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Just in time for Halloween. Whatever it is I have this gut feeling it's downright scary.
I think a UA US merger would have less blood letting than any others because most of the routes that the two have overlap with have already been purged. We also have the partly merged res stuff with the code share. I am sure management would make cuts to employees (that is all they know how to do) But in the end I believe this would be the less painfull merge for both US and UA.
Hmm, imagine if we had to make a choice like the Eastern girls with Donald Trump- Do I go with Richard Branson and the Shuttle or stick with US Airways? :shock:
Branson would not touch US with a 50 foot pole. He has gone on record as having his own Red flavor coolaid that he likes to administer at a young age. They are not partial to former or current airline people.
Why would the Shuttle go to AA? I'm sure that would be something UA would want to keep. Now DCA and IAD.. that's where you run into problems.

Agree with you that the shuttle will stay with UAL, but I disagree with you about IAD-DCA. In the last US-UA merger attempt, one of the excuses given for its failure was the monopoly of the DC market, with US having a dominant presence at BWI and DCA, and of course UAL with its large hub in IAD. Consumers, it was said, would have no choice but to fly on the merged carrier. Fast foward to present day and the situation has changed with SWA having a major hub/base in BWI. Since US divested BWI to SWA, the government cannot make the same argument since consumers now have a choice to fly on SWA, the wal-mart of airlines (of course, always with the lowest price...) out of the DC metro market.
So, long story short: should be no problem.
Since the failed 2000 merger, the previous administrations at US pared it down even more so to United's missing piece. They closed thier BWI hub reducing Washington presence, pretty much closed the redundant PIT hub, parked all fleets that would have been oddball (McDonnell Douglas and Fokker), quickly turned themselves into a formidable Carribbean presence, and grew transatlantic ops, all weak spots in UA's network. Not to mention the physical airline itself, US Airways Inc, is only half the size it was in 2000.

The current administration though, I don't know. They need to watch "Sell This House" or "Flip This House" or one of those shows. You pretty something up when you are trying to sell it or make a deal. Wolf was an expert at this. He arguably changed the airline's image from a monopolistic short haul airline with poor service to a global, high standard, businessman's airline. He made it attractive.

The current US Airways is a moneymaker but is regarded as the Britney Spears of the industry. One hot mess with a continued series of entertaining but sad blunders. Does any other carrier find US to be an attractive partner, or want to be a part of it? The PHX hub is attractive to some carriers (not so much UA IMO), and LAS is really more attractive to a low cost carrier than any of the legacies. Maybe it's the arrogance of this mgmt that they assume they will be running the deal- we saw this with the hostile takeover attempt of Delta.
... consumers now have a choice to fly on SWA, the wal-mart of airlines (of course, always with the lowest price...)

Uh, Costco would be a much better analogy, best pay, most revenue per sales unit. wal-mar would best be compared to AWA.
AWA is not even in the same league as the Legacies. Anything with UA would be more tolerable then what we've endured with this POSSE regional!

Hey! I forgot. How did you guys do in the arbitration? I have to assume you got everything you wanted. Ya know, 'cause we are not even in the same league...
I also think IF this happens it's going to be the poor easties, they will wish they had the Nicolau award, intstead of have 1500 ahead of you on the list now it will be around 8000. It's gonna suck either way.

WRONG...UA PILOTS ARE ALPA = date-of-hire
UA F/A'S ARE AFA = date-of-hire

I believe the WEST pilots would have to worry since they are not ALPA, if they were included in the UA merger it may be a Staple anyway. WEST f/a's would benefit greatly. IMHO
WRONG...UA PILOTS ARE ALPA = date-of-hire
UA F/A'S ARE AFA = date-of-hire

I believe the WEST pilots would have to worry since they are not ALPA, if they were included in the UA merger it may be a Staple anyway. WEST f/a's would benefit greatly. IMHO

Tell me you are joking. Seriously, that is the king of uninformed posts!!! ALPA, and UA pilots for that matter, is not DOH. AWA pilots are ALPA. There is no excuse for being that poorly informed. Especially since you are frequenting these boards...
The one piece of evidence I consider most compelling, and no one has mentioned yet, is Isom being recruited from NW. He brings a 15 year body of knowledge about NW and international operations, specifically transpacific, to LCC. That could be quite valuable if you're planning on combining in some way. I use to think it was going to be US/UA all over again....ooouuueeech!! But I'm beginning to think it might be NW now. They need PHL more than UA does and the IAD/DCA combo might be too much for the Feds to accept.

This will make your head spin....Delta hires former NWA boss as the new CEO of DELTA (as of August 21, 07)
Richard Anderson is new CEO. S--T, this stuff is crazy. DL/UA/US/NWA and all run by DoUgIe the golden boy!!
Tell me you are joking. Seriously, that is the king of uninformed posts!!! ALPA, and UA pilots for that matter, is not DOH. AWA pilots are ALPA. There is no excuse for being that poorly informed. Especially since you are frequenting these boards...

Damn your right again...bite me!
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