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There is no way Doug will get his hands on CO. Larry Kellner and his team KNOW how to run a successful airline. They have happy labor for the most part, and VERY happy customers. Why would Larry let Doug lead?

That said, I can see Doug taking over NW, if/when it gets the west operation--now that is a real possibility.

I think the most logical sense comes of East-UA and West-NW. CO really doesn't need a partner right now, although they could be a backup to NW for the west.

IF a combination were to come involving CO, it would most likely be the CO way and culture which survives.

Then again, stranger things have happened......
Areed. CO doesn't need anybody........they are probably the BEST US carrier operating in today's environment. A Delta-CO merger several years ago would have been good but not sure whether either would even consider it at this point. No way Parker gets his hands on CO.
I would think UA would want the Shuttle, it fits in with thier business traveler philosophy, it fits well with thier other products like PS, ExPlus, Economy Plus etc.

The Shuttle sticks out like a sore thumb at the current US Airways. It's an upscale business product in a very competitive market, part of the product being a reliable operation in a challenging environment. The AWA management teams business casual (lack of a) product and tits-up anything goes attitude towards operations are the polar opposites of the basics of the northeast shuttle market..

You are absolutely correct.

The Shuttle used to be the jewel in the crown of US East. During the dozens of times it was speculated that US East was about to go under, the one asset everybody wanted to pick from the carcass was the Shuttle.

But Tempe has managed to Wal-Mart-ize the Shuttle, along with F Class, T/A, and everything else. They don't even offer the Shuttle customers newspapers anymore (not counting the Metro, which is also given out free on the MBTA).

And the two-hour groundstops to LGA on sunny days due to the five million RJ's polluting that airport have chased many long-time customers to Amtrak. (I know. I've seen them heading out the door of National Airport to get a cab to Union Station when the 2:00 p.m. DCA-LGA Shuttle returned to the gate at 4:00 p.m.)

DCA has also been transformed from a very important business flyer airport to a connecting hub for the $39 internet fares to Florida (due to the lack of non-stops to the sun from those unimportant northeast markets like Boston and New York.) Just take a look at the Shuttle loads into and out of DCA. Down into double digits (40's, 60's) during the weekdays when the premium customers used to fly on it, and oversold every Saturday and Sunday with the flip-flop/backpack crowd.
AA would have very little need for the shuttle since they already operate a pseudo shuttle with Eagle between dca-lga-bos.

The Eagle Shuttle has a reputation of being very unreliable. You don't see too many heads in the windows of those airplanes when they taxi by.

In fact US East gets many EGL jumpseaters on the Shuttle. They say they ride the off-line US Shuttle because they are more confident in that operation than their own.

And besides, business flyers hate RJ's. Several years ago Delta tried to substitute Comair flights on the lighter midday BOS-LGA Shuttle flights. The business passengers revolted, and forced DL to go back to (at the time) 737-800's on all BOS-LGA flights.
That said, I can see Doug taking over NW, if/when it gets the west operation--now that is a real possibility.

I think the most logical sense comes of East-UA and West-NW. CO really doesn't need a partner right now, although they could be a backup to NW for the west.

IF a combination were to come involving CO, it would most likely be the CO way and culture which survives.

Then again, stranger things have happened......
And here is one that would be the strangest of all but does have possibilities if you think about it. All of this speculation is hillarious and I love a good laugh. So here it goes: Parker sells US West to AirTran or NW. He/Isom/Kirby then become The leaders of US East and combine Alaska and Frontier with US East and call it the "New USAirways". Then Isom uses his talents to deploy all of those new A340s, we are "supposedly" :blink: getting next year, over the pacific out of both SEA and PHL. There would be good feed on both coasts for both atlantic and pacific traffic and we would get a good midwest hub. Hey I'm on vacation and am enjoying a few post-church bloody marys right now.

Your theory is interesting, except Doug would be running NW, not East. He does not understand East, nor does he appear to want to. He can change NW into a new Walmart Air, because they already have inept leadership.

I would also venture to say that higher yield business travelers would avoid any airline that Scott had anything to do with like the plague, as he has proven with his own words that the dollar comes before the customer.

But as I said before, ANYTHING is possible.
AA would have very little need for the shuttle since they already operate a pseudo shuttle with Eagle between dca-lga-bos.

It might make sense for AA to acquire/purchase the US Shuttle slots, start using AA mainline aircraft on the DCA-LGA-BOS routes while at the same time keeping & using the Eagle Shuttle slots for service to other cities.
Yet Astro, the clowns you talk about saved your job and mine. Give yourself a rest! I am sick of the negativity on these boards. Count your blessings, and be happy for once. You will feel better. 😀
Maybe YOU are content with how things are around here, but I sure as hell am NOT. Without knowing what amount of seniority YOU have around here or been witness to see how the entire operation has been degraded, WHY should I give them a break and NOT COMPLAIN? When you have a Management Team that makes YOUR Airline (that's YOURS and Mine by the way) the laughing stock of the industry, why shouldn't I complain? For the record, I have 27years, generally work 80-90 hours monthly (TA and domestic), Go Above and Beyond for the customer and usually have a great time doing it. Regretfully, I was hired in the days when Employers CARED, and have amassed almost 900 sick hours credit that are pretty useless at this point. Oh, and another thing.....I don't drink their Koolaid (imagine that :lol: ), don't believe ANY of their SPIN or read ANY of their memos. And You can be rest assured you would NEVER see ME at one of their "Crew Brew-ha-ha's".Also, usually always get a GOOD LAUGH everytime I hear the word C-H-I-N-A! So how HAPPY is that :up:
Maybe YOU are content with how things are around here, but I sure as hell am NOT. Without knowing what amount of seniority YOU have around here or been witness to see how the entire operation has been degraded, WHY should I give them a break and NOT COMPLAIN? When you have a Management Team that makes YOUR Airline (that's YOURS and Mine by the way) the laughing stock of the industry, why shouldn't I complain? For the record, I have 27years, generally work 80-90 hours monthly (TA and domestic), Go Above and Beyond for the customer and usually have a great time doing it. Regretfully, I was hired in the days when Employers CARED, and have amassed almost 900 sick hours credit that are pretty useless at this point. Oh, and another thing.....I don't drink their Koolaid (imagine that :lol: ), don't believe ANY of their SPIN or read ANY of their memos. And You can be rest assured you would NEVER see ME at one of their "Crew Brew-ha-ha's".Also, usually always get a GOOD LAUGH everytime I hear the word C-H-I-N-A! So how HAPPY is that :up:

You GO, Miss Tang!! :up:
BTW, this is what the koolaid drinkers sound like ( take out Britney, put in US Airways)
Leave US Airways Alone
My FAV version of this nutcase..
Just hilarious
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