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Sep 28, 2003
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Noticed a modified TWU sticker at the Tulsa Maint base and could not help but chuckle. The sticker originally had the TWU logo in gold and the saying, "United we stand divided we beg". This person had modified it to more correctly show-

TWU.................we beg
If we make bumper stickers like the picture below, will we get fired by the TWU "rats"? It only shows the TRUTH!
Since you both are TWU members, and is unlikely to change anytime soon. I would like to know what you have done to remove these so called stickers? Looks to me like you are making fools of yourselves!

I do not see any begging going!
Checking it Out said:
Since you both are TWU members, and is unlikely to change anytime soon. I would like to know what you have done to remove these so called stickers? Looks to me like you are making fools of yourselves!

I do not see any begging going!

Why remove a sticker that depicts the TRUTH?

You don't see any begging, because you have complete disregard for the 1,000's laid-off at AA, while you pretend lay-offs only happened at other carriers.

I buy lunch on a regular basis for those that lost 17.5% plus license premium.

You and your wife, both topped out and drawing a TWU paycheck to boot, just cannot seem to see the suffering others are living due to the TWU.
Checking it Out said:
Since you both are TWU members, and is unlikely to change anytime soon. I would like to know what you have done to remove these so called stickers? Looks to me like you are making fools of yourselves!

I do not see any begging going!

The only people making fools of themselves are those who remain loyal to the twu and those who stand in front of coffins while chanting, "To the doors and stop! To the doors and stop!" Oh, and those who post lies from behind an alias.
really now! stop and think about it, if you and your spouse were topped out knocking down over $120,000 a year combined by setting on your ass doing absolutely nothing would you want change? THINK ABOUT IT!
local 12 proud said:
really now! stop and think about it, if you and your spouse were topped out knocking down over $120,000 a year combined by setting on your ass doing absolutely nothing would you want change? THINK ABOUT IT!

Yeah, that CIO cannot see the forest for the $Green$ trees.

He sits back bringing in twice as much pay as most of us topped out mechanics are making, collects his wifes TWU paycheck on top of that, and comes here telling us how nobody is begging.

Interesting no doubt!
Checking it Out said:
Since you both are TWU members, and is unlikely to change anytime soon. I would like to know what you have done to remove these so called stickers? Looks to me like you are making fools of yourselves!

I do not see any begging going!

I am not a TWU member, should I want to remove these stickers? No I didn't think so. The only fool in this industry, is the TWU with twenty years of concessions.
I got your bumper sticker right here.

Since you both are TWU members, and is unlikely to change anytime soon. I would like to know what you have done to remove these so called stickers? Looks to me like you are making fools of yourselves!

I do not see any begging going!

Your blind. Can you name any time in the last 4 years the TWU did not beg or cave in?

I can't

Soon the begging, groveling and rubbing elbows with the company will end.

Soon we'll be AMFA!

If Carmine asks about flying the AMFA flag at the maintenance base we'll just laugh and politely turn down the offer. The AMFA flag will NEVER fly subserviently below the company flag as the TWU flag does today. I believe Burchette had to beg to have AA fly the TWU flag obediently under the company flag if I remember right.

I thought the sticker reflected the truth. I'm coming down to the hall to get a few to modify myself. Will you set them aside for me?
You TWU comrades have had over 24 hours and could not mention once in the last four years the TWU has not begged or caved in to the company.

TWU, sooner they're gone the better.
Amfa has recently sent out a commentary asking for help from the AFL-CIO Unions!

Does this constitute begging?

Rumor has it, NMB is reviewing the ballots and amfa is on a continuous begging campaign?
Don't you know? The TWU, AA, and the NMB are all against amfa...it's another communistic plot!
I see NightWatch is back on midnight shift at MCI. Does the company count this as part of the 3.1 million company paid UB time?
Oh my..now I'm on graveyard shift....HAHAHAHAHA!..if you only knew you dork...HAHAHA!

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