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"We are doing our best to represent you, and you just don't appreciate it"
it is so great to hear basicalyy the same crap from all of the Presidents that we get to hear at all the locals..it is sad and funny
"You voted for it"

"They can do that"

During open question and answer session at my last Union meeting 5 1/2 years ago:
"Sit down you are out of order", "We have held people long enough and don't have time to answer that", "Motion to end meeting", "Please leave the premises and Wear your shirts on Thursday to show Unity".

And my favorite:
When the company was asking for overtime while walking 1,000's of people out in 03' :
Those that didn't lose their jobs to RIF... the Union was saying "Everyone should work overtime to get back what we have lost".
(So nice of the Union to encourage overtime instead of getting people back as a priority.)

"That's the Union way"

"Yes, but No...there was a letter of agreement somewhere".

"We are working on it"

"I would recommend that all vote Yes".

"If you vote Yes we're likely to see no lay-offs"

"Yes, he went to Claremore jail for abusing his wife, but we've taken care of that now." "We've made him go be part of the international".
"I will be sticking my hands in the pockets of the execs".

"We endorse Kerry" oops
"We endorse Edwards" oops
"We endorse Obama"

I could keep going on and on with the BS I've heard in the past and present.....