Reed Richards
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Agreed. But we have all lived what is "deserved" vs. what happens. RR
After reviewing the DOJ's claims, in many ways, the arguments presented are nearly laughable....
Over the past couple weeks since this merger broke, the sentiment of this board toward the lawsuit has changed – there are still some people who think the DOJ is totally out to lunch but there are fewer and fewer people who can legitimately continue to argue that the DOJ’s case is completely without merit.![]()
Usually, I would say that there's a SBCIH that I would EVER agree with anything that WT says, but oh well, here goes...
A CEO and the rest of the frat house should know better than to put this stuff in writing. And if they don't know better, then they probabably aren't qualified for the jobs they hold. You certainly don't send an email to the DL CEO indicating that you want him to stop a triple miles promotion because it's going to cost you money and let him know (threaten?) that you are going to drag him through the mud on Wall Street if he doesn't stop the promotion. Put down the bottle, stop the trantrum and grow up!
7K-15K jobs are going after this merger and 10% of flights (including some of these in rural TX and PHX) are going away...But PA is going is going to demand flight guarantees at PHL (like UA had to do in CLE and DL at MEM, MSP and DTW) and PA wants Moon Ops, Airbus MX and the 1,000 jobs associated to stay OR they want their bond and tax credit money back. No easy out for US in PA this time.
This will be settled. The merger will go through. But PA, VA, AZ and TX are all going to get some guarantees out of this (so we will see how many flights and jobs are actually cut before 5 years) and DP and Co are going to get some sort of public slap on the wrist for the email trail...
Thank you very much, Reed.Again, I think World sees through the fog of war, and I refuse to discount his analysis just because he is a cheerleader for Delta. I wish we had such an advocate! The smoking gun is the DOJ compliant itself, and what they are going after. The emails will be damning, in fact this merger has no chance with Parker leading the New AMR. Not going to happen. They don't want the merger to happen AT ALL, no compromise. It says so in the complaint. Of course, now with a trial, both sides say they are "open" to settlement. What else would they say before a trial? Doug has lied to his own employees saying this was all "out of the blue." This superhero is not buying any of it. The real leverage (despite what you read in the media) is NOT with the airlines and the early trial; it is the looming realization by Parker that soon all his communications will be fully made public, and woven into a tale of evil by the DOJ in the 10 day trial. Just watch. The merger got some breathing room with the Nov date, it would have been dead if March had won. Behind closed doors, Parker treated the DOJ employees just like his own. There will be a price paid, I just hope the US Airways BOD is not stupid enough allow Parker to give away the farm just to save face (and I doubt that is possible anyway!) RR
Well said.That's the one and the only one thing the DOJ+6 Republican States Attorney's General have to prove in court. And they only have to prove that the merger "would likely" substantially lessen competition. They don't even have to prove the merger "would" subtantially lessen competition. Not a high mark.
Plus if the merger goes through and it DOES end up "substantially lessening competition" then the DOJ+Republicans can sue DP & Co under the Sherman Act. So even if DP dodges the Clayton Act bullet this go around, he's staring down the barrel of the Sherman Act gun aftwards. I fully expect DOJ+6 Repubs to "stand their ground" on this one.
Time to get off the bar stool, sober up and head to the negotiation table. DCA slots are going to be handed out, capacity will not be cut 10% and as a result TX, PA and AZ will get their flight and job guarantees at least for 5 years. Clearly DP will also be made aware that he is welcome to come back to court post-merger under the Sherman Act if there are any more anti-competitive/monopolistic shenanigans.
This is certainly a heads up to start encrypting the frat house emails. Or better yet to completely stop sending incriminating emails and to quit making public statements that "could be" construed as anti-competitive and monopolistic. The DL and UA CEOs seem to be able to do it...
And so people don't accuse Holder and O'bama (he's Irish, right?) and the Left Libs of making this stuff up just to make Repubs unhappy, it should be noted that Clayton Act was passed in 1914. OK. Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, was President at that time, but right now in 2013 it seems the DOJ+6 Repubs are "just doing their jobs".
Thanksgiving is 28 Nov this year. I guess the DOJ+6 Repubs plan to fire up the grill start roasting turkeys early this year on the 25th.
Your Post is dead on! I was wondering when someone would bring up the obvious! World Traveler also great points, bottom line "IF" DP comes to some kind of settlement with the DOJ will the cost offset the potential synergy payday? Judge Lane might have to decide? And who in the END will face the inevitable "haircut" one gets in BK consolidation? My guess the ones that only have open ended misunderstandings. My feelings UNITED merger denial all over again for Usairways.The DOJ and the Attorney General of Republican controlled AZ (the home base of US!) and the Attorney General of Republican controlled FL (home of MIA hub of AA) and the Attorney General of Republican controlled PA (home of PHL hub of US) and the Attorney General of Republican controlled TN and the Attorney General of Republican controlled TX (home base of AA!) and the Attorney General of Republican controlled VA (home to DCA!) have ALL charged US+AA with the ONE very specific charge:
"The merger between US Airways and American would likely substantially lessen competition, and tend to create a monopoly, in violation of Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. § 18. Therefore, this merger should be permanently enjoined."
http://www.justice.g...9900/299968.pdf (Page 7, §13)
That's the one and the only one thing the DOJ+6 Republican States Attorney's General have to prove in court. And they only have to prove that the merger "would likely" substantially lessen competition. They don't even have to prove the merger "would" subtantially lessen competition. Not a high mark.
Plus if the merger goes through and it DOES end up "substantially lessening competition" then the DOJ+Republicans can sue DP & Co under the Sherman Act. So even if DP dodges the Clayton Act bullet this go around, he's staring down the barrel of the Sherman Act gun aftwards. I fully expect DOJ+6 Repubs to "stand their ground" on this one.
DOJ+6 Republicans simply have to present the damning happy trail of emails which show DP & Co's past, present and future plans to "substantially lessen competition" and the judge should be able to summarily conclude that the merger "would likely" (given DP's and Kirby's statements, emails, past actions and stated future plans) substantially lessen competition. Case closed.
Time to get off the bar stool, sober up and head to the negotiation table. DCA slots are going to be handed out, capacity will not be cut 10% and as a result TX, PA and AZ will get their flight and job guarantees at least for 5 years. Clearly DP will also be made aware that he is welcome to come back to court post-merger under the Sherman Act if there are any more anti-competitive/monopolistic shenanigans.
This is certainly a heads up to start encrypting the frat house emails. Or better yet to completely stop sending incriminating emails and to quit making public statements that "could be" construed as anti-competitive and monopolistic. The DL and UA CEOs seem to be able to do it...
And so people don't accuse Holder and O'bama (he's Irish, right?) and the Left Libs of making this stuff up just to make Repubs unhappy, it should be noted that Clayton Act was passed in 1914. OK. Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, was President at that time, but right now in 2013 it seems the DOJ+6 Repubs are "just doing their jobs".
For reference, Section 7 of the Clayton Act as codified in 15 USC §18 reads in part:
"No person engaged in commerce or in any activity affecting commerce shall acquire, directly or indirectly, the whole or any part of the stock or other share capital and no person subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission shall acquire the whole or any part of the assets of another person engaged also in commerce or in any activity affecting commerce, where in any line of commerce or in any activity affecting commerce in any section of the country, the effect of such acquisition may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly..."
The DOJ+6 Repub's charge is simple, specific and clear cut. The DOJ+6 Repubs will present their case and their evidence. The legal bar of proof in this case is a lowly "would likely" or "may be". Time to turn on the paper shredder and wipe the hard drives in Tempe or at least be slow to repond to request for discovery...
Horton hears aWho!WTF?! from Tempe and he's lovin' it!
Thanksgiving is 28 Nov this year. I guess the DOJ+6 Repubs plan to fire up the grill start roasting turkeys early this year on the 25th.
what i found interesting was the judge said she was skeptical of the doj's wanting the march trial which to her was too far away and for the doj to get the discovery evidence.... if the doj needed that much time and if it were granted... then how is it they have to rush btwn now and nov to get the so called discovery evidence.. something sounds fishy to me and me thinks that there might be a settlement. but at what costs... me thinks that phx and dca may be the targets when all said n done...
"The merger between US Airways and American would likely substantially lessen competition, and tend to create a monopoly, in violation of Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. § 18. Therefore, this merger should be permanently enjoined."
http://www.justice.g...9900/299968.pdf (Page 7, §13)
For reference, Section 7 of the Clayton Act as codified in 15 USC §18 reads in part:
"No person engaged in commerce or in any activity affecting commerce shall acquire, directly or indirectly, the whole or any part of the stock or other share capital and no person subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission shall acquire the whole or any part of the assets of another person engaged also in commerce or in any activity affecting commerce, where in any line of commerce or in any activity affecting commerce in any section of the country, the effect of such acquisition may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly..."
DCA is definitely their target. The DOJ wants "Its cake, and eat it, too." They will force AA/US to give up slots, while guaranteeing some level of service to smaller communities with the slots they have left. IOW, the DOJ wants to force the New AA into an profitless situation at the DCA "hub." Parker would then need to decide if the New AA could handle DCA as a "loss leader," and hope the rest of the rest of the system could subsidize the small-city service to/from DCA.
In my opinion, PHX is of no concern. I believe Parker has already reassured PHX that the level of service would remain (wink,wink). Besides, LCC has no competitor in PHX...that must be true because the DOJ never mentions SW/AirTran as a competitor.
The case is not about the DL UA duopoly. It's about whether DP & Co "would likey" behave anti-competitively or in a monopolistic manner post-merger in violoation of the Clayton and/or Sherman Acts.The counter intuitive argument is that by not allowing the merger, there will a de facto duopoly between DL and UA as their size would allow them to muscle around those in-between sized competitors (US and AA). If the objective is to protect competition, then the merger should receive a DOJ blessing. Any DOJ city pairing by which is cited as being “presumptively illegal” could be handled by the competition’s changing of flight schedules and re-allocation of aircraft assets, if the fares become excessive.
This merger is going to make the new AA #1 in both the east and midwest and #3 in the west. When the LCC merger was put together the west was basically wiped out for the more profitable east coast operations. I do think that PHX will be safe for maybe 2 years and then get a haircut. LUV's biggest hub is PHX and I don't think the merger will help us compete any better with them. I think PHX will be cut by a third when all is said and done. (I hope I am wrong on this) I think the only thing that will save PHX is the continued extra utilization of aircraft (flex) that is currently a part of the operation.
Regarding this merger, IMO, there will be a settlement before November 25th.
P. Rez
The counter intuitive argument is that by not allowing the merger, there will a de facto duopoly between DL and UA as their size would allow them to muscle around those in-between sized competitors (US and AA). If the objective is to protect competition, then the merger should receive a DOJ blessing...