I told you if you stuck around you'd see the capitalist wannabes come out to defend their masters. I don't get it either. My guess is they are delusional. They may have a million dollar house, a Benz and a country club membership (or wish they did) so they think they are in. They just don't realize they're on board the Titanic with the rest of us.
Its funny how they lambast Socialism for the little person, yet they see no problem in using public money to bail out wall street and the rest of the corporate parasites.
The sad reality is that there are parallels to 1929. The revocation of the Glass Steagall act during the Clinton years has greatly contributed to the current mortgage crisis; which goes to show that corpotate and banking interests always get their way regardless of what political party is in office.
The main diference between the great depression and today is that there is no FDR to save the capitalists' bacon. All the so called conservatives love to beat up FDR yet he is the one that kept the country from going full blown socialist with all his government programs.
Check out this article from the UK. The UK and other European banking interests are the real power behind the Federal Reserve, since the FederalReserve is as much a part of the U.S. government as Federal Express is.
Barclays warns of financial storm.