This is my reasoning for thinking it would be D.O.H based on training date (in this instance Inflight) absent of a Purser program and L.O.D. program there may be some justification for a little closer evaluation of "fair and equitable" form of seniority integration. However, if the Purser program remains intact, and of course the L.O.D program will certainly stay in place(based on a new global airline) what other justification would there be to argue against D.O.H. for the remaining bid positions? An arbitriator could simply view it as... well if someone wants to fly desirable International routes, they can enroll and successfully complete either a Purser or L.O.D. position if their seniority could not hold International trips. Why should a senior Flight Attendant be penalized regarding seniority on the "remaining bid positions" after Purser and L.O.D. positions are satisfied by super-seniority for some? Give em D.O.H. call it a day..
I feel most will never support anything other than D.O.H(inflight training date). simply because it will always be the right way to handle a merger when the employees from the airline being integrated are not re-applying for their same jobs. Its the right thing to do when 1 + 1 = 3...
I feel the proposed merger will be absolutely the best in the industry that is of course(every one is treated with respect from the beginning without causing an initial feeling of mis-trust by the attempt of trying to handle seniority integration any other way than D.O.H.(job classification date).
I feel most will never support anything other than D.O.H(inflight training date). simply because it will always be the right way to handle a merger when the employees from the airline being integrated are not re-applying for their same jobs. Its the right thing to do when 1 + 1 = 3...

I feel the proposed merger will be absolutely the best in the industry that is of course(every one is treated with respect from the beginning without causing an initial feeling of mis-trust by the attempt of trying to handle seniority integration any other way than D.O.H.(job classification date).