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U and UA: Domino Effect Commencing

On 2/10/2003 10:53:19 PM Segue wrote:

Yes, the Domino Effect is happening - just this time its the downward curve of "Industry Leading Wages". Its not any conspiracy, but the simple fact that none of the majors can generate enough revenue to cover costs in the current environment. Something has to give.

Think about it...how much is really economy driven and how much is competiting against who can get the most from their labor groups AS THE ONLY BUSINESS STRETEGY?

U is NOT even out of BK,and they had given the Judge on Dec. 23 their projected profits for 2004 and 2005 and what the projected operating revenue will be. How do they know how the war will effect travel? Answer: cause the cost is at the basement for labor, and they have room to even screw up and STILL MAKE MONEY. Not that I am against profit, I am against it when the sole stretegy was to have the "rank and file" employees at U go into bankruptcy and liquidate their own personal assets even those who didn't lose their jobs face that now, in order that U would not. Profits will be for the Investors and senior mangement, rest of us will get "crumbs".

Now, if all the airlines do this same, exact plan, what advantage is it to anyone. We will all be competing now as Low cost carriers, instead of high cost carriers. All relative. Now, who will have the edge???? Anyone????

Hate to say this, but I believe this industry needs "regulated" again.

Only folks that will suffer in this process is the Labor groups for many years, and anyone who had owned stock.
kcab....any chance that transcript might be transcribed as a post on this board??

I would love to see what the wolves in ORD really are saying, the scum.
On 2/10/2003 12:18:45 PM kcabpilot wrote:


antagonizing and disturbing?

I'd say that aptly describes most of what I read in the meeting transcript where "Labor" is viewed as nothing more than a leased piece of equipment. Something you can stop payment on or throw on the scrap heap.

The situation this company finds itself in is the direct result of the attitudes and half baked business adventures of it's "leadership team". The idea that these clowns could suddenly come up with a killer strategy to take over the low cost market is, in a word - laughable.

My opinion? This company should look inward and heal the wounds that have been inflicted upon itself over the past several years. You want to be like Southwest? You're going to need Southwest employees - which means that management is going to have to make the painful and distasteful sacrifice of treating their employees like human beings. Right now this company is a sick giant and senior management has deluded itself into thinking it's ready for battle.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

It's called honesty, N230UA, and can be extremely painful to all, including oneself, when necessary.

No one is enjoying this...but kcab speaks of a reckoning that this company's management will never have the cajones to rise to. It takes leadership, courage, and honesty. Those qualities have always been in short supply at this airline. I'm sorry to say that this crisis is only proving to be more and more of the same.
That's actually a really big no no, disseminating internal company documents. I wouldn't advise anyone to do it. Perhaps some are more secure in their anonymity then I. Spacewaitress...... I had thought you were a UAL f/a? If so, you can read the transcript of it on Skynet, it's under the CEO section.
PitBull...is right on the Money...UnitedChicago, Listen and Learn! And yes I do agree with you...Dems in 04!
On 2/12/2003 1:51:21 AM spacewaitress wrote:

kcab....any chance that transcript might be transcribed as a post on this board??


GGpillow is correct, the transcript is on skynet and I wouldn't dream of posting it here. Our competitors might then discover that we are planning to start a low cost carrier named starfish!

Anyway, no harm in paraphrasing some of the meetings highlights:

Glenn wraps up the meeting by saying that there is a lot of bitterness in this company from things that have happened in the past, that many of us are carrying this big heavy suitcase full of it and that we have to let it go. You know, I'd probably be more than willing to do that but the fact is - they are still putting stuff into that suitcase. Passing out millions of dollars in bonuses just scant weeks after imposing hefty paycuts on all of the workers is probably the best example to illustrate just how out of touch this management team is with reality. They seem to think they are going to pull off this grand scheme without our help and that underlines the true attitude they have - they seriously underestimate our importance, they are just simply too wrapped up in themselves to see the picture.
On 2/12/2003 12:01:31 PM kcabpilot wrote:

On 2/12/2003 1:51:21 AM spacewaitress wrote:

kcab....any chance that transcript might be transcribed as a post on this board??


GGpillow is correct, the transcript is on skynet and I wouldn't dream of posting it here. Our competitors might then discover that we are planning to start a low cost carrier named starfish!

Anyway, no harm in paraphrasing some of the meetings highlights:

Glenn wraps up the meeting by saying that there is a lot of bitterness in this company from things that have happened in the past, that many of us are carrying this big heavy suitcase full of it and that we have to let it go. You know, I'd probably be more than willing to do that but the fact is - they are still putting stuff into that suitcase. Passing out millions of dollars in bonuses just scant weeks after imposing hefty paycuts on all of the workers is probably the best example to illustrate just how out of touch this management team is with reality. They seem to think they are going to pull off this grand scheme without our help and that underlines the true attitude they have - they seriously underestimate our importance, they are just simply too wrapped up in themselves to see the picture.


Why paraphrase? You can get the full text on 1-800-EYEONUAL.
On 2/12/2003 12:01:31 PM kcabpilot wrote:

On 2/12/2003 1:51:21 AM spacewaitress wrote:

kcab....any chance that transcript might be transcribed as a post on this board??


GGpillow is correct, the transcript is on skynet and I wouldn't dream of posting it here. Our competitors might then discover that we are planning to start a low cost carrier named starfish!

Anyway, no harm in paraphrasing some of the meetings highlights:

Glenn wraps up the meeting by saying that there is a lot of bitterness in this company from things that have happened in the past, that many of us are carrying this big heavy suitcase full of it and that we have to let it go. You know, I'd probably be more than willing to do that but the fact is - they are still putting stuff into that suitcase. Passing out millions of dollars in bonuses just scant weeks after imposing hefty paycuts on all of the workers is probably the best example to illustrate just how out of touch this management team is with reality. They seem to think they are going to pull off this grand scheme without our help and that underlines the true attitude they have - they seriously underestimate our importance, they are just simply too wrapped up in themselves to see the picture.


FYI, as soon as U filed for bankruptcy on August 11, they motioned for the judge to grant $6Million dollars for bonuses that should have been paid to certian executives for their performance reviews for 2001. Fancy that, 2001 was the worst performance for USAirways, how is it that they received good perforforance reviews???? Company justified this request by saying that these executives would leave the company and (get this) it would be hard to "retain good managers"...lol.

Guess how the judge ruled on that "motion number 37? YES.

Management always stays on the "gravy train". Labor just falls on the tracks and gets run overed.

I'm telling you guys this is the exact same plan at U and will be the same for AA and DL and NW, CO.

We will all end up being Low Cost Carriers competing against each others as Low Cost Carriers instead of competing as High Cost Carriers. Once every one implements this "plan", we will all be at the same place we are today....strugling against one another as Low Cost Carriers. Good job Managemets! Plus, all the venders and lease holders that these airlines screw, many will have no choice but to declare BK, as well. One huge "domino"---- from Corporations, to companies they effected, to stock holders, to employees.And this is "good" for America????

2003 YEAR WILL BE KNOWN AS THE YEAR EVERYONE WENT INTO BANKRUPTCY...which is now considered being "politically correct" and the "IN" thing to do.

AND WHOSE IDEA WAS ALL THIS?????????????????
