MCI Transplant;
The difference between the AA/TWA merger, and UAL/US is that they are both under the housing of the same union. In the Unions (AFA) Constitutional and By-Laws, it clearly states that any AFA members airline being bought out by another AFA members airline would keep and maintain their full senority. That's right, 100%. It all goes back to other mergers that have happened in the past and was designed to protect the senority of smaller carriers being gobbled up by larger ones. The issue between UA/US is that they are a fairly senior group, and larger than what this claus in the by-laws was set up for.
I look at it this way. If my carrier was being bought out by another carrier, what would I consider fair. It is a question that I really have thought about. Fair to me, is not 100% bidding seniorty. Fair to me, is 50% of bidding/company senority but 100% vacation and pass travel. Think about it, 100% senority across the board. If there was to be another furlough, and or people were being let go due to an overage, do you think it really fair to the flight atendants who chose to be with UA and not US? Is that really fair to the flight attendants whose company is buying the other one out? I must honestly say, not at all. If someone does not agree with this, then you are one of those me me me me type of people that firstamendment was referring to. Same thing, different situation. If this merger does happen, and nothing has been done to protect the flight attendants at UA, then I can only speculate that it will be very ugly for both flight attendant groups, and I mean both, because there will be a clear distinction between the two in regards to the kind file numbers they will have. 😛h34r: