Re-regulation is a misnomer. The airlines were never really deregulated by the ADA of 78.
1) The government approves who is allowed to start an airline and to some degree the top management of that airline.
2) The government approves how the airline is operated.
3) The government controls the ability of individuals to fly, perform maintenance on, dispatch,act as controllers and serve aboard an aircraft as flight attendants through regulations that dictate the training, certification, minimum age, maximum age, duty time in a defined period(day, week, month), the ability to form unions, the rules under which the company and unions operate, the ability of either side to change their relationship.
4) The government, state and federal, controls the capacity at individual airports through selective appropriations used for developement and expansion of capacity.
5) The government controls the airways between the airports and the capacity and conduct of air carrier operations within those airways.
6) The government allocates franchise type arrangements for carriers at airports for which there are capacity controls in place: they call them slots and they are allocated by the government through various procedures but once the government owned slot is allocated it is transformed into an asset by and for the carrier.
7) The government interferes with the natural process by which businesses aquire and develope themselves through differing layers of regulatory review which have no equal in the banking, securities, automotive or high tech industries.
8) The government controls who, what and where individuals can fly from point a to point b at certain locations through the use of federal statue.
The only thing that was deregulated by the ADA of '78 was employee wages. Since that time, the air carriers have consitently paid their top management and some labor groups wages that far outstripped the inflation curve while most workers have seen their incomes fall below that curve.
If the Federal Government is going to do anything other than continue to screw up this industry they must first realize that absent all the hype: we are a utility and regulations must be structured around that reality.
If the Federal Government really wants free enterprise, understand the operational model we are currently operating under; remove regulations or impose regulations that would create a healthy industry in accordance with that reality; and, then, create a glidepath that will get us from here to there.
The simple truth may be that politicians will not step up and do what they must because it will result in fewer seats at higher average fares: ergo more angry voters for them to deal with--in short, we will continue the cycle that we are on.
The process continues unless we create a field of instability for the individuals that control the regulations: Politicians. We only have one thing that they cannot take from us, our vote. Regardless of who they are, if they refuse to fix things: we vote for anyone but them.
Is this special interest voting: yep! Nothing gets more special interest than being able to pay the bills. Can airline employees have a decided impact: look at the location of the major airports and determine the effect of our families block voting for change within those metropolitan districts.
If you are a Dem and cannot vote for a Rep., fine pull any other lever available. If there is no other lever, dont vote in that contest. If we continue to buy into their rules and procedures: we continue to lose.