FA Mikey...I realize there are "carvers" on the U board...I don't agree with it at all. I simply think we are ALL in an industry that is in major change and without changes...big changes...we will all be in for a rough ride! The government should go after more of these "Management Theives" for running companies poorly then rewarding them with huge "payoffs. We are simply the "Pawns" on the chess board trying to support our familes. The LCC have won Americas heart and are here to STAY!! The givebacks and consessions are going to keep coming until your/our company(ies) can compete with LCC's! I just read where AA management is wanting more consessions...does this mean I want you out of business...H_ll NO! I've given well over a 100K per year in wage and benefits back and barely can make my house and car payments that we established well before 9/11. I know AA, DAL and a couple of other carriers have deep pockets...but for example DAL has/had deep pockets but there getting less deep everyday at a tune of about 3 to 4 mil/day burn rate. NOBOBY is immune to what is going on in this business! Airtran is eating DAL's lunch in ATL on a daily basis! If DAL pilots take the 35% paycut I can't blame DAL pilots for dragging down the indusrty...there simply answering the cry from the pay rate of the LCC in there own backyard!! I bet you shop at Wal-mart..., they have done the same to the retail industry that LCC's have done to the airlines.
I would love to see all the other carriers including AA to go out of business... and let all the rest of us gain market share and assets from the mis-managed companies, (only kidding) but I would NEVER wish or make comments to such. Character does say alot......
Lets all hope for the best...there is alot more people in this mess then the employee himself. Our and my family worry everyday about tomorrow.
Good luck at AA..and I mean it...this is a real mess we're all in! Our's at U is just a bit more messy right now...........maybe being home every night and not worrying about six month check rides won't be bad. One promise I have with myself is...
if this sinks...I'll drive on every vaction I take. I NEVER want to see an airport, Boeing, Airbus or anything that would or may have a chance of getting airborne again!!! It's to a point now that my neighbors almost make more then me and there HOME every night...not bad!
Again, good luck to ALL of us.
Flufdriver in PHL