pilot's MEC Chairman:

May 5, 2008
Dear fellow pilots,

. The company continues to issue statements pointing towards an inevitable merger. I do not believe a merger with US Airways is in the best interest of United Airlines, its pilots, employees, customers or shareholders. Nor do I believe that it is inevitable.

We need to get together with the UAL pilot group and work with them to try to STOP this merger It's clear they don't want us and we don't need them.
Ya that would be terrible for you, huh... Imagine, USAPA overwhelmingly voted out, ALPA back, YOU'RE outnumbered now so there is no way you can ramrod your scab plan anymore! Nic plus UAL list merges relative, back on furlough for you!

I'll bet you don't want this next merger. Good luck.

Ya that would be terrible for you, huh... Imagine, USAPA overwhelmingly voted out, ALPA back, YOU'RE outnumbered now so there is no way you can ramrod your scab plan anymore! Nic plus UAL list merges relative, back on furlough for you!

I'll bet you don't want this next merger. Good luck.

The "NIC" is dead!!!
Keep this on the topic of the merger itself, NOT the unions' reactions.

Discussion union issues in the appropriate labor thread.

The next USAPA/ALPA related post in this thread gets the poster time off.

Thanks Richard for above!!!

Todays NY Times Southwest is in support of US takeover of UA (Lets face it UA will only keep name and maybe headquarters with AWA running the shop.

Per Times:

It was no coincidence. United and US Airways are among the weaker competitors in the airline industry, and they put up little fight when Southwest arrived and started grabbing market share.

Now United and US Airways have been holding merger talks, and the prospect that they might combine pleases Gary C. Kelly, chief executive of Southwest. He said in an interview that he relished the prospect of the two hub-and-spoke carriers cutting back flights to reduce costs and also the likelihood that such a merger could result in a period of operational chaos for the combined airlines.

That would give Southwest an opening to seize yet more market share.

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