Just what do you think drives inflation...they do it all the time.
Thank God they rob the SSI account or we'd really be in trouble.....
Not too tough with EPA and regulations chasing out corporate entities.
Foreign products are superior to US made goods because we don't make anything here anymore.Where you live,in a castle?
Cry me a river with your EPA regulation criticism. Without the EPA, we wouldn't have water clean enough to bathe in, let alone drink. Corporations have made it abundantly clear that, absent regulation, they will not regulate themselves. There's always some corner they can cut and poison a village of people. They're doing it in China right now. They did it in the United States a century ago. It's a cycle that will keep going until the world is left of nothing more than poisonous muck. It will all come around full circle.
Where do
you live? We don't live in a castle but we do live behind gates. I don't apologize for living where we live. We live in a gated community because we enjoy a certain lifestyle that's not present elsewhere. We have built a wonderful community through careful planning and regulation, something you could never understand.
You're right that nothing is made here. I drive a German car, my husband drives a British car, our home was built by Mexicans, most likely of questionable documentation, I use a phone made in Finland, my appliances are German-made, my electronics are Japanese, made in China. The list goes on. About the only thing in our home that's domestic is the furniture, not including the Italian sofas.
What would the alternative be to all of my imported goods? An American car? What a joke. Building a home with legal, caucasians? My home would cost 5 times as much to build and still be worth the same as the house next door built by Mexicans. No thanks. A US-made cell phone? Doesn't exist. American appliances? Not if I want them to work. An American TV? RCA and Zenith, classic American brands, are French and Korean now, respectively but both are made in China. A US-made sofa? Sorry, Ethan Allen lacks Italian style and leather quality.
You can make fun of my relationship with Jesus Christ all you want with your hateful remarks, but they only make me love you more.