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Union vs Non Union My Response

Again...nothing specific. I'm done with this..I was there, I know how things were. If things were as bad as you say nwa would have prosecuted but they didn't. Because there were no deplorable conditions. Your oil carts still worked, your computers still worked and you still had a picnic bench to sit on. I apologize to the other posters. It seems when you reply to Vimes you uncork the blowhole and he goes on and on and on and on...
Can't "rehash the ugly specifics" because there were none. Regardless how you "define" yourself now, you can't make justification for being a SCAB. You'll always be one. That "contractor" sugarcoating does not impress anyone.

This is why I don't bother talking or replying to Vimes, he is nothing more than a strike breaker, useless is all that comes to mind. There is no reason to reply to his lies and demented way of thinking.

Funny, all "they" want is attention and I for one refuse to give it to them (him).
He is wrong, nuff said.
You see, there is something in the airline industry that is paramount---it is called your seniority number. It rules everything. It is not universal--it only applies to that ONE airline where the employee works. If you have 15-20 years at an airline and you find your best interests are no longer being upheld, then if you were to leave and go to another airline, you would have to start all over again at the bottom...at the bottom in pay as well. Talk about a pay cut! People have families to feed, older parents to look after, etc..
Also, that is running away. There is no perfect company. I think it is best to do all you can in cooperation with one's management to ensure that you have a safe, reliable, fair workplace in which to thrive. If that's with some type of employee feedback- type groups, fine. If it's by maintaining tenacious communication with ones manager, fine. AND...if it's by voting for a union, that's one's choice too.
PS: I do agree with getting as much education as one can but that takes money and time. Something that seems to be in short supply these days.


Yes, education takes time and money..........it is called effort and yes it does require sacrifices. Nothing worth having is free or easy, but so many expect it to be.

Yes, airlines have the paramount seniority issue aka lack of any and all respect for skills, lack of acknowledgment of skills or value.
Being a union member means that when US announces cuts and closings tomorrow I will be able to exercise my seniority and not have to kiss up to management to keep my job. I have a voice to speak for me in uncertain times. After US giving the same clowns a raise for bad management and raping all groups at US, all I can say is WAKE UP PEOPLE and learn from mistakes from others! You have a choice? Choose wisely.

Do you know what you wrote?

Basically you said albeit with odd syntax, you said when cuts are announced you can exercise your seniority and not have to kiss up to management to keep my job OMG Do you still not get it? Probably not.

You would happily as some sort of nauseating right kick someone else out of their job to save your own skin because you have no other options. You would take away someone else's means of earning a living regardless of whether they are better at their job or more qualified for their job than you are regardless of what family members they care for with their paychecks regardless of anything. Step on and squash anyone below me, that is what you said. Hooray for seniority (tongue in cheek)

You know that certainly paints a vivid picture. Push everyone out of the way its...... me first .....me first..... me first!!!!!!!!! I am sorry but that is simply pathetic, not to mention childish and selfish.

Imagine a room full of union members listening to a speaker. Now imagine looking around at all those union brothers and sisters. How many would use their seniority to put a knife in your back? How many of those union brothers and sisters think they deserve your job more than you do because they started at the company 5 minutes before you did and would gleefully and happily take your job and your paycheck away from you and your family. That is brotherly love. That is the bare naked truth of socialism, right there, someone is always getting a knife in their back its just further down the line so you can pretend it doesn't matter and it is somehow "fair". That is a load of deification. Learn to stand on your skills and the quality of your work and your education, its called self reliance its called independence.
You had only options that the company told you that you could do, not a CBA where you can do what you want as long as the seniority is followed and it cant change at a whims notice.

So when they closed DFW Heavy MTC, could you go anywhere DL's system where your seniority let you or did could you only go to a certain place where DL said so?

Again with the odd syntax, if you are foreign born I commend you. You have obviously put a lot into learning English. If you are American born, go back to school.

When they closed DFW HEAVY MTC why put someone else out of a job, there are tons of jobs in Dallas. There is quite a bit of aviation work in Dallas, always has been or is it just easier and more fair to kick someone else out of their job? I am guessing its easy, lazy and selfish certainly a route for the dependent the cowering and those incapable of self reliance.
I did retire from the US Air Force in 2001. I worked for AWA, now US Airways from 2001 to 2006 as a tech-writer. I left US Airways for many reasons, but not because I didn't love the job. The job and people were terrific. I saw an opportunity to better myself and family and took it. I'm glad I did, because my group hasn't seen a raised since I left, nor have they received any bonuses they were accustomed to receiving. The do have to pay union dues now though since merging with US Airways. I think any experienced airline employee knows that the airline business is extremely fickle and it's a very risky proposition to bank on having a life long career with the same airline and build seniority in a unionized system. Education is the key to self reliance and will give you more options. Yes, I know it's hard to go to school while working 12 hour shifts, being deployed, raising children, etc, etc, but it can be done. It's in our American blood to not settle for what people will give you, but to go and get it. If you put in the effort it can be done.

Well said, and thank you for your service to our country.
Again...nothing specific. I'm done with this..

oh goodie goodie goodie, if only it were true. It is simply not my place to discuss specifics on this board. I think they should have shut the place down and taken finger prints off of everything and prosecuted the hell out of all of you temper tantrum throwing children. Alas, it was not my choice. NWA made the only choice they could at the time which was to clean up after your tantrums and keep it as quiet as possible because, my narrow minded short sighted poster, it would have been a PR nightmare for both the union and the airline and for some unknown and unfathomable reason NWA was still trying to get the union to accept some type of deal. Had they chosen to prosecute your irresponsible backsides they would have lost far too many passengers to recover and the union would have lost all public respect and every aircraft mechanic across this country would have gotten a black eye in the public perception because of your groups childish behavior. If you think any of that behavior would have garnered any support from the flying public you are sadly mistaken.

I do not have a "blow hole" and yes I am capable of putting words together to form sentences and I am capable of discussing my opinions. I asked around about you. LOL!!!!!!!!! Two of the guys remembered a "Don Smith" their comments were things like, the first one to #### and the last to get up to do a job and great at lick it and stick and nothing else and he couldn't keep up with us these days. These are not my comments I do not know you nor have I ever worked with you so I personally can not attest to the varsity of the comments. (In case the words were too big for you I said I dont know you so I can not comment on you as a fellow employee or mechanic)
This is why I don't bother talking or replying to Vimes, he is nothing more than a strike breaker, useless is all that comes to mind. There is no reason to reply to his lies and demented way of thinking.

Funny, all "they" want is attention and I for one refuse to give it to them (him).
He is wrong, nuff said.

🙁 Awwww geez I feel so unloved so unwanted.....snivel snivel snivel.

Lets see here, you are not willing to rationally and calmly discuss unions vs non-unions because I do not agree with you and will tell you why I do not agree. I can support my position in this discussion yet you are unable to rationally support your position. So I can only assume......those that can do and those that cant simply whine and call names in a vain attempt to degrade another person.
🙁 Awwww geez I feel so unloved so unwanted.....snivel snivel snivel.

Lets see here, you are not willing to rationally and calmly discuss unions vs non-unions because I do not agree with you and will tell you why I do not agree. I can support my position in this discussion yet you are unable to rationally support your position. So I can only assume......those that can do and those that cant simply whine and call names in a vain attempt to degrade another person.
🙁 Awwww geez I feel so unloved so unwanted.....snivel snivel snivel.

Lets see here, you are not willing to rationally and calmly discuss unions vs non-unions because I do not agree with you and will tell you why I do not agree. I can support my position in this discussion yet you are unable to rationally support your position. So I can only assume......those that can do and those that cant simply whine and call names in a vain attempt to degrade another person.

You mention me on a topic that is locked now. First off don't speak for a grown up. If he didn't have a problem with it, why you do? Like I mention before, I am not for a Union or against one. It seems that people get my words as if I am for one. I deal with what make sense. So if having a Union makes since then so be it. You would make mention of someone grammar on a discussion thread :lol: Get real "VIMES".
You would happily as some sort of nauseating right kick someone else out of their job to save your own skin because you have no other options. You would take away someone else's means of earning a living regardless of whether they are better at their job or more qualified for their job than you are regardless of what family members they care for with their paychecks regardless of anything.

funny, sounds exactly like what you scabs did to the mechanics at nwa. it's ok when you do it to someone else though, right? now you're really showing how spineless you are.
funny, sounds exactly like what you scabs did to the mechanics at nwa. it's ok when you do it to someone else though, right? now you're really showing how spineless you are.

The mechanics at NWA followed the very poor advice of their representation, by doing so they put their livelihood at risk. AMFA blinked, mechanics lost their jobs.

Seems that NWA did just what Reagan did in the '80s with the ATC union. A strike in this day and age is nothing more than blackmail.

Man I can see the hate responses coming from that one already. :lol:
The mechanics at NWA followed the very poor advice of their representation, by doing so they put their livelihood at risk. AMFA blinked, mechanics lost their jobs.

Seems that NWA did just what Reagan did in the '80s with the ATC union. A strike in this day and age is nothing more than blackmail.

Man I can see the hate responses coming from that one already. :lol:

Hate responses? You don't even know what you talking about. You never worked union so don't speak about one. You are a SCAB! Look up the definition, you might have your pic by the meaning. You made your mind up Mr. Selfish (AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU DIRECTLY). Ooops! I hated... :blush:
Hate responses? You don't even know what you talking about. You never worked union so don't speak about one. You are a SCAB! Look up the definition, you might have your pic by the meaning. You made your mind up Mr. Selfish (AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU DIRECTLY). Ooops! I hated... :blush:


I dont seem to remember crossing any picket lines, but let me guess, because I think the strioke at NWA was bonehead move, Im a scab.

My mind was made up years ago, you want a union, go work for one. I like how you want to act like Im the bad guy here. You have been a raving lunatic in every post made towards me. Your argument is weak Mr. Im not for a union.

Really, seek help.
🙁 Awwww geez I feel so unloved so unwanted.....snivel snivel snivel.

Lets see here, you are not willing to rationally and calmly discuss unions vs non-unions because I do not agree with you and will tell you why I do not agree. I can support my position in this discussion yet you are unable to rationally support your position. So I can only assume......those that can do and those that cant simply whine and call names in a vain attempt to degrade another person.

You SUCKA, There is no rationale reasoning why you wouldn't insure your job. Housemaids have contracts for god sakes. Vimes management or a worker for a company because he's a SUCKA. I don't care if you every agree about having contracts. Just make sure you pay your cell bill (contract) , house insurance/auto insurance (protective contracts), car note (contract with bank), mortgage (contract with bank), credit cards (contract). ANY LOANS IN YOUR NAME VIMES IS A CONTRACT! now with all that said, your job.....No contract????? If you don't have a contract on your job which pays the bills. what will happen if the job furloughs and a low timer stays and you go? Ask your friend DAL MECH. It happen to him 😱 <_< :unsure: :shock: :blink: I wouldn't know how to feel if that happen to me. So SUCKA cancel your membership on this forum and go else where.

I dont seem to remember crossing any picket lines, but let me guess, because I think the strioke at NWA was bonehead move, Im a scab.

My mind was made up years ago, you want a union, go work for one. I like how you want to act like Im the bad guy here. You have been a raving lunatic in every post made towards me. Your argument is weak Mr. Im not for a union.

Really, seek help.

SUCKA just like your brother "VIMES". A SCAB is also one who doesn't want a union. I may be a lunatic to you, but I know how the game works. "CONTRACT CONTRACT CONTRACT". You are not made for a CONTRACT, you made it clear when you mention that you chose the non-union job. NO BACKBONE so you lay and let them :mf_boff: with no "PROTECTION".

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