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OK...ask around if Connell is diabetic...I am and have been for many years...what else...lemme see...he isn't balding either...I am....lemme see...I'm definately not Irish!...well maybe "dark Irish"....HAHAHA!
Yep, your right it does appear you are a diabetic and balding. LMAO
Sure, step around the issue CIO and the rest of you TWU supporters.

When is the last time the TWU fought for something and won. The TWU are beggars.

Name something the TWU has won (and not given back) in the last four years.

In our salad days, when the company was making billions, we were stuck with a (another) long term contract negotiated by the TWU in which we received a whopping 6.5% in raises during a 6 year period. When the going is good we suffer and when the going is bad we take the blame and suffer even worse.

I can't wait to fire the TWU.

If you support the TWU your either incapable of sound judgement or on the take.
Don't you know? The TWU, AA, and the NMB are all against amfa...it's another communistic plot!



It's funny you should say that. Do you suppose a Freudian slip?

Since 1998, the 35-hour work week has been the standard for all collective bargaining agreements. But this put Germany at a disadvantage to other European nations. German companies grant employees 29 days annual vacation, compared to 24 days in the rest of the European Union and just 5 days at TWU represented AA.

The United States is to European Workers what the third world is to American workers. Despite over 100 years of increasing productivity and automation workers find themselves devoting more hours to work instead of less. We do so to enable a minority of people to enjoy unimaginable wealth and power at the expense of all, worst of all, the institutions that working people have formed have become the pawns of the elite instead of the champions of the oppressed.
TWU.................we beg

The TWU's days of representing the mechanics and related are numbered.
Simply put the TWU does not represent our best interests.

There will be a vote and despite TWU fear tactics AMFA will win.

When you can't run on your record you must attempt to scare the hell out of the membership.

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