TWUTransparency Now On Equity Distribution!
January 8, 2014
Dear Garry Drummond,
We the members of the TWU demand the International release the financial information used to derive the data used to calculate each members equity share distribution.
On December 9, 2013, we received our first distribution of AAL Equity Shares, negotiated by the TWU. Today, January 8, 2014, we received another distribution. We have no knowledge of the data used in the formula, and dont even know if the amounts that we received are correct.
There have been many requests made to the Local 591 President for this information, and for the TWU to be transparent and to fully disclose it. To date, we have still not received any figures that would enable us to calculate how to verify the amount of each individuals distributions.
However all requests have fallen on deaf ears! The only information that we were given by the TWU was that the amount of our initial equity share distribution was 52%. We want to understand how they arrived at the number of shares distributed. The TWU continues to refute our request for the parameters to the Equity Distribution plan that was implemented in July 2013, particularly the straight time all in payroll rate and aggregate M&R service rate. All they provided us with was a PowerPoint formula using projected (not actual) numbers.
We know the following, the Pilots and F/A received notification of their formulas and parameters prior to the Equity Distribution of Dec. 9 as stated on their website. Even the management knew of its own distribution parameters prior to the actual distribution.
We must ask ourselves, why hasnt the TWU provided us with the same information? Why are they delaying this simple request? Shouldnt the TWU be held accountable to its members and show clarity?
As members we should know now and not have to wait 120 days. Let us not forget the Enrons, WorldComs and Bernie Madoffs of the world. They make us want full disclosure of this financial information, that every member has a right to know. With the upcoming election for the IAM/TWU representation vote, one would think the TWU would be up front with its members.
Howard Klein
TWU Member in Good Standing