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Merger Not Imminent.

KCFlyer said:
Given all the "warm fuzzies" that AA experienced in their merger with TWA, do you think United would want to take on all that extra baggage? IMHO, if UAL wants anything, they'll wait for US to liquidate, buy what they want in the liquidation sale, and hire any employees they want without the hassle of union integration issues. Tain't pretty, but anybody who holds hope for a "merger" to save them is living in a dream.
You know what they say about opionions, everyone has one, {some are just BIGGER than others} 😀 :shock: Since I do not claim to have the gift of prophecy, unlike yourself, I'll just have to wait and see how things turn out over here at U, if you don't mind.
756pro said:
Read these boards for entertainment that are mostly printed imaginations sprinkled with truth here and there along with management spin doctors stirring the pot when they feel it's necessary, which is often.
Excellent observation and advice.
I didn't know that UAL had their very own Chip. The executives over in Chicago must be so proud.
One more tidbit. When asked about the possibility of a US liquidation, I was told that the ONLY thing UA would look at are routes where we codeshare and could not deploy our own metal.
Yaaah, I can remember when McQuire, the veep of corp communications, said in a public forum, "Piedmont is not for sale." Within a month, it was.

Folks, round and round she goes, and where she stops, NOBODY (save Bronner and Tilton)knows.

"May you live in interesting times."

Chinese curse
767jetz said:
One more tidbit. When asked about the possibility of a US liquidation, I was told that the ONLY thing UA would look at are routes where we codeshare and could not deploy our own metal.
Isn't UAL still in Chapter 11?
autofixer said:
Isn't UAL still in Chapter 11?
Fair enough. Let me clarify that last statement.

They were saying that IF US defaults and liquidates, it would not happen until after June, and after UA emerges from BK. In that case, then UA would only look at routes where we codeshare and could not deploy our own metal.
I find it absolutely titillating that United's people come over to the US Airways boards to stir the pot. Seems they have problems of their own to worry about.
USAirBoyA330 said:
I find it absolutely titillating that United's people come over to the US Airways boards to stir the pot. Seems they have problems of their own to worry about.

Sounds like something I used to say once upon a time.

Just so you know, I'm not trying to stir the pot. There has been much speculation on UA and US's fate on this very board. Most of it has been misinformation incorrectly labeled with words like "fact" and "imminent" and "informed sources."

My only intention was to shed some light on a topic that has been twisted out of proportion by a few.

Now, in the words of one famous (or is it infamous?) captain...
Please don't shoot the messenger. B)

P.S. Glad you are titillated! :lol:
I take everything a certain USAirways Captain says with a grain of salt & the same goes for anything you say. Honestly, your not better than the person your trying to annoy when you post "rumors" and "unnamed sources."
USAirBoyA330 said:
I take everything a certain USAirways Captain says with a grain of salt & the same goes for anything you say. Honestly, your not better than the person your trying to annoy when you post "rumors" and "unnamed sources."
I think everyone should take everything said on this or any other message board with a grain of salt. As I've said before, I know just as much (or as little, depending on how you look at it) about UA as a certain pilot of yours knows about US.

And again, I'm really not trying to annoy anyone. My post was intended to relay information and was directed to those who read his speculation. I don't really care if he responds to this thread or not.
This is the most tiresome thing about this site. I wish there was an option to block any and all of the silliness between Storyteller Pilot and the same three Crybaby posters who respond. Just let it go and stop baiting the rest of us to read topics!
PineyBob said:
I just don't understand how 2 companies that don't have enough extra cash between them to buy a full box of 64 Crayolas can merge.
They can't. And they won't. That's the whole point.
767jetz said:
PineyBob said:
I just don't understand how 2 companies that don't have enough extra cash between them to buy a full box of 64 Crayolas can merge.
They can't. And they won't. That's the whole point.
w3rd 767jetz !!!! 😀
Why fan the flames 767jetz? You know a certain someone hasn't ventured to the UA board to post in some time. Please don't tempt him with starting a whole new post on here. If you feel the need to refute certain posts about potential transactions - why not just do it in the existing thread?

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