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- Oct 4, 2007
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Frankly, I hope none of you unionize. With no contract to haggle over, you'll take the "hits" along with the rest of us. Immediate....and the "hits", they are 'a comin'!
And they accuse Anti AFA supports of not being critical readers/thinkers.....
You believe everything that the AFA puts out?
They could have DEFERED this issue at this time. Why can't you
just admit that maybe this wasn't the best time? Ideology getting
in the way? Oh BTW gotta love the whole "you people" and "Your Crowd"
comments. I guess that's the difference between you and I (among many others)
I have no problem calling Delta out on something when they are wrong. However
The AFA supporters on this board feel that the AFA can do no wrong and will not
call them out on anything. That (among many other things) is why more and more
F/A's are feeling the AFA just isn't for them. And as far as feeling scared ? You sure
that isn't the other way around? I came within 1 % of my prediction of the last vote.
I will soon make another. hint, it isn't looking good for the AFA. Most don't like
conflict and they are quickly seeing and hearing, that what the AFA is all about.
Again, each side has their pro's and con's. I would think any reasonable person can
admit that. The 10 million dollar question is, the lesser of two evils.....
I know its a hard pill to swallow, but many F/A's just don't like the AFA.......
I give our f/a group much more credit then some on here. oh thats another thing,
f/a's are sick of those supports, (would that mean YOU people?) that consistantly talk/write
down to others. Face it, "we just aren't that into you ....."
I say enough of this back and forth bickering ! Hold a vow "NOW" and let the chips fall where they may ! I'm sure everyones mind's are already made up as to which way they'll vote...........................So what's the hold-up ?.......................doubt if it's Delta !![]()
I find it very hard to believe there is f/a who is "legal" to fly that fits a
size 28 dress.
a company and outsiders have zero say when to call a vote or how the process is to be handled, just so that is clear!..... its between the Flight Attendants only and no one else should be stating to call a vote unless they are a Flight Attendant!...whats it to anyone else?
Err..........................anything that affects Delta Airlines , affects me.......................so I do have a dog in this fight, thank you very much ! :blink:Of course it's not Delta. They wanted the vote to happen back in the fall...even went so far as to tie the pilot's agreement to requesting the NMB to declare a single carrier determination for FAs. Even the pre-Obama, Reed Van de Water-led NMB didn't go for that one!
From what I understand, look for a filing very soon.
Not that you "have a dog in this fight."
I dont know about an agenda..but,Simple. They have an agenda, and you being represented doesn't fit into that...
I dont know about an agenda..but,
They should be thankful I, along with many, come to work and dont take things personally and staying focused what needs to be done..trying to do the best job we can.. for the overall and continued success of DELTA and the communities served..
Dignity I feel you, but reality man, reality! I would think delta people will come to work and strive for the best for the sake of the company, but its fear of losing their job. Regardless if it's FRONTLINE or SALARY.
the issue is planning, did they take into consideration any unforeseen future drop in revenue from 10 percent as high as 30 percent (extended over a significant period of time) when determining their figures of current revenue stream (at that time) when oil was at $110 a barrel?They will not admit it. It is pretty damn hard to come to work everyday knowing that Delta did not make a profit because of decisions of ED and Richard. Ed said that he was not worried about oil, but the economy. He failed! Richard told the antitrust committee that we can strive at 80% of the price of oil when he spoke oil was above 110 a barrel.
I believe they, not us.. needed a merger to survive (I really do), and I do not believe they were doing anyone any favors, as they were the ones shopping around for someone..but regardless of an opinion on that..we will do what we can to ensure not only DELTA stays on course but will be a success for all.Don't anybody understand that we went INTERNATIONAL and went threw a MERGER in these real tough time.
the state of Michigan has been devastated by job loss. However there is one thing very unique about the Detroit area regarding air transportation. they have a basically brand new billion dollar facility hub.. that is probably one of the most user friendly and nicer terminal in the United States today. it is so interesting to see how the terminal can go from one extreme to another, by just rebuilding a new terminal. the entire Metro airport complex in combination with the newly open North Terminal has made DTW one of the most efficient operations in the country, but then of course its just an observation and an opinion.There is no harm in asking a reasonable question Delta people. It will be okay if they would admit their faults and take a pay cut or release themselves for their jobs, but NO. It will be job cuts for workers. I am praying for you guys in Detroit!
It seems that the red dress thing has run its course if you are posting about all of the above without even mentioning it...finally.I like to believe its actually striving to do the best job one can regardless..however there does need to be accountability in the workplace regarding performance (especially when a company is so highly focused on safety and customer service) if that is interpreted as fear that is an individual perception. its important for everyone regardless of where they are employed to do the best job they can. basically what I am saying is, its important to run a tight ship.
the issue is planning, did they take into consideration any unforeseen future drop in revenue from 10 percent as high as 30 percent (extended over a significant period of time) when determining their figures of current revenue stream (at that time) when oil was at $110 a barrel?
its always a good idea to evaluate what is currently being taken in, then determine how to proceed forward with any additional spending..while taking into consideration..if..there was a drop of revenue that may not actually be present at the current time.
planning, a good leader plans.
I believe they, not us.. needed a merger to survive (I really do), and I do not believe they were doing anyone any favors, as they were the ones shopping around for someone..but regardless of an opinion on that..we will do what we can to ensure not only DELTA stays on course but will be a success for all.
The work ethic they inherited from NW is a bonus.
the state of Michigan has been devastated by job loss. However there is one thing very unique about the Detroit area regarding air transportation. they have a basically brand new billion dollar facility hub.. that is probably one of the most user friendly and nicer terminal in the United States today. it is so interesting to see how the terminal can go from one extreme to another, by just rebuilding a new terminal. the entire Metro airport complex in combination with the newly open North Terminal has made DTW one of the most efficient operations in the country, but then of course its just an observation and an opinion.
there are so many jobs tied to DTW in all areas. to me, to even think about losing a hub status or even dramatically cutting back in that region would be the worst planning move they could ever make.
the economy and this industry is cyclical, there will be a time when there is recovery.
I can tell you that another airline would have zero problems wanting to set up shop in that new facility..as a hub, anyone who thinks DTW is not viable.. either has never been through there or familiar with that region. anyone who thinks its a good idea to lose or dramatically cut back at that particular facility, in my opinion needs their head examined.
what they need to be praying for, is hoping another airline doesn't get a hold of that facility at DTW.
It was a response to my post! (the polite thing to do is acknowledge and respond! right?) 🙂It seems that the red dress thing has run its course if you are posting about all of the above without even mentioning it...finally.
keep it up, they probably will!Maybe the mods can put it to bed...