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United States economy doomed …

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I told you if you stuck around you'd see the capitalist wannabes come out to defend their masters. I don't get it either. My guess is they are delusional. They may have a million dollar house, a Benz and a country club membership (or wish they did) so they think they are in. They just don't realize they're on board the Titanic with the rest of us.
Its funny how they lambast Socialism for the little person, yet they see no problem in using public money to bail out wall street and the rest of the corporate parasites.
The sad reality is that there are parallels to 1929. The revocation of the Glass Steagall act during the Clinton years has greatly contributed to the current mortgage crisis; which goes to show that corpotate and banking interests always get their way regardless of what political party is in office.
The main diference between the great depression and today is that there is no FDR to save the capitalists' bacon. All the so called conservatives love to beat up FDR yet he is the one that kept the country from going full blown socialist with all his government programs.
Check out this article from the UK. The UK and other European banking interests are the real power behind the Federal Reserve, since the FederalReserve is as much a part of the U.S. government as Federal Express is.
Barclays warns of financial storm.

My tax money helps pay for un-employment ( some of them lazy S_its) , food stamps , welfare and other socilistic programs, so why is it a problem for some of my tax money helping Theeeeeeeeeee Evillllllllllllll Corparations ?
My tax money helps pay for un-employment ( some of them lazy S_its) , food stamps , welfare and other socilistic programs, so why is it a problem for some of my tax money helping Theeeeeeeeeee Evillllllllllllll Corparations ?
Because your capitalist masters take that money and invest it in China or India to further enrich themselves. At least the welfare money goes back into the u.s. economy; in which ever stereo-typical wave you may imagine.
My tax money helps pay for un-employment ( some of them lazy S_its) , food stamps , welfare and other socilistic programs, so why is it a problem for some of my tax money helping Theeeeeeeeeee Evillllllllllllll Corparations ?

these so called social programs help people get back on their feet when those corporations that you want to give your tax dollars to, outsource thier jobs. It is amazing to me that people are against programs that help poeple. When did we become so cold hearted. There are a few people who abuse the programs but there are a whole lot of people who use our social programs as a life line when they are blind sided by a job loss due to globalization, or health issues. As far as our tax dollars helping corporations, I have very conflicted feelings about that. They do not deserve help when they are screwing thier employees and customers. Example: using preditory lending practices. If they get any assistance from out tax dollars they should have to create a certain amount of domestic jobs (that are with benefits and not just fast food jobs). We should get something in return for our tax dollar investments. With the wealfare reform during the Clinton years, people who are recieveing wealfare are expected to use that time and get off of assistance within 2 years. That means they then become tax payers so it is a return on our tax dollars. Therefore any industries that are bailed out should have to pay back through job creation. Otherwise they will take the profits they made during the bubbles and then they cry help and take our money and then leave. Just my opinion, I usually only express my opinion so I am sure there are fallacies in my post. I do not claim to have any kind of expertise, but I do keep up with current affairs and would like to think of myself as an informed citizen.
these so called social programs help people get back on their feet when those corporations that you want to give your tax dollars to, outsource thier jobs. It is amazing to me that people are against programs that help poeple. When did we become so cold hearted. There are a few people who abuse the programs but there are a whole lot of people who use our social programs as a life line when they are blind sided by a job loss due to globalization, or health issues. As far as our tax dollars helping corporations, I have very conflicted feelings about that. They do not deserve help when they are screwing thier employees and customers. Example: using preditory lending practices. If they get any assistance from out tax dollars they should have to create a certain amount of domestic jobs (that are with benefits and not just fast food jobs). We should get something in return for our tax dollar investments. With the wealfare reform during the Clinton years, people who are recieveing wealfare are expected to use that time and get off of assistance within 2 years. That means they then become tax payers so it is a return on our tax dollars. Therefore any industries that are bailed out should have to pay back through job creation. Otherwise they will take the profits they made during the bubbles and then they cry help and take our money and then leave. Just my opinion, I usually only express my opinion so I am sure there are fallacies in my post. I do not claim to have any kind of expertise, but I do keep up with current affairs and would like to think of myself as an informed citizen.
You have to get to the root of the problem to realize why people think like mindless, cold hearted, corporate drones. It is the usurpation of the education system by the capitalists,(through their many foundations, ie. Ford, Rochefeller, Carnegie, Mellon, etc.) that the capitalists have been able to dumb down the U.S. education system. John Taylor Gatto
The aim of the corporate take over of the education system was not to create thinkers but to create good little workers who follow orders without question and good little consumers to buy all the bobbles and gadgets produced for over consumption. The Story of stuff
The so called American dream is a piece of fiction created by the bankers. They convinced people that they must buy the big house they can't afford, buy the big gas guzzler they can't afford and be constantly engaged in an on going buying frenzy in order to one up the "Jones'."
Now everyone is enslaved by debt (don't forget that the happiest slave is one who thinks he's free) to the point that the capitalists and the government working in collusion (fascism) can run rough shod over the hapless american people.
They convinced people that they must buy the big house they can't afford, buy the big gas guzzler they can't afford and be constantly engaged in an on going buying frenzy in order to one up the "Jones'. Now everyone is enslaved by debt (don't forget that the happiest slave is one who thinks he's free) to the point that the capitalists and the government working in collusion (fascism) can run rough shod over the hapless american people.

Since you might want to keep up with other "Jones", I have an even larger, broader brush that you can paint with. With this brush, you can easily paint an all-inclusive picture. Give in to the american dream!
Stayed away too long and someone steals my AVITAR.........
I think Che makes alot of sense. No one makes a valid counter argument. I only see Kool Aid drinking rantings from people who think they have a vested interest in the defending the whole government/business scam. Is George Soros or Carlos Slim on this board? :lol:
Stayed away too long and someone steals my AVITAR.........
I think Che makes alot of sense. No one makes a valid counter argument.

Nothing really to argue with; Che doesn't have a problem with a free market and competition.

But bring up the fact that employers should be able to pay less-skilled workers at a lower rate, and you all of a sudden are an eugenicist.
Nothing really to argue with; Che doesn't have a problem with a free market and competition.

But bring up the fact that employers should be able to pay less-skilled workers at a lower rate, and you all of a sudden are an eugenicist.
You mean economic Darwinism? Or survial of the richest? :down:
You really should look up the definition of "survival."
OK, s-u-r-v-i-v-a-l. My bust.
Your intellect must be way over mine because I don't understand your quip.

2 entries found.

survivalsurvival of the fittest

Main Entry: sur·viv·al
Pronunciation: \sər-ˈvī-vəl\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Date: 1598
1 a: the act or fact of living or continuing longer than another person or thing b: the continuation of life or existence <problems of survival in arctic conditions>
2: one that survives

OK...and? :huh:
OK, s-u-r-v-i-v-a-l. My bust.
Your intellect must be way over mine because I don't understand your quip.

2 entries found.

survivalsurvival of the fittest

Main Entry: sur·viv·al
Pronunciation: \sər-ˈvī-vəl\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Date: 1598
1 a: the act or fact of living or continuing longer than another person or thing b: the continuation of life or existence <problems of survival in arctic conditions>
2: one that survives

OK...and? :huh:

I wasn't poking fun at your spelling. Just the use of the phrase "survival of the richest." How many people are merely "surviving"?

The first entry indicates comparing "the act of living" to "another person or thing." When you compare our economic system to other's, it holds up pretty darn well. Statistics for comparison are widely available on the internet... which is affordable for millions of Americans, which is due, in part, to pretty darn good employment rates in the U.S. as compared to other systems.

The second entry indicates that act of staying alive. Many american's difficulties are making the decision of whether to fuel up their gas guzzling SUV for a peak-summer vacation or cutting out their $5 lattes or whether to keep cooling their 3000 sf house at 68 degrees... not whether they can only afford 2 ramen noodle packages to eat this week.

Do I suggest that those that are actually stuggling to pay their 2 packages of ramen noodle bill should be left in the cold? No.

On a side note, I would cherish the opportunity to sit down and discuss economic theory with an 'El Che' or someone similar. We both know that there are idealist on both side of the equation and, as such, pragmatism is likely an informative tool. Forum boards, such as this one however, are not conducive to that type of conversation.
United States economy doomed …

I give it three to five years before total collapse .

Why do I say this ?

1. OIL , oil as we all know is the backbone of the us economy , and it’s like someone’s just taken our backbone and snapped it over their knee like a twig .. I don’t believe that our country can survive with oil prices as high as they are today ,, maybe somewhere in the 110 to 120 range … but I don’t see the prices falling that low until we’ve sustained critical damage ..

2. The us government is almost bankrupt ..it wasn’t too long ago that old uncle sam had to give himself another credit extension by raising the maximum federal debt level ..Right now we’re nine trillion dollars in the hole …. It won’t be long again until we hit our ceiling …oh hey , by the way , the expensive and draining war in iraq isn’t helping this problem .

3 our long term obligations are soon to roost , I forget which medical system is going dry , but wasn’t the government warning us about one of them going under in 2017 ? Not to mention that most of the states in our country are in the red , and the same goes for a lot of cities as well … How will the gov be able to jump start the economy if there’s nothing in the bank , and if we know there’s nothing in there and the world knows , you can expect our dollar to plummet … (CLEAR!!! Voomp! , voomp! , that’s the sound of the paddles not reviving the economy . )

sorry this isn’t a very thought out post …. I’m just going off the top of my head here … I’ll write something a bit more comprehensive when I get the chance , but that’s about it in a nut shell …. T
:cold: oast baby , toast ….

The Powers that be, want the U.S. to collapse, under it's debt and problems- So let it, STOP buying all that useless Sh*t at ChinaMart. We are to far down the rat hole, and the general populace can't "socialise" any more losses, while Paulson, Ben & the Plunge Protection Team, are trying to save their buddies on Wall Street.....G*d Da*mn It....

http://www.financialsense.com/Market/wrapup.htm :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
The Powers that be, want the U.S. to collapse, under it's debt and problems- So let it, STOP buying all that useless Sh*t at ChinaMart. We are to far down the rat hole, and the general populace can't "socialise" any more losses, while Paulson, Ben & the Plunge Protection Team, are trying to save their buddies on Wall Street.....G*d Da*mn It....

http://www.financialsense.com/Market/wrapup.htm :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
I know this is true. Many top economists know its true. Even the Gilded Lily knows its true(but attempts to deceive).
However, the capitalists controlled media tries to keep this from the american people. If the american people knew the depth of the deception, they might put down the remote and do something.
I wasn't poking fun at your spelling. Just the use of the phrase "survival of the richest." How many people are merely "surviving"?

The first entry indicates comparing "the act of living" to "another person or thing." When you compare our economic system to other's, it holds up pretty darn well. Statistics for comparison are widely available on the internet... which is affordable for millions of Americans, which is due, in part, to pretty darn good employment rates in the U.S. as compared to other systems.

The second entry indicates that act of staying alive. Many american's difficulties are making the decision of whether to fuel up their gas guzzling SUV for a peak-summer vacation or cutting out their $5 lattes or whether to keep cooling their 3000 sf house at 68 degrees... not whether they can only afford 2 ramen noodle packages to eat this week.

Do I suggest that those that are actually stuggling to pay their 2 packages of ramen noodle bill should be left in the cold? No.

On a side note, I would cherish the opportunity to sit down and discuss economic theory with an 'El Che' or someone similar. We both know that there are idealist on both side of the equation and, as such, pragmatism is likely an informative tool. Forum boards, such as this one however, are not conducive to that type of conversation.
Come on, I think Che is right. You know the deal and you avoid making a counter argument. Just like the Fox bunch, Bill O'reilly, Sean Hannity, etc. Your position is untenable so you side step the argument, try to twist it with your spin and malign and disparage the person presenting the argument.
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