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United States economy doomed …

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ah lilly , sweet innocent lilly ....

todays economy is nothing like the economy of the 1930's ....hope and good wishes will not change the facts and just because the economy has always bounced back doesn't mean it always will ... (some say the sun always rises , but if the sun goes super nova it won't rise anymore )

there was a very good article in yesterdays WSJ on the depression , if you get a chance ,see if you can get mondays copy and read it ..

Did i ever share my titantic example with any of you ?

let's say i travled back in time and i was on the titantic in the bar , and i knew that in one hour the ship would get hit by an ice berg and then sink ...

let's say that at that time they had paper checks , and my account had ZERO funds in it ... knowing that the ship was going to sink , would i really be all that wrong to write a check and buy everyone at the bar a round of drinks? i mean , really what does it matter ,the ship is going down anyways ..

on the subject of credit card defaults , you should know that i watch the issue very closely , charge off's are going to be a very strong indicator as to the TRUE state of the U.S economy ... as more and more people go " $%^# IT" when it comes time to pay their credit card bills we will get a feel for what's going on ... right now the major corporations expect a charge off rate of 10% , but i recently talked to someone who deals with the charge off situation and he told me that 10% is WAY to low , and he personally expects a rate of 25% ...i beleive him ..

Right now in india they are having a HUGE problem with the charge off rate , we're talking 50% here .....

So when i tell you that you should max out and then default on your credit cards , i'm not telling you that as someone who lacks knlowlege but rather as someone who posses it ... you can chose the honorable path , but if your lower class , all you are doing is depriving yourself of necessary funds etc ...

In the real world, where I live, intentionally racking up credit card debt with no intention of paying it back is known as "abuse of the credit system". It's not a crime, but it is a reason for the bankruptcy court to dismiss your bankruptcy petition. That opens the door to lawsuits and you will end up with judgments for the balance due accruing at an interest rate regulated by state law.

Don't worry, though, you have plenty of company in your quest to rip off the banks by abusing the credit system. My ex-wife did that and the moment she files for bankruptcy, I will be filing a motion to dismiss based on abuse of the credit system.
In the real world, where I live, intentionally racking up credit card debt with no intention of paying it back is known as "abuse of the credit system". It's not a crime, but it is a reason for the bankruptcy court to dismiss your bankruptcy petition. That opens the door to lawsuits and you will end up with judgments for the balance due accruing at an interest rate regulated by state law.

Don't worry, though, you have plenty of company in your quest to rip off the banks by abusing the credit system. My ex-wife did that and the moment she files for bankruptcy, I will be filing a motion to dismiss based on abuse of the credit system.

you can't abuse something that no longer exists ....

the credit system is DEAD ... you see where i live in the REAL REAL world ... where the us economy is not going to be rebounding because our federal/state and population is broke and in debt the credit system is about to dry up like water in the arizona sun ..

it's only a matter of time now , and i doubt our credit system will even last another 6 months ...

maybe you pick up the WSJ and the other fincial publications and read the happy upbeat , tttaly detached from reality headlines and say "wow , everyone on TV and in the papers says the economy has hit bottom! things will get better !" then you run out and invest ...

i'm at that point where i'm considering no longer buying my daily finicial news paper ... real news is occuring , but it's not being reported ... our country is whithering away .... 😱
Dear doom journal ....

could i be wrong about the econmic demise of the united states ?

i'd sure like to think so .... it seems like every paper and webcite is just extoling the wonderfull turn around that is now in progress ... shoots of green everywhere ! the economy has started to bottom out and soon we will have the rebound !!

this is so distressing .. it's like i've broken from reality .. of course i know that I'M right and all most all of what i'm seeing on TV in the papers and on the interent is wrong or flat out false ....

but still , it would be nice to buy into the dream .. 🙄
Dear doom journal ....

could i be wrong about the econmic demise of the united states ?

i'd sure like to think so .... it seems like every paper and webcite is just extoling the wonderfull turn around that is now in progress ... shoots of green everywhere ! the economy has started to bottom out and soon we will have the rebound !!

this is so distressing .. it's like i've broken from reality .. of course i know that I'M right and all most all of what i'm seeing on TV in the papers and on the interent is wrong or flat out false ....

but still , it would be nice to buy into the dream .. 🙄

They're trying to artificially prop things up on the street. 😉
Dear doom journal ....

could i be wrong about the econmic demise of the united states ?

i'd sure like to think so .... it seems like every paper and webcite is just extoling the wonderfull turn around that is now in progress ... shoots of green everywhere ! the economy has started to bottom out and soon we will have the rebound !!

this is so distressing .. it's like i've broken from reality .. of course i know that I'M right and all most all of what i'm seeing on TV in the papers and on the interent is wrong or flat out false ....

but still , it would be nice to buy into the dream .. 🙄
just done us one favor,when things turn around(and they will) come in here and tell us you were wrong and you really had no clue what you were braying about.

I find it funny how when the WSJ had articles that had an inkling of support for you are saying they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. Now when they have articles you disagree with,they don't know what they are talking about.

the only financial advice I am interested in from you is if I ask you for change for a dollar for the snack machine

and for God,s sake use spell check !
no CLT rat , the wall street journal WAS good ... the strange thing about it is the way they switched from what was real hard hitting news to pulling all their shots .... while the crisis was on going last year the real big hits mad the headlines ... starting about two months ago , they completely changed their tone and started to down play the bigger econmic news storys giving the front page to stories that were more poltical or feel good than bussiness news ....

things are really really bad ..
Dear doom journal ....

could i be wrong about the econmic demise of the united states ?

i'd sure like to think so .... it seems like every paper and webcite is just extoling the wonderfull turn around that is now in progress ... shoots of green everywhere ! the economy has started to bottom out and soon we will have the rebound !!

this is so distressing .. it's like i've broken from reality .. of course i know that I'M right and all most all of what i'm seeing on TV in the papers and on the interent is wrong or flat out false ....

but still , it would be nice to buy into the dream .. 🙄

I been sitting out back the yard with my Barrett 50 waiting for rampant anarchists to dare enter my domicile like you predicted. What's up with that, Freedoom?
I been sitting out back the yard with my Barrett 50 waiting for rampant anarchists to dare enter my domicile like you predicted. What's up with that, Freedoom?

First of all let me reiterate my views just so that we're clear ...

As the us economy collapses i don't have a problem if homless americans break in and live in , unoccupied houses ... people need shealther so i can understand that ...

As to my views on crime , its good that you have a gun , keep it handly , crime is increasing , watch yourself when you go out , be aware of your surroundings at all times . people are desperate out there ..

also love the female dog slap animation UAL !
First of all let me reiterate my views just so that we're clear ...

As the us economy collapses i don't have a problem if homless americans break in and live in , unoccupied houses ... people need shealther so i can understand that ...

As to my views on crime , its good that you have a gun , keep it handly , crime is increasing , watch yourself when you go out , be aware of your surroundings at all times . people are desperate out there ..

also love the female dog slap animation UAL !

Do you have spell check or are you posting while intoxicated/or stoned?

Moderator...possible PWI......poster needs backup.......
Dear doom journal ...

Ah the unexpected ...

So we have a possible pandemic to worry about ... this is just WONDERFULL timing ... it almost makes the NWO order people sound like their making sense ....

If this flu kicks off it will DESTORY the econmies of the world .... commerce will come grinding to a stop ... people won't go to resturants , clubs , bars , movie theathers .....

If any of you thought the econmic pull back was bad before , just wait until people are so afraid that they won't leave their homes !!

let's hope this turns out to be less serve than the avian flu crisis ...
Dear doom journal .... the flu is spreading ...

it's now long since escaped from mexico ...

There's little that can be done to stop it now ... much like pandora's box , you can't put the monster back inside ...

At this time my main worry is the econmmic effects .... as the weeks pass and reports of the flu spread , the fear will rise ... i think for the next month or two we may see a dramtica fall off in econmic activity as people shutter themselves inside ... after two months this may all pass and people begin to think things are A OK again , however i was reading something on the interent that brought up the time period of the fall when the flu inceases , and i think that will be the case with this ....

The us economy could get pounded almost the entire year by this .... not good ..
Dear doom journal .... the flu is spreading ...

it's now long since escaped from mexico ...

There's little that can be done to stop it now ... much like pandora's box , you can't put the monster back inside ...

At this time my main worry is the econmmic effects .... as the weeks pass and reports of the flu spread , the fear will rise ... i think for the next month or two we may see a dramtica fall off in econmic activity as people shutter themselves inside ... after two months this may all pass and people begin to think things are A OK again , however i was reading something on the interent that brought up the time period of the fall when the flu inceases , and i think that will be the case with this ....

The us economy could get pounded almost the entire year by this .... not good ..

This year more people will probably die from hippo and alligator attacks than the swine flu. There you go preaching doom and gloom again... and once again, you jumped the gun. How is that mask?
Well, I think this one has run its course.......

Time to close er up...
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