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U To Shut Down?

Well, actually, I just like to mention AMFA cause I know it makes 700UW mad. 😀

I guess I can stop busting his "boys" and get back to a serious discussion...

For Example, lets talk about what happened to the EAL "Shuttle". Curious, as that was separated from the mothership, It went on to survive while EAL went defunct, Can we draw a comparison to our situation today...?

If Midatlantic is spun off, onto the ALG certificate or retaining the use of the Airways certificate, while at the same time US Airways ceases operation, then with union agreements already in place at MDA for ALPA, AFA, TWU, and the IAM... why would anyone have the ability to "strike" what no longer exists, or what no longer is tied to the "Legacy" of the past...?

We at Midatlantic have a turn-key operation, with functional working agreements in place for all labor groups, and we are even cheaper than either Mesa or Chatauqua. We fly what is likely to be an extrememly popular airframe, with strong customer appeal and wide mission parameters. Toss in a few other assets, like the commuter slots at DCA that the ERJ-170 can use, or whatever else and to me, you have a smart investment to sell, or run and grow...

Seems to me that the best choice is to make this place work, but I do not share the same pessimistic view that everything will be grounded sans labor agreements at US Airways.

I hope "people" are not really naive enough to think that the "barbie jets" are the ones that will no longer exist, rather than the 40K a year Utility worker.

Are they...?
auhh, look what the rat dragged in...


FYI....MAA needs financing....and they need mainline to foot the bill.

Good luck getting that financing out there without U.
700UW said:
You can bendover and give US what they want, but someone has to stop the corporate greed.

Are you moonlighting as Ms Cleo now?

You do not know what people will make and your union and its members all ready made the choice to pay you LESS then a Utility person and as long as people like you are willing to work for that pay, you will continue the spiral downward of the industry. Pretty sad that the pilot of the smaller F28s made double your salary.

Your group should be ashamed of itself.
I see you have not stopped YOUR "ATTACKING" ,700....continuing with the Corporate greed, your "famous" Ms Cleo remark!!.....and continuing to BADMOUTH anyone who disagrees with you!! It's amazing that your BLAH...BLAH...BLAH...... CONTINUES!!! It's guys like you, that are going to stop at nothing to try and silence your critics with YOUR facts!!! Your a joke!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wow, you are that naive Pitbull...

And forgetful too...

Remember when "Mainline's" credit went south last fall (read = unable to finance aircraft), and MDA still had planes deleivered one a week anyways...?

Guess not.

The ERJ-170 is the largest and most capable aircraft able to utilize the special commuter slots into DCA. That fact alone will make MDA a sought after asset to investors. US Airways has the largest amount of these commuter slots in DCA, and it would be a sizeable addition to any network.

The other simple reason is that it is more expensive to start/train/and build a new carrier than go with what already exists, (since we have the lowest labor costs in the "regionals"). But if you are not aware of the paltry wages and work rules AFA dropped onto returning furloughees at MDA, you should contact your AFA union rep in PIT, she can explain the reasons behind that whole "mess".

There is a reason MDA has been kept so that it could be spun off... It is so MDA could be spun off, duh. That is why we were able to retain financing for new aircraft... (and why others are waiting to be delivered)

Anyways, back to the topis, you US Aviatiopn Bad Boys have such a habit of changing the subject.

Can a caomparison be made between the situation of the EAL Shuttle and MidAtlantic, US Airways and EAL...?

Curious minds want to know
Rico said:
Wow, you are that naive Pitbull...

And forgetful too...

Remember when "Mainline's" credit went south last fall (read = unable to finance aircraft), and MDA still had planes deleivered one a week anyways...?

Guess not.

The ERJ-170 is the largest and most capable aircraft able to utilize the special commuter slots into DCA. That fact alone will make MDA a sought after asset to investors. US Airways has the largest amount of these commuter slots in DCA, and it would be a sizeable addition to any network.

The other simple reason is that it is more expensive to start/train/and build a new carrier than go with what already exists, (since we have the lowest labor costs in the "regionals"). But if you are not aware of the paltry wages and work rules AFA dropped onto returning furloughees at MDA, you should contact your AFA union rep in PIT, she can explain the reasons behind that whole "mess".

There is a reason MDA has been kept so that it could be spun off... It is so MDA could be spun off, duh.


You are a howl... :lol:

Your planes are leased...surprised??????? U doesn't own a one, nadda, zeltch, zero...

So, how do you propose to PAY for the leases, let alone more a/c???? Have you checked out your CASMs lately..... :shock: ouch!

The planes that you are now getting is ONLY because Embrarier had already cut the medal. You won't get another plane after those that get delievered in Dec. I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT.

If U wanted to "spin ya", they could have done it YESTERDAY....and they DO have an extra flying certificate.

BUT THE PROBLEM IS...............NO FINANCING. :shock:

Geewiz...looks like ya need us a-gain.
PITbull said:

You are a howl... :lol:

Your planes are leased...surprised??????? U doesn't own a one, nadda, zeltch, zero...

So, how do you propose to PAY for the leases, let alone more a/c???? Have you checked out your CASMs lately..... :shock: ouch!

The planes that you are now getting is ONLY because Embrarier had already cut the medal. You won't get another plane after those that get delievered in Dec. I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT.

If U wanted to "spin ya", they could have done it YESTERDAY....and they DO have an extra flying certificate.

BUT THE PROBLEM IS...............NO FINANCING. :shock:

Geewiz...looks like ya need us a-gain.
you 2 are doing exactly what the company wants!!! splitting everyone....us against them!!! No wonder this place is falling apart!!!
Oh, huh, that is strange, because they "cut " CRJ metal too, but we do not seem to be getting any of those, are we...?

You do not seem to "get it..." The topic title is listed above <points up>

That IF the AFA, CWA, and/or the IAM pull a "Charlie Bryan", and the company shuts down... My part will be spun/sold off (read = financed) and your part will not. MDA will go on, and you will not. They (the company) have not spun/sold MDA so far, because they do not want to do that, unless forced to do so.

But if that happens, then MDA will be one of the few intact assets to survive IMO, Cause if this place goes down, there is a lot more of a market for what I do (and what I do it in) that what you do (and what you do it in), nuff said.

It seems strange that you keep talking about strikes and shutdowns anyways, since you and I both know, that Unions are full of poop (especially nowadays). Tough talk and fist waving is meant to placate the membership and make it seem like you "care" while the real deals are made. I know darn well that the AFA, CWA, and IAM will each cut a deal because they have no other choice.

In the meantime, you will have moronic statements like the "nationwide wildcat strike" thrown about, meant to make it seem like you are doing "something" in the "spirit of solidarity" 🙄

Oh, and BTW, the reason the Dec. Aircraft are it for now is because DIP and Exit financing will not be in place until BK exit (that is why it is called exit financing), and because the ERJ-190's are not that far away.

I am confident that what needs to be done will get done (that is the way unions work despite all the "BS"), but if that does not happen, then there is no need for the entire operation to die. Nor will it.
Rico said:
Now, you and I both know, that Unions are full of poop, especially nowadays. Tough talk and fist waving is meant to placate the membership and make it seem like you "care" while the real deals are made. I know darn well that the AFA, CWA, and IAM will each cut a deal because they have no other choice.

In the meantime, you will have moronic statements like the "nationwide wildcat strike" thrown about, meant to make it seem like you are doing "something" in the "spirit of solidarity" 🙄

Oh, and BTW, the reason the Dec. Aircraft are it for now (you kow you are not supposed to let that out do you...?), is because DIP and Exit financing will not be in place until BK exit (that is why it is called exit financing), and because the ERJ-190's are not that far away.

I am confident that what needs to be done will get done (that is the way unions work despite all the BS), but if that does not happen, then there is no neeed for the entire operation to die. Nor will it.


I am laughing really hard now....I have to take a pea. :lol:

Ok. I'm back now.

Its no secrete that you're getting a couple of a/c. There are classes scheduled for Dec. Plus, you had some major turnover. But that's expected.

Again, your confidence, is your arrogance. And "wild cat" strikes are illegal.


Get ready for your so called "spin-a-a-rama", and your fantasy on financing. 😉

PS: Heard you were asking about me lately on one of your trips this month....
I love how you keep such a laser straight focus on the topic PB... : 😛

To respond:
I fail to see how I am supposed to feel bad about a probable 30%+ increase in our fleet size. That growth will help bring in revenue to US Airways, solidify US Airways's position in DCA, and provide furloughees jobs....

Good in my book. Whatever "Financial Acrobatics" made it happen matters not to me.

The expectation was for 30-ish MDA ERJ-170's by years end. So expectation met. Glad to be part of a outfit that can accomplish such a challenge in well under a year's time. <directs credit to fellow MDA-ers>.

Such growth (in BK of all places) only reinforces my opinion that MDA is a viable, useful, and profitable asset, that would easily find a home IF Airways folds <Points to the thread topic once again>.

Future MDA growth, please sista Bull... <points to ERJ-190>

Oh, and I am flattered that you wanted to know if I asked about you PB, but to be honest... I kinda prefer Blondes... <points to wife> 😀

Peace B)
PITbull said:

You are a howl... :lol:

Your planes are leased...surprised??????? U doesn't own a one, nadda, zeltch, zero...


That's not TECHNICALLY true. USAirways does indeed "own" a large portion of its fleet. Next trip, peek in the cockpit at the aircraft registration. You will find many that show USAirways as the owner.

That being said, USAirways has every one of those "owned" aircraft mortgaged to the hilt in one way or another. Using an asset as collateral for a loan does not mean that you no longer own it.
Rico said:
I love how you keep such a laser straight focus on the topic PB... : 😛

To respond:
I fail to see how I am supposed to feel bad about a probable 30%+ increase in our fleet size. That growth will help bring in revenue to US Airways, solidify US Airways's position in DCA, and provide furloughees jobs....

Good in my book. Whatever "Financial Acrobatics" made it happen matters not to me.

The expectation was for 30-ish MDA ERJ-170's by years end. So expectation met. Glad to be part of a outfit that can accomplish such a challenge in well under a year's time. <directs credit to fellow MDA-ers>.

Such growth (in BK of all places) only reinforces my opinion that MDA is a viable, useful, and profitable asset, that would easily find a home IF Airways folds <Points to the thread topic once again>.

Future MDA growth, please sista Bull... <points to ERJ-190>
Oh, and I am flattered that you wanted to know if I asked about you PB, but to be honest... I kinda prefer Blondes... <points to wife> 😀

Peace B)
U Gotta admit PITBUL is a good lookin mama !!! :up:
All the E170s are leased from Wells Fargo, and according to the FAA database I know of the A330s are owned but EETCed up the ying yang.
Rico said:
I love how you keep such a laser straight focus on the topic PB... : 😛

To respond:
I fail to see how I am supposed to feel bad about a probable 30%+ increase in our fleet size. That growth will help bring in revenue to US Airways, solidify US Airways's position in DCA, and provide furloughees jobs....

Good in my book. Whatever "Financial Acrobatics" made it happen matters not to me.

The expectation was for 30-ish MDA ERJ-170's by years end. So expectation met. Glad to be part of a outfit that can accomplish such a challenge in well under a year's time. <directs credit to fellow MDA-ers>.

Such growth (in BK of all places) only reinforces my opinion that MDA is a viable, useful, and profitable asset, that would easily find a home IF Airways folds <Points to the thread topic once again>.

Future MDA growth, please sista Bull... <points to ERJ-190>
Oh, and I am flattered that you wanted to know if I asked about you PB, but to be honest... I kinda prefer Blondes... <points to wife> 😀

Peace B)

Now, now....MAA was scheduled for 40 a/c, and you guys fell short.

And gee whiz, this managment exaggerates once again, they keep telling us that the E170's are ALL leased.

NYbusdriver says their owned....management says they're leased...will the REAL ANSWER please stand up 😛

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